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I followed directions to the location Jimin shared with me earlier, it was a house. I went up to the door step and knocked, there was no reply. I messaged my friend, waited five minutes though i didn't get a response there either. I called his phone and it went straight to voice message.

I began worrying so i messaged my coach, Jimin said he was with him and Hoseok. Again there was no reply.

I went around the house looking into windows watching for any signs of my friend. I had looked through almost all the windows except a last bedroom to peek through. This room had a glass door, the lights were off, and i couldn't make anything out. There were shadows moving so i turned on the flashlight from my phone and shone it through the glass.

There was my friend on top of a bed on all fours, naked. Yoongi was behind him holding his hips, naked as well. There was one last man standing in front of Jimin with his dick in my friends mouth. I knew that was Hoseok, i recognized his face immediately my coach took him to one of my fights earlier in the year and introduced him as his best friend.

Yoongi and Hoseok immediately covered Jimin with a blanket as i turned my flashlight on, not worrying about their dicks being on full display.
I was shocked to say the least, but i turned the flashlight off as quickly as i turned it on to give them some privacy. I turned to leave, but not before the glass door slid open and Hoseok along with my coach grabbed my arms demanding i turn over my phone yelling i was a pervert. They were calling me a pervert even though they were holding onto me with their now flacid penises out.

I couldn't help, but burst out laughing as Jimin ran outside wrapped in a blanket yelling all kinds of profanities. Of course it all ceased as soon as i began laughing.

"Guk?" Jimin asked holding onto the blanket tighter.

"Yes, best friend?" Finally Yoongi and Hoseok let go of my arms. Yoongi covered hos crotch with his hands and Hoseok followed.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked his face turning a deep shade of red that i could clearly distinguish despite how dark it was outside.

I looked at Jimin hoping he'd answer for me, but he was embarassed, looking at the ground, and biting his lip so i lied for him. "He wasn't messaging me back so i tracked his phone through an app we share. He always replies so i worried."

Yoongi hummed, Hoseok was the first one to turn and walk back into the house, Jimin followed calling after him.

"So i'll see you on monday at the gym?" Yoongi asked me hands still covering his crotch.

"Yeah, you should head back inside. Get some clothes on or something. It's cold out here."

He turned without muttering another word. I headed back home, my issue with Taehyung could wait. Right now i was worried about the "proud top Jimin" who had bent over for two guys he really liked, and how this would affect him.

I messaged my friend time and time again as i returned home, not receiving a single reply.


Saturday morning had come and i still hadn't heard back from Jimin. I didn't expect to hear anything from Taehyung any time soon, I would probably see Tae Monday at school, and i could try to approach him then, right now Jimin was more important.

Jimin wasn't answering any of my calls or messages, and this time i was truly worried. I put some clothes on and headed over to his house, i was there within minutes. I knocked on the front door and his mom answered, she let me in and told me Jimin was in his room, she was slightly worried as he didn't come out to eat breakfast.

Quiet One   *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now