Chapter 14

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Gemma could see how worried Taylor was about the Killah. It made her wonder if she were developing feelings for him or if it were something else? Taylor was trying to do her best in the office but all her mind could think about was what would happen to her if something happened to Happy. She was his property. Would they let her go and force her back with her father? Would they "give" her to someone else? Would she just be property of the club working in the office and making breakfast and dinner for them every night?

When it was time to clock out for the day, Taylor sighed. She usually stayed in her room until it was time to make dinner. She didn't want to disturb the injured man but didn't want to bother the others either with her presence. What was she to do? Sighing, she opted to just start on dinner a little early. Nothing to fancy tonight, just spaghetti and garlic bread. Jax hung around the clubhouse for a while talking with his brothers before leaving to head home. He needed to relieve his nanny and spend some time with his boys.

Chibs sat with Tig at a table discussing random things as Taylor made dinner. Happy emerged from the dorms looking for some water. Hearing his voice made her quickly leave the kitchen. She urged him to sit down at the bar and asked what he needed. "Just something to drink." he told her. Chibs and Tig watched as she darted back into the kitchen to grab him a bottle of water. She told him with his injury he should probably be drinking more water to help replenish what he'd lost as she helped him up off his stool. They watched as she helped him back down to his room.

She made sure he got settled back in bed after helping him undress. Taylor was sure he was in pain again after dressing himself and hated the knowledge. He turned the TV on as she was leaving. He thanked her for her help before she shut the door. It was odd hearing him thank her for things even still. She walked back into the kitchen to continue making dinner. It wouldn't be too much longer and it would be laundry day again.

Normally she'd walk out and tell him that dinner was done. Who should she tell since he's in their room? Perhaps the one she'd roomed in with that one time. He was nice enough. Once dinner was made, she quickly made Happy a plate, grabbed another bottle of water, and headed straight for their room. He was half-sitting up, half laying watching some movie when she entered.

"I brought you dinner and another bottle of water." She quietly stated as she walked over.

"Thank you. Go make you a plate after you tell Tig dinner's ready. He'll let everyone else know." Happy instructed her.


"It's fine if you eat out there with the guys. They won't hurt you." He told her as she walked towards the door.

She walked over to where Tig and Chibs were still sitting and told the curly headed man that dinner was ready. He smiled up at her before he and Chibs stood up. Tig announced that dinner was ready as she was walking into the kitchen. She quickly made herself a plate then sat at the bar away from everyone else. Being around them made her slightly nervous still despite what Happy told her. Chibs sat down on her right at the bar while Tig headed back to the table he'd been sitting at.

She watched as bikers entered and exited the kitchen with plates of food. They scattered around the clubhouse and dug in. She hoped she was making Happy proud with her cooking since her father always told her how awful a cook she was, just like her mother. She never did anything right, again just like her mother, but Happy seemed to be ok with her cooking. What was the difference between the two men? Chibs heard her sigh and wondered what was going through the girl's head.

Once she'd eaten, she began cleaning up the kitchen from dinner. She left the food out so anyone who wanted more could get it. Washing everything she could, wiping down all the counters and the stove, washing all the plates and silverware that had been brought back in, she finally called it a night. Walking back into their dorm room, she went to take herself a quick shower not wanting to help give him an infection in his wound. He was asleep by the time she exited the bathroom so she turned the TV off and crawled into bed.

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