Just Yours 💦

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Taehyung's raspy voice left me no choice but to concede to his demands. He pulled his head back and placed his hands on my hips guiding my way to face the wall.

I felt him bury his nose in my hair and inhale as he pulled on my hips bringing  his crotch towards my ass. He rubbed himself on me and i could easily feel his cock hardening as his grip became tighter on my pelvis, only causing my own member to swell.

He undid my pants and wrapped his arms around me, my bottoms smoothly slid down to my ankles. Taehyung filled his hands with my ass then proceded to smack it hard. I flinched, the stinging sensation of his hand on my skin remained and i knew it was going to leave a mark.

"Don't let anyone else place their filthy lips on you", Taehyung growled.

I nodded.

I didn't hear him undo his pants but his warm cock was already resting on my ass. He tapped my behind three times with his member, i felt my own length twitch in anticipation.

"I won't put it in."

"Why?" My question so hurried i sounded desperate. I knew he was smirking at my response without even having to look at him.

"You have a big fight tomorrow, your body needs to be in mint condition." He said while he teased my hole with his cock.

I hummed annoyed, of course he didn't know i had been stretching myself and could handle anything we did, i was too embarassed to tell him.

He placed his length in between my cheeks using them for friction on his cock, and pressed down with his thumb. He began to thrust slowly, the way his member massaged my hole was driving me crazy. I reached for my own dick but Taehyung's hand got there first, the way his pelvis was hitting my rear was forcing my own thrusts into Tae's hand.

Taehyung's lips roamed my back only adding to my need for his length inside me. Every time his tounge landed on my skin i shivered, i tried keeping quiet though i was failing miserably. All i could do was hope that no one would come into the bathroom for the time being.

Tae placed his forehead on my shoulder and sped up his thrusts, the grip he had on my member tightened a little.

He suddenly stopped moving but didn't remove his hand from my length, no in fact he was still stroking me, and i looked back at him wondering what was wrong.

"Kook i want to cum in you." He looked up at me, spoke in the deepest voice i had heard from him, and placed his cock at my entrance while he pulled on my hip. I almost came just from his words, how could he be so fucking enticing.

I slowly began pushing myself onto him and moaned as soon as his tip slid into me. I didn't break eye contact with him and he grinned as his cock started disappearing into me. He bit his lips while i took my sweet time backing up on him, only a bit of his cock was left out now and i shoved my ass hard against him. His head fell back and he moaned.

"Fuck me Taehyung." I called through his moan.

His thrusting followed immediately after my words, he was being rough. He was leaning into me and the hands the once held my hips were now holding onto my shoulders pulling down hard forcing his cock into new depths of my hole. It was painful, but it was the sort of ache that makes you want more, that makes you want to ask for a harsher treatment in search of a greater sexual satisfaction.

He hadn't touched my dick at all and i still felt like i was about to cum. He let go of one of my shoulders and pulled my head back by my hair, "don't let anyone fucking touch you anymore. Your skin is mine. You belong to me."

His thrusting became rougher when he was done speaking.

"Fuck Tae, i'm yours, just yours."

He picked up his pace getting me closer to my climax.

My heart dropped when the door hinges creaked, "Jungkookie? Are you ok? I'm sorry." Tzuyu's voice trembled.

Tae momentarily stopped thrusting into me, i panicked and tried pulling away from him. He held me in place and smirked. "Answer her", he whispered in my ear.

His thrusting recommenced i tried holding my voice back as much as possible. He pulled my hair and spoke as low as he could, "i told you to fucking answer her, what an impolite Jungkookie." I loved the expression that adorned Taehyung's face this very moment.

"Say something Jungkookie, I'm really sorry. Please come out here before i go in there", Tzuyu voiced.

Taehyung reached for my cock and began stroking despite knowing how weak i already was from him ramming his cock into me.

"Go away Tzuyu." I mustered.

"Please listen to me Jungkookie I-"

"Get the fuck out of here Tzuyu", my voice faltered as i finished saying her name. Taehyung's plunging wasn't ceasing and i was sure the sound of his skin slapping against my ass was loud of enough for anyone to hear.

"What the fuck? You fucking prick", her voice faded as the hinges creaked again, the door closed.

"Good boy", Taehyung moaned as he stroked me faster.

The pleasure coursing through my body began to pit itself at the bottom of my stomach, "Tae i'm going to cum."

"Cum for me Kook."

My hips bucked as strings of white pleasure from me landed all over the wall i was leaning on, slowly sliding down to the ground.

He tugged on my shoulders and placed his cock as deep as it could reach inside me, i felt his length tense up within me as he began releasing his orgasm. His cum was hot and i could feel exactly where it was stuck within me.

Tae was panting hard, he slid his hands from my shoulders down to my hips, taking his sweet time caressing my skin the whole way down, and kneaded my waist. "I get so fucking jealous of everyone that touches you Kook, don't let them."

"I know", i replied weakly.

He pulled out and i cleaned as much of myself as i could. He stood by me as i pulled my missing clothing back on, he grabbed my head and kissed my forehead as i buttoned my bottoms. This so different from the first time i met him here, and i was grateful for the little improvements between us.

We walked together to class and received a plenty confused stares, nobody was used to seeing us walk together, much less carrying a normal conversation. It was more or less the same reaction we got the time we walked into school while Taehyung clung onto me. Except this time Tae was smiling and his smile didn't cease, he kept glancing at me and talking to me as disapproving eyes looked on, Taehyung didn't give a fuck and that filled me with courage.

We arrived to my class and he squeezed my arm, i knew he wanted to kiss me but he didn't want to pressure me. "See you after class? I'll walk you to the gym."

I nodded and grinned, "i'll wait for you here."


There'll be two more chapters and i think this ff will come to an end 🥰

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