Chapter 24

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A/N: Let's take a moment and just acknowledge how adorable this moment really is ;) *giggles uncontrollably*

Chibs took his coffee and headed back into the main room and had a seat. She began whipping up pancake batter. Happy grunted as he began to wake up. Staring up at the ceiling, his thoughts turned to the previous night. They had walked over the line he'd been holding himself back from for nearly a year. She initiated it. She kept telling him she wanted it. She was more than happy to curl up next to him as they were drifting off to sleep. That seemed to be the place she felt safest.

He sighed again as he sat up and threw the covers off himself. He desperately needed a shower. The sweet smell of her showering stuff still hung in the air. He had to smile as he walked to the bathroom and got the water going. It might have been slightly awkward the previous night but at least Taylor was starting to come out of her shell with him. Being clean, he quickly dried himself off and got dressed. His stomach was rumbling and he wondered what was for breakfast as he made his way into the main part of the clubhouse. Chibs gave him a knowing wink as he walked by. Walking into the kitchen, he looked his 'ol lady up and down.

 Walking into the kitchen, he looked his 'ol lady up and down

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"You look really cute today." Happy told her as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." She smiled at him.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked as Lyla entered the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

"Pancakes, bacon, and biscuits." Taylor replied earning a head nod from him.

Lyla promised to be back to help her with breakfast. Happy walked over and slid his arms around her waist, nestling his face in her neck. He inhaled, closing his eyes as he let the scent of her showering stuff hit his nose, and smiled. "You smell good." he told her making her giggle. She turned around smiling at him. Before she could say anything, he pressed his lips to hers. She grabbed his upper arms as they stood there kissing.

"You gonna continue to make out and let breakfast burn or are you going to cook?" They heard one of the other 'ol ladies exclaim as she walked to the coffee pot.

"I know what I'm doing. Get out of my kitchen." Taylor stated with a firm voice.

"You's kind of hot when you get commanding." He quietly told her making her face flush.

"This isn't like you." She stated.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his brows.

"Being like this. Showing me affection in public." She said, "It's not like you."

"Eh. The killer does have a soft side." He chuckled before leaning down and kissing her one more time, "Get back to breakfast before it burns."

"Morning you two." Gemma stated as she walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, Gemma." Taylor replied.

"Glad to see you already got breakfast going." The Queen stated as she walked over to the stove, "Have Lyla tend to the bacon while you work on the pancakes."

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