You Win

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"Nice bedroom", Taehyung almost mocked.

Get the fuck out", i ordered leaving the door open and ready for him to leave.

"How about you call me Tae like earlier instead of son of a bitch", he smirked.

"I will fuck you up right now if you don't leave this instant."

He stood from my bed, his pants reminding me of what the fuck he had done with my best friend. "Why would i leave so quickly when your mom was kind enough to let me in?"

"Shut the fuck up and go."

"Shhh", he placed his finger over his mouth, "they'll hear you." He took three steps towards me and shut the door. Placing both of his arms on the door behind my head. His minty breath falling on my face.

I wasn't falling for it this time, i went for the doorknob to re-open the door but he engulfed me in his lips. I was petrified at just how badly i felt the need to feel his warmth, regardless of what he had possibly done with my best friend earlier.

I pushed him away, the loss of his lips on mine squeezing my heart.

"What is it Kook?" The devilish look in his eyes reminded me of why this all began in the first place. He dislikes me and he has a compromising video of me that could ruin the image i have worked on for so many fucking years.

I jabbed him dead on the nose, i didn't care that I was going to lose everything i had worked so hard for. He fell back on the ground and held his nose, blood began trickling through his fingers.

"Go ahead and fucking share the video, but stay the fuck away from Jimin." I snarled.

Taehyung looked pissed, he didn't look hurt, or like he cared much about the blood running down his nose. He simply looked furious, he rose from the ground and i took a defensive stance.

He calmly walked towards me wiping some of blood off of his lips with his thumb, his furrowed brows more prominent than ever. He stood face to face with me and brought his hand to my lips wiping the same blood he took from his lips onto mine, "so fucking pretty."

All i could taste was the coppery tang from his blood, he burrowed his face into my neck and began sucking. I didn't know how to react, i had just punched him and i swore he'd reciprocate my actions. I pulled his hair and forced his bloodied face away from my neck.

"Just a little Kook", his deep voice vibrating in my ear.

I knew i wanted him out of my house, but i also wanted him to touch me over and over again. As a perfect sinner I chose the latter.

He pulled me towards him and walked backwards holding the same hand i hurt him with. He held up my palm and kissed it, i had no idea what the fuck was going on but he had never been so tender. I pulled my hand out of his grip and took my shirt off, he sat on my bed and stared at my body in awe. I used my shirt to wipe his face as i sat on his lap, he caressed my arm up and down as i cleaned him off.

"Delete the video", i kept wiping at him.

"Now what would be the fun in that?", he spoked muffled by my shirt.

"Right, that's all this is", i felt a familiar ache in my chest.

"It's not all this is, but could i really share my fragile truth with you?" He seemed different somehow. Sad. For the first few years since i had known him, he was always somber just like the rest of his family.

"Sure go ahead", i replied not knowing what to expect.

And just like he had some kind of switch, Taehyung went back to his unbothered face. "Let's focus on you instead." He pushed me off of him onto the bed.

"My family's home", i said as i saw him stand in between my legs and reach for the button on my pants he had undone earlier the same day.

"So don't make too much noise", he was already pulling my pants down, the view so sensual my member began hardening.

The moonlight from my window lit up Taehyung's face, he was a beautifully bloodied mess. He finished removing my pants and for the first time Taehyung removed a piece of his own clothing. His torso was toned, his shoulders broad and his waist small. I couldn't help but compare the both of us. I'm ripped, muscular all over and Taehyung is trimmed and so damn manly, completely and entirely perfect.

I was surprised by his action and it showed on my face, "what? Too skinny?" He reached out to grab his shirt.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him towards me. "Not at all"

He pressed his lips on mine as he wrapped his long fingers around my neck and grinded on my hard length, he was hard too.

"I want you Kook." He was panting and i wasn't sure if i was allowed to touch him or not so i took his hand and slid it from my chest to my crotch, making sure he had time to savor every ab on my stomach.

Taehyung touched virgin territory between us when he took my hand and placed it on his clothed cock, i was shocked. He was very much a man and i hadn't thought about what would happen if Tae ever let me touch him the same way he touched me. I hadn't given his dick too much thought.

My reflexes kicked in and i suddenly retracted my limb, i wanted Taehyung so what the fuck was wrong with me?

"It's no use huh?" Taehyung looked in my eyes defeated, like i had betrayed him in the worst way possible. Then he laughed, "you were right, that's all this was."

"No Tae i just need to get used to-"

He pulled himself out my grip and put his shirt back on. I was still on the bed dumbfounded and angry at myself, he was barely opening up to me and i fucked it up.

He was just standing in front of me staring intently at the phone he had pulled out of the pj's pocket. He turned his back to me yet made sure i could see the video he had recorded the day in the alley on the screen. He pressed on the options for the video and looked over his shoulder before pressing delete.

"You win."

I didn't have time to react before he opened the door and walked out, i hurried up and looked for my clothes in the dark as i heard my mom gasp, she saw the blood on his face.

I rushed towards my bedroom door and dashed towards the front door. My mom stopped me, "you really need to be more careful when you open the door to your room. You could've broken poor Taehyung's nose. And look at your neck, its full if blood too. Please be more careful."

I didn't care about anything, but Taehyung right now. Nothing was more important than him.

I walked past my mom towards the front door. With the video gone nothing tied me to Taehyung, he had no reason to approach me. He had only ever given me attention after having a video to hold over my head.

I headed for his front door and knocked, a small girl opened the door.

"Could you call Taehyung out here?"

"It's late, you should come back tomorrow Jungkook."

"I really need to talk to him."

"He hasn't come home yet, he left earlier after getting a shirt." She explained.

My heart dropped where had he gone this late? Did he go see someone?

"Goodnight." I said as i turned back to my house.

I messaged him, but my messages weren't being read. I called him time and time again only to be sent directly to voicemail.

I went back to my room, cleaned the droplets of blood still staining the floor , and sat in front of my window hoping he'd go back home soon.

A glimmer of hope lit my dark bedroom up when my phone vibrated and my screen flashed, Taehyung.

-fuck you.


My little heart hurt as i wrote this chapter. Please be patient with them 💕

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