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Taehyung seemed somewhat uncomfortable, i had never seen him like this, "for the longest time i envied you, i hated you. You had it all, a happy family, a lot of friends, and an amazing personality. I on the other hand was missing my dad, was rejected by our peers, and was mad all the time. When we moved here my dad was in an accident at work that took his life, my mom couldn't cope with the loss and now suffers from dementia. She's not deaf or mute per say she just won't listen to anyone or even try to speak to us, her children. My sister can't hear well and i'm the one that takes care of all her needs. It's been like this since i was a third grader." He was looking up seemingly holding a conversation with the ceiling.

"The last time i saw my dad we were at the playground, he was helping me with the monkey bars before he was called into work. He promised he'd come back later and help me get all the way across. As a kid i wondered daily why he couldn't keep his promise." He sighed, "i waited for him at the playground every day after classes when i still couldn't understand death." His eyes remained trained on the ceiling though his brows were now furrowed."Children are cruel aren't they? Kids in school began making fun of my misfortune. I hated everyone. Then there was you, you shone bright at school always so full of light, cheery and loved."

The only times i ever saw Taehyung outside of school as a child were in the playground, focused on the monkey bars, and my heart shattered.

"How could someone be so fucking happy when i myself was miserable as hell. I saw plenty through your home windows of just how picture perfect your life was. Why the fuck was life so unfair dangling the happiness of my neighbor through a fucking window?" He paused and smirked, "then one evening your window was wide open and all that jealousy quickly turned into desire, i saw a glimmer of who you truly were when you hung the phone up with one of your exes, you cursed her in every way possible, you punched everything on your bed and screamed into your pillow. I began paying more attention to you in school and at home, and it was like looking at two completely different people." His smile grew.

I thought about how many times Tae saw me throwing stupid fits through my window, or how childish i must've looked. Yet he desired the real me, not the one in the school, but the Jungkook i am within my four bedroom walls. The one i hide out of shame.

"You weren't perfect, and the same window taunting me opened and gave me insight into your own hell. You weren't nice, polite, or kind. You're selfish just like me, you're trapped in your web of lies the way i'm trapped within my truth. I suddenly wanted to bend you over and break you. Have you scream to the world who you truly are for my own satisfaction. Seeing your web tear apart and freeing yourself from the strings that held you back would be wonderful. The first time you spoke to me, you were kind out of responsibilty not because you were genuinely happy to meet someone new. Your eyes have always given you away." He moved his eyes from the ceiling towards my own, his playful smile pulling at my heart.

"Year after year you tried and tried again to get me to accept the person you protrayed outside of your room, but i wouldn't allow that. I wanted the real you. The mad you, so when you finally let out the spiteful Jungkook towards me at school i was overjoyed. I was going to have you." He licked his lips as he finished his sentence and i couldn't help but smile at him.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"Seventh grade."

"You're a senior now," I raised my eyebrows surprised.

"I know."

"I'm sorry about your dad and your mom", i placed my hand on his stomach.

"It's alright. I've had enough time to heal from all of that. Besides i have you now. Right?"

My heart burst at his words and i wanted to protect Taehyung and his happiness at all costs. I wished my grin could portray how incredibly warm i felt this moment.

"You know i wasn't with Jihoon when i didn't return to school right?" His statement coming out of nowhere.

"Tae, i don't care. It's alright."

"But it isn't, i don't want you to think i was trying to purposely push you away, after what had happpened. I only left your house out of fear of you completely rejecting the idea of touching me." I remained silent waiting for him to continue, i couldn't deny that i was curious. "He just winked at either you or Jimin and i needed to get him as far away as possible from you, i ditched him as soon as we left the store."

I remained silent waiting for him to continue.

"My mom had a psychosis episode and had to be taken to a ward. I stayed with her the entire time." He stared at my hand on his abdomen. "She was yelling out for my dad the entire week." My heart dropped, i had been judging him the duration of his week off.

"I'm sorry", was all i could mutter as i hugged him.

"Don't be it happens from time to time."

We sat in silence as i processed everything Taehyung had shared with me. I didn't want him to feel alone anymore, i wanted to include him more in my life.

"I fight next week. How about you come watch me?"

He raised an eyebrow, "i've felt your punch first hand, i'm sure you'll win. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me there."

"But i want you to be there, besides Yoongi's going to be there too so i won't be the only person you talk to."

"A lot of our classmates are probably going to attend, and i don't want to accidentally slip my hand up your shirt in front of others and expose you", he smirked.

"Come on Tae please? I let you fuck me already and we're dating." I nagged.

"You let me fuck you? Man you came over here expecting to get fucked by this amazing cock", his smirk turning into a full on grin.

I laughed he was so damn stupid, "i can't believe you used to intimidate me."

His grin fell and he pushed himself up on top of me, his gaze had gone cold as he rubbed his nose on mine, "i'm kind to you because you're absolutely fucking perfect, but I'm not a nice person Kook. I won't hesitate to hurt you if you betray me."

I slightly lifted my face and i kissed him, "i know, good thing i can defend myself from any asshole huh?"

His smile returned to his face, "right."

This was everything i yearned for. I was slightly into submitting to Taehyung and having him control me. I was more than turned on by his overpowering aura and intimidating demeanor. I liked being ordered around only by Taehyung, and i'd do anything within my power to keep him by my side.

He's a person with dark thoughts and lustful desires, i knew he'd tempt me to do crazy things in the near future and it all excited me. I was ready for Kim Taehyung.


Don't forget to vote guys i really appreciate each and everyone of you that take time out of your days to read my book 💜

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