Chapter 18

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"What's on your mind, Taylor?" Gemma suddenly asked.

"Hmm? Oh. I was just thinking about last night." She blurted out.

"What happened last night?" Gemma asked very intrigued to hear the answer.

"I had a nightmare. I guess I woke up Happy and instead of getting mad at me for it like my dad always was, he had me cuddle up to him so we could go back to sleep. He even tried to calm me down with words of comfort." Taylor explained.

"What's the problem then? Sounds like he's starting to act like an 'ol man should." Gemma stated with a smile.

"I just don't understand why he did it." Taylor ran her hand through her hair, "Every time I had a nightmare back home, my dad was cuss at me and call me names for being so weak and for waking him up in the middle of the night."

"Happy's beginning to become the 'ol man you need him to be, sweetheart. Don't over think things, ok?" Gemma wisely told her.

"Ok." Taylor stated before getting back to her work.

Her nightmare was at the back of her mind by the end of the workday. Her sole focus now was what to make for dinner. She'd never prepared for them lasagna before so she thought tonight would be a good night for that. A nice salad to go along with it should be enough. She was washing her hands in the sink before starting her meal prep for the night when Juice walked in. He greeted her as she started taking out the ingredients that night's meal.

"What are you making for us tonight?" He inquired.

"Lasagna." She replied.

"Sounds great!" Juice smiled at her making her smile shyly back.

"I don't know if Happy tells you or not but you are a really great cook." Juice stated as Chibs walked in.

"Leave tha girl alone, Juicy Boy. Tig needs yer 'elp wit a car." Chibs told the IO.

He bid Taylor a goodbye making Chibs shake his head.

"What are ye makin' fer us tonight, lass?" Chibs asked making her chuckle at the Scot.

"Lasagna with a salad to go with it." She told him.

"Sounds lovely." Chibs stated before leaving her alone to make dinner.

Happy was already sitting at a table nursing a beer when Chibs exited the kitchen. The medic had a seat with the assassin and waved the prospect over for a beer. Tig and Juice finally got the car fixed that Tig had been having trouble with the last several days. Gemma called the owner and said it was would be ready for pick up the following day. Juice went to wash up from the day's work while Tig just sauntered into the clubhouse to get a beer after the long workday.


Gemma had planned a girl's day out with Taylor and told Happy she was taking his 'ol lady out for another shopping trip. The Killah just nodded before walking off to his room briefly while Jax and his mother chatted. Happy returned and got Taylor's attention. He handed her a wad of cash making her look up at him strangely.

"I know you're making your own money now but this is so you can get everything you need, ok? I know you don't have that many clothes so get what you need and want." He told her.

"Thank you. You don't have to give me this." She stated, "I can build a wardrobe slowly."

"It's alright. Have fun but be safe while you're out. Stay close to Gemma." He told her.

"You ready?" Gemma suddenly asked.

"I'm ready." Taylor replied with a shy smile.

"I'll bring her back in one piece, Happy. Don't worry about her." Gemma winked making Jax laugh.

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