May I?

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They talked for a long while and Taehyung couldn't stop smiling, i was absolutely pissed. I had to stop what i was doing and go to the changing room to quickly rinse off and change so i could begin my walk back home. Once i came out of the changing room Taehyung was gone, he was probably walking home just like me.

"Yoongi, who was that guy? Potential sparring partner?" I asked as i approached my trainer. I was curious as to who Yoongi was to the same guy that was a complete asshole to me earlier. 

"Who Tae? Of course not he doesn't like violence." That was a surpirse, "he's my little cousin, i don't see him often but he always brightens up my days when he's around." He stated a smile creeping up on his lips.

I hummed unable to accept or comprehend that the lonely yet rude Taehyung was a delight to have around.

"I'm going to head home coach, i'm a little tired." I said only hoping Taehyung hadn't gotten too far ahead, i want to bother him some more, the jerk deserves it after shooing me away earlier.


I began my trip home i put some earbuds on and listened to music as i walked down the busy roads. The further i got from downtown the more peaceful the streets had become. Alleys were dark, the sidewalks lit up with street lamps, and there was no sign of Taehyung. I'll just bother him tomorrow.

Three streets away from my house and in the middle of an alley i saw a male over towering another guy, his arm was threateningly placed above the shorter guys head. I couldn't make out what was happening as it was too dark, but i decided I'd help the poor guy in need, boxing came in handy during these situations. I took my earbuds out and slowly began walking towards them.

"How'd you fucking find out where i live you god damned creep. We only fucked once." The voice too damn familiar for me to just pretend like i hadn't just heard Taehyung telling another male they had fucked.

"Well, well, well what exactly do we have here?" I laughed as loud as i could, "the cold Taehyung has a soft spot for dicks?"

His eyes darted at me, he wasn't panicked or fearful no on the contrary he was enraged. I flinched at his sudden change in demeanor, i knew him as a quiet guy but right now if looks could kill, i'd be long gone six feet under ground.

"What?", he spoke his voice deep and threatening with his eyes glaring at me. He removed his arm from the wall he was standing near and faced the shorter guy in front of him, "get the fuck out of here and don't you dare come back."

I was smiling through the turmoil of emotions i was feeling right now: triumph, fear, and shock Taehyung is gay.

"You heard me", i sneered, "flat chests and hard dicks is what you like? Our silent Taehyung was hiding such a juicy secret through his pursed lips?" I wanted to get under his skin, i needed a reaction from him, i wanted to fight him.

He reached into his pocket and pulled his phone and scrolled, he turned the flashlight of his phone on and pointed it directly at me. I couldn't see his face anymore, i rummaged through my bag to get ahold of my phone and light my own flashlight at him. When i found it i faced up and his phone was right in my face, i hadn't noticed him coming closer since i couldn't look into the bright light.

He pulled on my arm and slammed me against the wall he was previously resting his arm on, his flashlight was still on and in my face, "why the fuck are you doing this? Why do you keep bothering me? So what if i like men, how's that your business?" His questions made me nervous, i didn't know why i was doing any of this. I just hated how he could so easily deny advances from others or turn people down, how he could be by himself and look completely happy. I envied him.

"I just happened to come across your little love quarrel, and couldn't help but come near. The grand Taehyung who no one can approach, the one who looks down on others likes being rammed from behind." I couldn't understand why i was being so spiteful, but it was like my true self could only be poured out onto this one specific person.

My smile was still plastered on my face.

"I'll wipe that fucking smile right off your face", Taehyung was boiling.

"You just try you fucking loner, I'll fuck you up right here right no-"

His lips suddenly crashed onto mine, his nose pressed on my cheek. I couldn't move all i could see was that fucking light right in my face. His arm wrapped around my waist , his tounge forced itself into my mouth and caressed my own. Our breaths desperately trying to find a way out of our connected lips. He caressed the back of my head his warmth engulfed me and he pressed our bodies together. His stomach rested on mine and i couldn't help but notice that he was completely different from me, his abdomen was soft i held onto his arms and all i felt was how thin they were.

He pulled back and moved onto my neck, the same one Jennie had left her mark on and Taehyung began sucking, small moans and groans left my mouth unwillingly, the pleasure i was feeling overpowered any rational thoughts.

The hand that was on my nape moved to my ass and he squeezed, "so fucking firm", he breathed onto my neck. He pressed me harder on the wall and pulled his body back entirely, i reached out trying to feel for him and pull him back in when i noticed the light now coming from under me still not letting me see his face, just a mere shadow.

He rested his face on my leg next to my crotch, "may i?" His voice as manly as ever.


So it begins 😎

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