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  I could see myself as a young boy no older than 6, running around the playground of the park near my home trying to find my older cousin. Our hide and seek game had gotten pretty intense and Namjoon wasn't one to go easy on me for being 3 years younger than him. I was searching and prancing around when out of the corner of my eye i noticed a frail boy with lanky shoulders who struck me as odd while he stood under the monkey bars just staring straight up at them, unmoving. He seemed a little taller than me, probably older, "hey!" I smiled hoping I'd make a new friend today, he seemed like he needed one.

He remained still, his gaze focused upon the steel monkey bars, i approached him hoping my steps were loud enough to break him from his trance. "My names Jungkook, I'm looking for my cousin. How about you help me loo-"

"Shh. I'm busy." He simply stated, his voice was too empty for a kid. He didn't even turn to face me.

I immediately stopped in my tracks, "ok weirdo, I'm just trying to be nice."

"I don't care just go away, i said i was busy."


My eyes opened as the alarm on my phone was ringing, I was confused for a second almost believing my dream and thinking i was 6 years old again. The notion was quickly crushed once i reached for the device with my large hands confirming i was in fact now 16. My eyes began to focus and i saw my phone flooded with messages from Jimin along with a few girls from school.

The little boy from my dream and last night's laughing Taehyung flashed for a second in my head and for some reason i couldn't wait to get to school and bother him for today 'I'll get him to talk to me' was the only thought in my mind as i got ready for my Monday morning.


"I'd love to fuck him." Jimin ever so gracefully let the words slip right into my ear. I knew who he was talking about right away and so did the recipient of his comment.

"Could you at least act a little hetero? Who the hell wants to hear you talking about the poor guy like that?"

"No can do, he looks too submissive for me to just let him pass by without a single word from me." My very gay friend smirked at me.

"Come on Jimin, leave the guy alone. He doesn't have any friends and here you are harassing him in plain daylight." I laughed.

"No. Mark my words Guk, Kim Taehyung will spread his legs for me."

The name rang in my ears, i had just dreamt about my first meeting with Taehyung years ago. He hadn't changed much. His hair had grown over his eyes, he mostly wore neutral colored clothes, and his rigid demeanor was the same as the very day i met him. Over the years i tried time and time again to get him to speak to me, to get him to open up but i failed miserably each and every time. I gave up in middle school when i met Jimin and began focusing on boxing, i didn't have the time to ask an antisocial guy for his friendship no matter how close in vicinity we lived to each other and how often we saw one another before and after class. I saw him grow physically but stay the same socially.

Jimin walked towards another boy who had caught his attention, he was always by my side so i didn't bother him whenever he wanted to approach a potential boyfriend. I still cursed him for leaving me stranded and alone in the sea made up of our classmates.

Jimin knew Taehyung wouldn't cave into his catcalling, so he didn't pursue the loner further than making crude sexual remarks from afar.

I was swarmed by girls from my class along with upperclassmen, this was a norm. I was never left alone, Jimin usually took it upon himself to shoo away the hormonal girls that approached me and clung to me uncomfortably. With him gone I was open game, goodmornings and unimportant questions were thrown my way as i let my eyes follow Taehyung who now laid under a tree with headphones in his ears. His eyes were always looking down, though right now they were closed and i knew this was my chance to get this lonely boy to forge a friendship with me. This obsession of mine to get everyone to find me personable, would once again have me searching for Taehyung's approval.

I excused myself from the group of people surrounding me despite the whines and grumbles from the girls. I approached the quiet boy and sat down on the pasture next to him, he seemed so serene i couldn't help but smile. He was usually frowning and hiding his face with his hair, yet as he laid on the green grass his hair fell to his sides and his face was clear as day. Taehyung was handsome he could rival me in school with girls to sleep with if he wanted to, i hadn't clearly seen his face in years or heard his voice for that matter, even if he ever spoke in class i was never around, he was a senior and i was still a sophmore.

I nudged his foot with my own and he sat up annoyed at my action, he hardly interacted with anyone so i wasn't too surprised at his reaction.

"What?" He said evidently displeased as his eyebrows furrowed and went back to their usual position.

"Oh just, goodmorning", i stammered his deep voice took me by suprise, he could definitely compete with me for the school's 'most handsome' position.

"The fuck you mean goodmorning? Find your own shade", his harsh tone and teeth bearing disheartening my attempt to befriend him.

"Geez man be fucking grateful that someone's trying to talk to your ungrateful lonely ass." I spat before i could process what i saying. A defense mechanism any normal human being carries when a person is rude to them, one i usually keep under wraps. "Can't believe i wasted my breath on you." And there he was the real me coming out to greet Taehyung. I quickly glanced around hoping nobody had heard me, surprised at my inability to control my temper and show this side of me to someone i hadn't ever held a real conversation with.

Taehyung smiled cold and devilishly, nothing like what i had seen last night through our windows. "Not so kind after all, now scat." His smirk unfaltering as if he had just won some kind of prize. His satisfied grin bothered me more than it should have. "So fucking early in the morning and i'm already having to deal with this kind of bullshit." I heard him mutter as i walked away from him.

The bell rang and i felt a single pair of hands cling onto my forearm. I was too focused on what had just happened to notice Jennie holding onto my arm, whining.

I was annoyed as fuck, does he have some kind of superiority complex? Does he think he's better than everyone else? I could beat his ass in the blink of an eye.

"So how about it?" She looked up at me eyes full of hope oblivious to the fact that i had only heard the ending of her question.

"What?" I asked grinning at her not wanting to upset her despite my current mood, damn my people pleaser complex.

"Come over after school, my parents won't be home." She innocently smiled.

I could use the stress reliever, i hadn't had sex in about two days so i was already on edge. "Sure", I grinned back at the short girl holding onto my arm.


I'm really excited to be writing again. 💟

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