On Call

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"May i?" The words were floating in my head and traveling down to my hardened cock. I rushed to undo my belt and unbutton my pants, i had no idea what the fuck i was doing but Taehyung's voice was resonating in my chest and making my skin tingle.

"Pull it out", he demanded and i obliged, "not bad Jeon." The silhouette of my dick and the shape of his face covered in his bangs the only thing i was able to make out through the bright light coming from his phone, and yet here i was more turned on than ever. Even more so than when i fucked Jennie for the sake of cumming.

I was grabbing my cock with one hand and holding my boxers down with the other. His face began inching towards my length making it twitch with anticipation.

He stopped when my cock was only an inch or two away from his lips, "well, well, well the grand and loved Jungkook has a soft spot for men's lips?" He sneered tapping my cock and standing up with his phone in hand.

My dick went limp immediately, "what?" I asked completely humiliated and struggling to buckle my belt.

"Go home Kook, but give me your number first." He laughed while showing me his phone screen, and there i was standing in the alley feet away from him and a play icon right on top of my body. He recorded me. He pressed play and fast forwarded to when i undid my belt and pulled my dick out, i looked desperate, like some kind of bitch in heat. 

"Delete that." I threatened balling my fists, all the arousal i had felt turned into complete and utter panic.

"You could always beat me to a pulp and take my phone only to be met by my phone's security system once you input the wrong password too many times. You could also beat me unconcious and destroy my phone only to find the video posted on the internet once i regain conciousness, everything on my phone is automatically backed up and sent to my drive. Or you could give me your number, and have a little fun with me. Which is it going to be Jeon Jungkook?" I guess he saw my knuckles turning white.

"Is this who you really are? A sadistic son of a bitch?" I growled.

"Oh please, you pretend to be perfect even though you're just a piece of shit like the rest of us. You've been like this since the first time i met you." He huffed.

"4428795432", i spat in defeat, yet a repulsive part of me was slightly excited.

"You're on call now Kook." He spoke as he turned away from me and left me there alone in the alley. I stood there for a few minutes, my mind was blank, i was still trying to process everything that had just happened. I wanted Taehyung to suck my cock just a few moments ago, i didn't know what had come over me.

I began walking home after what felt like an eternity but i knew as soon as i saw the back of his hair that only a few minutes had passed. He blended perfectly in the dark, like it was natural for Taehyung to be out this late, like he belonged under the moon and the stars.  His back was broad, he was about my height, and his arms long. He could probably have any guy he wanted.

All i could do was curse him under my breath as i walked behind him. What the fuck would i do if he decided to leak the video?  I knew i had options; i could go to the police and explain to them the situation, he could be charged with revenge porn if he decided to share the video. I could drag him down immediately of course i knew this, but i finally had something that caught my full attention. I could go along with this game until i thought i'd had enough, I'll turn all of this on him. I never lose and this won't be an exception.


I went to take a bath and relax a little, my phone was receiving notification after notification it was probably Jennie. I didn't need anymore of this shit, i had enough on my plate with Taehyung. I'll date her for two weeks and then let her down gently.

I got out of the tub and walked to my room once i had changed, my curtains were always open and Taehyung's closed, except of course the day i saw him smiling. Tonight his were open and he was sitting on his bed one of his legs resting on a chair near by staring straight at his phone. My phone pinged and my dark room was lit up by it's screen, I saw Taehyung lift his gaze to me. I went to grab my phone and unlocked it, i had 10 messages from Jennie and one message from an unknown number it was obviously his.

I ignored Jennie's -goodnight baby-  and opened Taehyung's, it was the entire recording of what had happened in the alley followed by a -sweet dreams babe-

The only reply i could think of was -fuck you creep-. As soon i hit send i looked up at Taehyung's room, his phone lit up and so did his face. He was smiling wide in such a stupid way that he had to cover his mouth with his hand. He turned his phone screen off and proceeded to close his curtains again. I fucking hate him.

I didn't know what awaited for me tomorrow in school, but i didn't feel ready for it at all.

I called Jimin, the phone rang 4 times before he picked up. "Hey", i muttered

"Woah what's wrong, you sound terrible."

"I have a girlfriend now." I stated as dryly as i possibly could.

"What?!" Jimin screamed, "what the hell do you mean you have a girlfriend now? WHO?"  He demanded.


"Ugh, what? Why? Guk, you don't even like her. You said she was just there to have a little fun."

"She asked me to date her when my dick was already hard and she was sitting on my lap, what was i supposed to say? I just wanted to cum." I whined.

"So break up with her." Jimin snarled.

"Oh sure, then people will think I'm an asshole for breaking up with her the day after we started dating."

"Who cares Guk? What you feel matters too." He said annoyed, and what he said touched me. I know i should put myself first but then what will people say?

"I'll think about it."

He hummed and let me know about how his day had been so far after classes. I love Jimin and i never hide anything from him but i just couldn't bring myself to tell him about Taehyung. It was something i hadn't come to terms with, did this mean i'm gay too? I had so many questions and no one to turn to for answers.

We were saying our goodbye's when i remembered i wanted to introduce Jimin to my coach, who's sexual orientation was a complete mystery. "Oh wait, want to come to watch me sparr tomorrow after school?"

"Oh i don't know, i was going to see someone after class." He replied apologetically.

"Ahh so dick is more important than your friend?" I mocked.

"Of course", he laughed "now let me rest, i need my beauty sleep."

He hung up before i could get another word out.

My eyelids began feeling heavy and all i could think about was the bullshit I'd have to put up with from tomorrow onward.



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