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School was torture. I was slightly afraid of Jimin's reaction towards my relationship with Taehyung so i kept it under wraps, i also tried being a little less welcoming to the girls that surrounded me thanks to Taehyung's jealous stares. I hardly ever saw him alone anymore, Jennie was always around him and she didn't hide her feelings for Taehyung whatsoever.

Tae didn't give in to her kinship anymore, he would pull his arms away from her when she searched for his warmth. I felt a sense of superiority any time i saw him do that, though i still knew none of this was enough for him. I knew he wanted the world to know we were each other's but i was still terrified about how i would then be perceived and the crude comments that would surround Taehyung and myself.

Tzuyu had been a lot more persistent following me around relentlessly and getting on Taehyung's nerves any time she said my name. She was an easy girl with an innocent look that would've had me wrapped around her finger before. She constantly hugged me from behind, placed her hands on my thighs, and fluttered her incredibly pretty eyes at me. She was a beautiful girl and she knew it, she was very well aware of the power her charm had over men.

I was in the cafeteria with Tzuyu in tow sitting next to me and Jimin sitting in front of us. My eyes were focused on a certain curly haired tanned boy sitting under a tree just a few feet away from us. He was so incredibly handsome i couldn't help but smile at him, the smirk that appeared on his face let me know he was looking at me through his tangled bangs. I almost didn't notice a smug Jennie sitting next to Taehyung.

"So when are you going to make up to me?" Tzuyu voiced from beside me.

"Huh?" I was slightly confused not understanding.

She rubbed my arm and smiled meekly, "you said you'd make it up to me after you threw me off of your lap because that guy interrupted us remember?" She pointed at Taehyung. I was immediately irked and i wanted to tell her to fuck off.

"Oh right, i'll get you a drink from the vending machine", i murmured hoping she'd shut up as i began lifting myself from my seat.

She reached for my forearm and held me down, i turned to face her and ask her what she wanted now and was met with her wet lips. She tasted like the cinammon roll she had been eating.

I pushed her away not caring how much force i used. She and Jimin were both equally shocked though Jimin was smirking.

"Jungkookie?" Tzuyu whispered

"What's your fucking problem Tzuyu?" I wiped my mouth. My eyes automatically traveled to Taehyung who was now sitting up as his jaw clenched. Jennie was upset and obviously asking him what was wrong. Taehyung swiped at her hands, stood up, and walked away. Jennie didn't follow and even if she did i didn't care I'd go after him. We were finally getting things done right little by little, i didn't want to lose him.

"Guk? Where are you going?" Jimin stood and followed me. He was in better spirit these days, Yoongi and Hoseok agreed to try out dating Jimin together and it seemed to be working out for them. They seemed happy whenever i saw the three of them together.

"I have to do something Jimin." I said cutting him off.

"Alright then lets go i'll help yo-"

"No! I want to go alone", i snapped at him fully aware he didn't deserve it.

"Chill the fuck out will you? It was just a kiss, you've done worst than that with other girls." He rolled his eyes.

"No Jimin you don't understand."

"Understand what? It's not a big deal Guk, who cares what others are going to say hardly anyone saw anyway."

"I have to go see Taehyung, alone."

His eyes narrowed on me and his expression turned sour, "for what? Is he threatening you again Guk? Let's go i'll fuck him up right now." He took my arm and tugged on it trying to get me to go along with him.

"No Jimin, we're dating." I murmured, avoiding any and all eye contact with him.

"What the fuck Guk, what is he holding over you?"

"Jimin, i like him. I really like him."

"After everything he did to you?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger. "Are you stupid?"

"Maybe. And right now i have to go see him."

"You know you're going to tell me everything later right? This isn't something i'm just going to ignore or pretend never happened."

I nodded my head and continued on my way as Jimin turned back to the cafeteria. Taehyung usually went to the east wing restroom when he wanted to talk to me. I wasn't sure if he wanted to see me right now but it was my only hope.

My fight is tomorrow and i still didn't know wether Tae was going or not i didn't want this to prevent him from going. I need him there.

I reached the restroom door and opened it wearily making sure no one else was around. I let my feet take me inside the seemingly empty restroom. I let out a hard sigh when i didn't see Tae anywhere.

"Get the fuck over here Kook", Taehyung's deep voice vibrated on the restroom walls.

I followed the direction of his voice into the furthest stall. He was sitting on the toilet lid his legs spread wide and a cold smile adorning his face. "Care to elaborate what the fuck that was about?" He interrogated as he intertwined his fingers.

I wasn't afraid, i was more turned on if anything. "I pushed her away Tae."

He stood, grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the stall, he was studying my face intently. "Don't fuck with me Kook."

"I said i fucking pushed her away." I grabbed his wrist and led his hand towards my lips. I kissed his fingers and let two of them slide into my mouth not breaking eye contact with a furious Taehyung.

"Maybe i'll fuck Jennie the same way i fucked you and let you know what it's like to be toyed with", he shoved his fingers deep into my throat forcing me to gag.

I frowned at the words and pulled his fingers out of my mouth. He grabbed my face with a single hand, his digits  long enough to cover most of my cheeks. "You're mine, do you fucking understand?" His grip tightened.

I hummed letting Taehyung completely dominate my senses. We hadn't done anything since the first time we had sex and i was desperate for any form of  rough physical contact with him. He claimed he wanted me to be in perfect condition for my fight but i knew he was just as pent up as i was.

"Turn around", he let go of my face and placed a hand on the stall next to my head.

I felt my cheeks flush "we're in school."

He leaned in to kiss me forcefully biting my lips,  he was still upset. He stopped for a second and rested his forehead on mine, i could feel his minty breath on my face.

"Turn the fuck around Kook."

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