Chapter 15

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The two men got up and headed into the kitchen. She was just pulling the skillet of sausages of the stove. The skillet of eggs were already on the counter and a pan of biscuits were sitting on the counter next to the eggs. Each man got a plate after Happy told her to go ahead and make hers. Tig stumbled his way into the kitchen for some coffee and was happy to see breakfast was already made. He got in line behind Happy after getting a cup of coffee.

She sat down at the same table Chibs had been sitting at with Happy. The two men sat down with her. Happy told her how good everything was making her face flush slightly at the compliment. They ate quietly as the rest of the bikers began to stir for the day. Juice made himself a plate and sat down at the bar with a cup of coffee. As Happy ate, he got a good look at Taylor. The poor girl looked like she hadn't slept at all the previous night. There were circles under her eyes and she seemed to stare off into space a lot as she ate.

"Don't worry about working in the office today. I'm gonna talk to Gemma. Head back to our room when you're done eating and get some rest." Happy told her half way through breakfast.

"Oh no! I'll...I'll be fine." She stuttered.

"This isn't up for debate." Happy exclaimed making Tig wonder what was going on.

"I promise I can work in the office and make dinner with no problems." She pleaded.

"No. You stayed up with me all night, I'm not going to force you to work in the office and make dinner for us. You need your rest too." Happy stated with a hint of finality to his voice.

"Yes, Sir." She replied earning a raised eyebrow from Happy.

Once she'd eaten, she took her dirty dishes into the kitchen. Happy watched as she walked almost dejectedly back down the hallway to the dorm rooms. Chibs told him what a good 'ol man he was making Happy shake his head. "She'll be too scatter brained to be of any real use in the office. The girl looks like a zombie right now." Happy retorted making Chibs laugh. When he was done eating, Happy slowly walked across the lot to the office. He explained the situation, including how his wound was getting infected, and that he'd told her to go back to their room to get some rest since she'd been up all night tending to him.

He was very thankful Gemma didn't mind and told him to tell Taylor she'd see her the following morning. The Queen watched as he slowly made his way back to the clubhouse figuring he was going to go lay back down as well. 'He's turning out to be a good 'ol man after all!' Gemma smiled before having a seat back at her desk. Once he was back in his room, Happy painfully undressed with her assistance. She was already in her pj's and ready to lay down. He scooted around to get as comfortable as possible. She laid as far away from him as she could and it made him wonder why.

"Little girl?" He asked.


"Why do you always sleep damn near on the edge of the bed?" He inquired.

"This is your bed. I'm trying to give you space." She answered.

"This is your bed now, too. Stretch out and get comfortable." He exclaimed, "There's no need to be squished on the edge. Come on."

She swallowed and scooted over some earning a grunt from him. He scooted around a little to get more comfortable before closing his eyes. She did the same and before long was fast asleep. Not realizing just how tired she was after being up all night looking after Happy, she slept all day. When she woke up, she was in a panic because she thought it was time to start dinner and she was late. He watched as she jumped out of bed and stripped out of her pj's without heading to the bathroom first.

"Where you going, little girl?" His deep, just-woke-up voice rang out causing her to stop immediately.

"I'm late for starting dinner." She choked out.

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