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Morning had come and I didn't get a blink of sleep last night, all i could focus on was feeling completely and utterly empty as i stared at Tae's window but the worst part was that I didn't truly understand why. Taehyung had threatened me with a video of myself and used that against me. He had humiliated me and turned me into his personal puppet the few days that he had power over me, yet he made me feel wanted and i mean truly wanted. Not like the rest of the people that swarm my fake persona, the girls that want to be with me because the kind Jungkook fits into all their standards of a perfect boyfriend.

Taehyung pleased me and touched me gently despite me showing my true colors to him, he wanted me to touch him and i pulled myself away. I not only felt guilty towards him, but i had this feeling of grief as if i had lost something precious to me.

I didn't mean to pull away but i was scared. Finally feeling his member made me realize that Taehyung, a man, made me feel things that no other woman had woken up in me. It confused me, did that make me gay? Bisexual? Pansexual? I wasn't ready to answer my own questions and i hurt Taehyung in the process just as much as he had hurt me.


I sat up on my bed blinking away the blurriness that came from giving my eyes no rest. I began to get ready for my Thursday morning, i felt sloppy but i wouldn't let the world know about this. I headed to the kitchen looking my best per usual. I grabbed an apple, put it back down, and headed out. I didn't think i'd be able to stomach the fruit anyway.

I finally pulled my phone out expecting a message from Jimin, but there was none. I felt alone. I placed some headphones in my ears and began playing music that matched my mood. In the distance i saw my best friend's blonde hair bouncing as he walked. I needed him, his shoulder to lean on, and his ears to listen to my worries. I'd tell him everything.

"Hey, Jimin!" My friend ignored my voice and walked along, i jogged until i was walking right behind him. "Please, i really need you right now."

"Guk, i don't care about you breaking up with someone you didn't even like or what people are going to say about the damn break up." He kept walking.

"No. Please listen to me. I really need you." I stopped walking and faced the ground, i was ashamed.

His walking ceased when he heard my voice crack, he lifted my face with the palm of his hand, and his eyes widened as he took in whatever he saw in my face. "Are you really that worried Guk? Whatever anyone has to say I'll beat them up alright? But don't cry."

I hadn't noticed my eyes watering, they felt hot. I couldn't mutter a single word out before i burst out crying. He couldn't be more wrong about what was happening, and i was terrified that we had fallen for the same guy.

Jimin embraced me and began patting my back, his hand pulling my face into his neck offering me a place to hide and safely cry without any prejudice. I burrowed myself in there thankful for him.

"No, it's not about that. I really don't care about any of that, this is different. But i'm embarassed." I sighed as my sobbing calmed down.

"Whatever it is Guk, i'll see how i can help", the worry in his voice making me wish none of this had happened in the first place, what if Taehyung only used him to hurt me. I was such a traiterous friend because even then i just wished i could talk to Tae.

"Can i come over after class?"

"Well duh, where else would you go looking like this?" Jimin tried lightening the mood.


We finished our walk to school, once there it was the usual being surrounded by people who didn't have a real interest in me, though this time i could barely stand it. Jimin didn't let anyone loiter around me for too long and i explained to him in detail why he was an angel sent from heaven specifically for me. He was glad i could joke with him despite my mental break down from earlier.

I didn't see Taehyung anywhere, i was at least hoping i'd see him on campus. I would then go up to him , but then what would i say in front of so many fucking people? I hated myself for always thinking about my image before my feelings.

I barely got through first period, and i didn't think i'd be able to handle any more of this today.

-can we ditch? I feel like shit.

I got an instant reply from my best friend.

-sure meet me by the back exit, that fence is the easiest to climb over 😁

I practically ran out of class when the bell rang to meet Jimin near the gates. It was an easy climb, we were free within seconds. It was exhilirating to wonder what anyone would say about the perfect Jungkook ditching.

We headed to Jimin's, on the way there we stopped at a convenience store. Snacks were needed if i was going to explain everything in detail to my best friend. I wouldn't hide anything from him and if Taehyung had played us both we'd need comfort food.

Jimin was happily picking out what we were going to take home. I heard the front door slide open and one man speaking in a whiny voice. Complaining about going somewhere together. I didn't give it too much thought and continued watching my friend be the bubble of joy he always was.

"Come on, please? You always have fun with me V."

I thought the nickname was weird and i chuckled, Jimin on the other hand got up and rolled his eyes, "ugh i fucking hate that guy."

"Who?" I asked genuinely curious, there was no one near us after all.

"Jihoon. He whines sooooooo much and will bother you until the end of times if you fuck him. He's a good bottom though, or at least I've heard." Jimin shrugged.

"You mean the guy that just came in? Never heard of him."

"Of course you haven't you're not gay Guk our circles outside of school are somewhat different. You hang out with boxers and i hang out with my own kin." I flinched at his statement but continued to the register as Jimin's arms were completely full.

"Fuck off." Taehyung's deep voice paralyzed me and my breathing became heavy.

"Please, lets just go somewhere." I heard the whiny guy say.

The same short guy from the alley was walking backwards staring at someone covered by the isle's rack of goods from my field of vision, Jimin gagged as Jihoon turned to look at us and winked at me. I could feel my stomach beginning to churn.

He walked backwards until the next rack covered him, and Taehyung was walking across in front of us holding a drink, wearing the same shirt from yesterday though different better fitting pants. My heart stopped the second our eyes met, he looked away just as quickly as our gazes held each other. I put my head down.

"Alright, you win let's go then", i heard Taehyung call after the short guy. I felt like my insides would come out through my mouth any second.

"Hey! What the fuck i've been messaging you." Jimin trailed after Tae and i panicked.

I grabbed my friend's arm and looked at him desperately shaking my head. He looked confused but didn't pursue whatever he was planning on doing. Instead he went to the front counter and paid for our things.


We continued home and Jimin remained silent the whole way.

As soon as we entered his home and bedroom he dropped all the snacks on the bed, "please tell me exactly what the fuck is going on Guk, because i am extremely confused but i'm really worried about you. Did Taehyung do something to you? Is that why you reacted that way yesterday? Because i swear to God i will fuck him up Guk."

"No, just please sit and hear me out."


🥺 i hope you guys like it so far. Also i don't think this will be a super long book, but i do hope you guys are entertained nonetheless.

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