Chapter 12

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Crow eaters were starting to show up and the music was being cranked up. Happy and Tig were sitting together nursing beers. One blond crow eater was trying to get Happy's attention. "Better be careful, Hap. People are starting to realize you have an 'ol lady." Tig stated making the assassin look over at his brother wondering what that meant. Jax entered the clubhouse and had a seat with the pair. Things were going good with his vision of getting out of illegal activities and going legit.

Taylor was busy in the kitchen and wasn't paying attention to what was happening out in the clubhouse. When the annoying blond wouldn't leave him alone, Happy finally growled at the girl to "Fuck off and leave me alone!" She huffed and strutted off, shaking her ass as she did, wondering why he wasn't in the mood for her company. One other crow eater explained to her that he'd taken an 'ol lady who was currently in the kitchen cooking. The blond snorted hearing that. "Happy? With an 'ol lady? Never." she stated but her friend promised her it was true.

After discussing Happy taking an 'ol lady, they decided they wanted to see this woman for themselves. Check her out and see what she had that they didn't. The pair walked into the kitchen to check her out. Taylor was too busy with watching to make sure the pork chops didn't burn and preparing the casserole to notice that she had visitors. They stood near the door and watched her work as they looked her up and down. "Uppity bitch." the one whispered to the blond earning a head nod in response.

"Who are you?" The blond inquired making Taylor jump slightly.

She turned around and noticed two women in the kitchen. Chuckling as she held her hand to her chest, she didn't feel as threatened as when one of the bikers entered the room.

"I'm Taylor." She stated as she looked between the pair and noticing how they were dressed, "Happy's 'ol lady."

"Oh really now." The blond said as she walked further into the room, "You know he's been with almost every woman here. Why would he need some uppity bitch like you?"

Taylor wasn't sure what to say so she just thrust her arm out for them to see, "It doesn't matter who he's been with. I'm his 'ol lady now and that's all that matters."

"Did Happy tattoo you?" The other woman asked.

"He designed it and did it, yes." Taylor replied before one of the bikers entered the kitchen and told the two crow eaters to get out and to quit bothering her.

"See you around, Taylor." The blond sneered before following her friend out of the kitchen.

She got back to making dinner as her mind raced thinking about what the two women could have been up to. Were they just trying to upset her with the fact that he slept around? Were they trying to intimidate her? All because she was Happy's 'ol lady? Were they jealous or something? And why did the blond call her an "uppity bitch"? She wasn't in any high fashion type of clothing! Shaking her head, she turned her full attention back to her tasks.

She had a platter for the chops, the casserole was in a nine by thirteen inch glass pan baking in the oven, and the potatoes were nearly done boiling so she could mash them. As she usually did, she took out plates and silverware and set them on the counter so everyone could start a line to get their dinner. As each chop was done, she set it on the platter. Her potatoes finally finished boiling so she was mashing them up, adding a little butter and milk as needed as she went.

Happy was chatting with his brothers when he noticed the two crow eaters leaving the kitchen. He wondered what had been said but didn't bother asking them knowing they'd probably lie to him anyhow. He'd gotten engrossed in conversation so it surprised him when Taylor walked up and told him dinner was done. He thanked her and, as usual, told her to go make herself a plate. She did as she was told before making her way out of the kitchen. Happy nodded towards his table so that's where she headed.

The two crow eaters watched intently, talking trash about the young woman as they did. Happy, Tig, and Jax got up before Happy announced to his brothers that dinner was ready. They walked into the kitchen to make themselves a plate. She was eating already when they came back to the table. Jax noticed that the gravy was made from the pork chop drippings just like his mother would do. Each man complimented her on dinner making her face flush.

After dinner, she was taking the dirty dishes from everyone at her table back to the kitchen. She wasn't paying attention to anyone around her as she walked into the kitchen. The bikers were chatting and joking around. Drinks were being passed around. The music was loud. She began cleaning up from dinner not paying anyone any mind. She did the same thing every day. Make breakfast, clean up from breakfast, and now she had to go to work at the office, then she'd get off work and start making dinner before finally cleaning up from dinner and heading off to their shared room.

Watching the "uppity bitch", as the blond called her, head to the dorm rooms, the blond figured she would now have the freedom to pursue Happy. She walked back over, showing her cleavage, bent down, and asked him if he wanted some company. He once again told her to fuck off and leave him alone. She was getting persistent and it was pissing him off. "I have an 'ol lady so piss off before you really make me angry." he exclaimed making several of his brothers gasp at the display.

"You're gonna turn me down for that uppity bitch?" The blond gasped.

"I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get out of my face before..." He started but she began backing away before he could even finish his sentence.

"Good for you, Hap. You need to stay away from these whores now that you have Taylor." Tig stated.

"You know I never wanted an 'ol lady, Tig. And I hate not being able to get laid whenever I want." Happy grumbled.

"But Taylor's your 'ol lady, brother. You need to build a relationship with her." Jax added in, "Even if you never wanted her, you're stuck with her."

Happy sighed before finishing off his beer. The assassin was in a foul mood the rest of the evening. He finally headed to bed. Taylor was already sound asleep when he walked in. The light on the bedside table was on giving just enough light for him to see by. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed and got comfortable. He rolled onto his side, facing her this time, and drifted off to sleep. As usual, she wasn't in their room by the time he awoke. He took himself a quick shower then got dressed. He headed into the clubhouse and found her walking around refilling coffee cups. Looking her up and down, he nodded his approval.

She headed back into the kitchen to pour him a cup of coffee before making a fresh pot

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She headed back into the kitchen to pour him a cup of coffee before making a fresh pot. This morning, she was making western omelets with a side of bacon. She made a plate then took it to a biker who was already up. Each one thanked her before she scurried back into the kitchen. Happy sat down with Tig before looking over to see what he was eating. "She's a damned good cook, Hap." Tig stated a few minutes before she came out with a plate for Happy. He nodded at her making her smile sheepishly back.

"Looks good, little girl." Happy told her before she left the pair alone.

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