
1.4K 101 18

He stepped away from me and i could hear his heavy steps on my floorboards with one ear and music with the other. I was relieved, excited, but most of all i was afraid. Afraid of falling back into the same kind of relationship we developed overnight. My bed creaked and i knew he was waiting for me to turn.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought i'd stop by after being gone for a week", he stated cold as ever.

"Are you guys a thing now?"

"Who? Me and Jennie? No, she decided i needed help to come out of my 'shell' so who was i to refuse her cute little advances? But i might fuck her. Her face is pretty and of my liking." Taehyung didn't know, but his every word echoing in this room was torture.

"Leave man. I have to go train in a bit." I shook my head

"You know your mom called out like 5 times, you should really lower the volume on your headphones", he spoke completely ignoring what i said.

I stood and turned ready to push him out the door if need be, and just like the first time that he kissed me i was left breathless. He was sitting on my bed, still in uniform, inviting me in to sit on his lap. He eyed me and smirked, and despite our close proximity he seemed more distant than ever.

"So are you going to answer my question? How are things with Jim-"

"They're great and i don't think he'd appreciate you being here", i cut him off before he could finish. "So can you leave?"

"You couldn't fucking touch me, but you went all the way with your best friend? Wow, you really are a box full of surprises you seemed so passionate whenever we were alone. You're a great actor. Does Jimin know who helped you so he could enjoy you? Or did you lie to him too, the same way you lie to everyone?"

I wasn't sure if his pride was hurt or why he was so spiteful, i also didn't know who the fuck he thought he was talking about, like he knew everything about me, "fuck you Taehyung, you're no different from me. Shutting everyone out so no one can know about your 'fragile truth'."

I knew i struck a nerve with him when he stood from my bed and stormed towards me only stopping when i could feel his breath on my face. "Watch your fucking mouth?"

"You're so scared of people getting close to you that you push them away to hide your fragile bullshit."

He grabbed my neck and squeezed, "you don't fucking know anything about me."

I wanted him. I wanted his rage, his bad temper, and all of the aggressiveness he had to offer. I don't know what came over me when i pushed his hand away and kissed him, i had never initiated anything, but today might be the last time i ever got this close to him again. I wouldn't let this chance go to waste.

He was surprised but didn't try breaking the connection shared by our mouths, no on the contrary he placed one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He smiled as he kissed me and i couldn't help but smile back. We were both fucking insane.

I was desperate for him and i let my lips show it. I pushed my tounge into his mouth and played with his. His saliva was the sweetest thing i had ever tasted and i needed more.

He pulled me with him towards my bed not daring to break the kiss. He leaned onto my bed and i opened my legs so i'd be straddling him once he completely sat down. I pulled away from the kiss to take my shirt off, as soon as Taehyung saw my skin he began licking my nipples i couldn't help but moan.

Tae grinned, "i missed you."

My empty chest filled itself with Taehyung's words, "where have you been?"

"Does it really matter?" He trailed his finger down the small of my back causing me to shiver. It didn't matter, all that was important was him with me right now.

I tugged on his shirt and with a little bit of a fight put up from Tae i was able to pull it off. I loved his warmth and right now as our chests touched i felt complete, like he belonged to me, i wanted to hang on to this feeling but with Tae i knew this was only a fluttering moment so i savored it and engraved the feeling onto my skin.

I was facing down towards him and he was looking up at me, i understood my feelings entirely that moment, i wanted to be with him, but i wouldn't give into these emotions for as long as he pushed me away. I didn't want to be his toy, i wanted to be his partner.

I took my t.v. remote and turned the volume up, the background music to my video game loud, repetitive, and electric. He pulled me down into a kiss again, one he broke to lick my neck and kiss my chest. Here he was again the gentle Tae, the real Kim Taehyung.

I was a moaning mess in his hands, i placed my head on his shoulder making sure he could hear what he was doing to me over the loud music.

I was already grinding myself on him when i felt his hard member twitch under me, there was no shock this time. I knew he was a man, i knew we had the same anatomy, and i knew that all i wanted was to feel him in my hands.

"Lay down Tae", i ordered and he obliged.

There was nothing more enticing than feeling myself sitting atop a hard Taehyung watching his jaw clench as i grinded on him, but i was greedy and still wanted more.

I stood up and he looked alarmed, "still can't huh?"

"Don't run out this time fucking asshole", i scolded. I began undoing my pants while Tae watched intently leaning on his elbows. I kicked my bottoms off, the print of my hardened length visible through my boxers.

"Take those off too", Tae licked his lips.

I smiled and obeyed, my cock was free and Taehyung smirked extending his arms out to me.

I went back to my rightful place on top of Tae, his hand reached out to grab my length but i stopped him mid way. I put his hand over mine and i grabbed my my member.

Stroking slowly at first and moving my hips on top of Tae's clothed cock. I removed my hands and let Taehyung take over. My thrusts meeting his strokes, i wanted to take his member out and touch it. I leaned back and tried unbuttoning his pants, but i was met with his hand swiping away my own. Everything had ceased for a moment, my thrusting, his hands, and our heavy breathing.

I looked at him and worry spread on his face, "don't force yourself, i'll just take care of you."

I wasn't having it, i placed my hands on the sides of his head and leaned in. I let my forehead gently fall on his, "please Tae." I pleaded as i kissed him.


I know this is a terrible place to end this chapter but bare with me 😅

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