Chapter 5

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The Scot slipped into bed under the covers. He tossed and turned for a while before finally drifting off to sleep. He felt bad sleeping in bed with one of his brothers' 'ol ladies but Happy wanted to make sure she had somewhere safe to sleep while he fucked some crow eater. Taylor woke up the next morning and sat up. There was a man in bed with her and she noticed he was sleeping under the covers. She wondered when the bald one was going to come for her.

She moved from the bed to the chair to give Chibs more room in his own bed. Besides, she didn't want to anger the bald one. Chibs began rolling around as he began to wake up. Sitting up, he looked around to find Happy's 'ol lady sitting at his desk. She refused eye contact as she sat there. He greeted her cordially before walking to the bathroom to do his business. She didn't know what to do as she sat there.

Chibs emerged from the bathroom, grabbed some clothes, and headed back into the bathroom and shut the door. A few minutes later, he emerged fully dressed. "Thanks fer cleanin' my room, lass. Ya didn' 'ave t'." he told her before leaving his room to get himself a cup of coffee. She wasn't normally thanked for doing things she was trained to do. It was strange to her. No one thought about her until lunch.

"What does your 'ol lady want for lunch, Hap?" Gemma inquired as she took everyone's lunch orders.

"My 'ol lady?" He questioned suddenly remembering her, "Shit. She's still in Chibs' room."

"Why is she in Chibs' room?" Gemma questioned.

"'e wanted to get laid last night an' wanted 'er t' 'ave somewhere t' sleep. So 'e asked me t' let 'er room in wit me last night." Chibs explained, "Guess 'e forgot about 'er as 'e went t' work."

"What a jerk." Gemma sighed, "I need to take the girl clothes shopping."

"Come on, back to our room." Happy stated as he entered Chibs' room, "What do you want for lunch, little girl?"

"Just a burger and fries, dry." She replied as she walked behind him back to their room.

"Stay here until I tell you otherwise." Happy shut the door leaving her alone once more.

"She cleaned my room, yeh know." Chibs stated, "Was shocked when I went t' bed las' night."

"She just wants a burger dry and fries." Happy stated before giving his order.

"I need to take her out clothes shopping." Gemma stated as she handed the lunch order to the prospect.

"Why? She's got clothes." Happy grunted.

"She needs new things. From what Tig says everything she owns looks like she's had them for years and they're all worn out." Gemma stated, "Don't you want your 'ol lady to look decent."

"Don't remind me she's my 'ol lady." Happy growled.

"You better treat her right, Happy, or I swear your balls will be mine." Gemma warned.

The prospect finally returned and handed out everyone's lunch. Happy took her food to her. She was just sitting on the bed staring at the walls. She quietly thanked him making him grunt in response. Chibs frowned wondering what the lass was doing all by herself in Happy's room. Asking, Happy told him she was just sitting on his bed staring at the walls. "I'll get a tv, dvd player, and some movies for the poor thing while I'm out later." Gemma stated earning another grunt from the Killah.

Happy didn't want this burden and didn't understand why everyone was making a fuss over the girl. Jax suggested to Happy he let the girl out of her cage so she could get some fresh air and some sunshine. He grunted as he finished up his lunch. Gemma had left groceries at the clubhouse so the crow eaters could cook for the boys when she wasn't there so the fridge and freezer were full as well as the cabinets.

"Hey. You can hang out in the clubhouse or outside around the picnic tables if you want. You need some fresh air and sun." Happy exclaimed when he entered their room after lunch.

It took her aback but she just nodded in understanding. She silently followed him out into clubhouse where Chibs gave her a friendly smile as she peaked around Happy. The Killah went back to working on a car with Opie while she just stood there taking everything in. Chibs once again thanked her for cleaning his room and stated she really didn't have to making her give him a small smile in return.

She wandered into the kitchen and looked around. The fridge, freezer, and cabinets were all full and she wondered if anyone would get mad at her for cooking that night? It would give her something to do, they'd get some decent home cooking, and she would feel like she was doing something useful. Perhaps Happy wouldn't get mad at her. He always seemed to be in a foul mood with her.

Around five pm, she wandered back into the kitchen. Most of the bikers were clocking out and preparing to either head to their own homes or head to their dorms to clean up from the day. She was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Her father always criticized everything he did but he also always had her doing everything around the house. It was very confusing to her and she hoped that what she made would be good enough to not incur the wrath of the bald one. She wasn't sure she'd be able to handle any punishments he administered.

It wasn't until she had two pans of enchiladas in the oven to bake and was in the process of making homemade salsa did anyone realize she was in the kitchen. Ratboy had walked in to get a rag and some ice for a brother who'd gotten into a fight and saw her. She stopped in her tracks unsure of what to do or say. He simply smiled at her before getting what he'd come in to get. He gave the ice-filled rag to his brother before looking over at Happy.

"Your 'ol lady is in the kitchen making dinner, man. Smells wonderful in there." Ratboy stated.

"She's doing what?" Happy exclaimed making Chibs watch as he stormed to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" She heard his deep voice exclaim.

She looked up and he was standing there looking very angry.

"Answer me!" He demanded.

"I...I thought..." She stuttered as she stared at his chest, " dad always had me cooking. I thought..."

"Enough." He stated, "Continue with whatever you're doing. Come talk to me before you do stuff around here. Understood?"


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