Without Interruptions

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The sunlight was piercing through an opening in my curtains forcing me to wake up and greet this morning with a loud sigh. "Fuck", i groaned into my pillow.

I got ready and finished my morning routine before heading to my kitchen for some breakfast. My phone was already full of messages from Jennie and Jimin, i ignored both i wasn't in the mood to explain to Jimin why i couldn't break up with this girl yet and Jennie's messages had already irritated me as soon as her name popped up in my notifications. I had a glass of milk and headed for the door, it was all my stomach could hold in for the moment.

I began walking and my phone started vibrating, i didn't even bother with it. I just kept walking but the vibrating wouldn't cease, i finally had enough and saw i had 10 messages from Jennie, 5 from Jimin, and 1 from Taehyung. I only opened Taehyung's.

-nice ass babe, how about you slow down so we can walk together and chat for a bit before school.

I stopped walking and stood still, a large hand brushed my bottom, the sudden contact making my skin break out in goosebumps. I bit my lip and Taehyung tapped my chin, "Morning handsome." He smirked.

"What the fuck man, we're outside someone could see you", i snarled.

"You see Kook, i don't care if someone sees me. I'm fine with whatever anyone wants to think about me. I like what i like and thats the end of that. You on the contrary live by the hand of others, always wanting to be perfect for the sake of who? A you that doesn't truly exist. That's what makes this so fucking thrilling." He said through a large grin.

I want to make sure he'll eat those same words in a week or two.  He placed his arm around my shoulders and we walked to school like that, as if we were intimate friends who had known each other for years. His hearty laughs at my uncomfortable reactions to his skinship would make anyone would believe we genuinely enjoyed each others  company.

As we arrived to school all eyes were on us. Nobody had ever seen us together, much less a smiling Taehyung. I greeted everyone with a bright smile while Taehyung's facial expression turned cold as he looked towards our peers. Jimin came over and tried talking to my new "friend". Taehyung ignored him he turned to me and smiled one last time before he removed his arm from my shoulders "see you later Kook, and don't forget to message me",  and just like that he left, i was suddenly displeased at the loss of his warmth. I shook the feeling off of myself by blaming it on the cool weather and my lack of warm clothes.

"What the fuck was that Guk?" Jimin narrowed his eyes at me, "since when are you two all buddy buddy? You better not leave me for him you understand? I've put up with too much of your bullshit for you to replace my friendship with the hot loner, if you're doing this for attention i swear Guk."

"No Jimin he just talked to me for the first time ever this morning, you know me i couldn't just ignore the guy." I lied.

"Kookie! Why haven't you replied to me since yesterday?" Jennie's high pitched voice cut through the voices surrounding me and Jimin.

My friend only rolled his eyes and clicked his tounge, he was annoyed, though i didn't blame him. My mood turned sour, i hadn't even felt this ticked off when i was around Taehyung.

She grabbed my nape and pulled me down for a kiss, one i couldn't refuse in front of so many people. I heard whispers and some gasps, no one was expecting me to start dating Jennie out of the blue.

"Hey Jennie, sorry i was busy with boxing yesterday. I was really tired when i got home so i just passed out and i woke up late this morning."

"You could've messaged me on the way here", she pouted.

God i fucking hate this. "You're right Jennie, I'm sorry i'm just nervous that's all."

"You're the cutest Kookie." She hugged my waist i instinctively hugged her back, people were watching.

"Come on I'll walk you to class", i smiled at her. She was a year older than me and her class was next to the senior homeroom, Jimin and Taehyung's classroom.

My friend walked behind us making gagging faces whenever i turned my head towards him.

When we arrived to her class she pecked my cheek and asked me to come get her during lunch time. I politely agreed and she walked towards her seat, Jimin huffed i usually spend my lunches with him.

"Break up with her!" Jimin pinched my back. I was walking him to class too now since it was on my way back to my own.

"Ow! Just give me a week, i can't be an asshole to anyone but you." I laughed

We had reached his homeroom and Jimin just walked in saying he'd find someone to replace me during lunch. I peeked inside as Jimin walked to his desk, there was Taehyung leaning back into his chair looking down at his phone with a single head phone on. My stomach tightened.

"Bye Guk the bells about to ring!" Jimin smiled at me, Taehyung looked up as soon as he heard Jimin calling me out, the fucking smirk that slowly appeared on his face was so god damned alluring, i fucking hate him. My eyes met his and i turned as fast as i could and strutted towards my homeroom. My phone vibrated in my pocket and i pulled it out, i was slightly disappointed when the message hadn't come from Taehyung but from Jimin telling me i was a traitor after exchanging him for Jennie and Taehyung. I sent him a laughing emoji and walked into class.


Lunch had come and i dragged my feet to Jennie's class, word had quickly spread and it was a well known fact that i a beloved and handsome sophmore was dating one of the hottest and sweetest juniors in our school. We were called perfect for each other, a match made in heaven, it was said that we'd have beautiful babies. I wished i could just tell everyone to stop with the bullshit.

She was right outside the door to her classroom waiting for me, her face lit up when she saw me so i forced mine to light up just the same. She quickly walked towards me and placed her arms around my torso squeezing hard. She was babbling about what to eat for lunch when i started walking forcing her to do the same, i couldn't wait until this week was over.

Jimin was walking out of class, his mouth was opening and closing in conversation but i didn't see anyone next to him. Taehyung followed behind him, expressionless but nodding his head in agreement to whatever Jimin was saying. What the fuck was Jimin talking to him about. We neared them and Taehyung saw me with Jennie locked onto my arm, he looked directly into my eyes, down at Jennie's and smiled at her. I saw that she was taken aback and her blushing face bothered me.

"So how does tonight sound? My house will be empty so it'll just be the two of us without interruptions", i heard Jimin's loud voice over the chatter of students between us.

"Sure", Taehyung turned his smile towards me.


I love Taehyung here I'm not even going to lie. 🤓

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