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I kept glancing down at my phone during class, hoping for a reply from Jimin. Taehyung was hard when he jerked me off earlier and now he was heading to my friend's house after getting no release from me. 

I was beginning to get anxious, i felt troubled and i didn't know how to shake the feeling. This wasn't a norm for me, the only times i ever got anxious was when i thought people had accidentally seen a little part of the real me.

I convinced myself i just didn't want Taehyung to hurt Jimin.

-are you guys friends now? He's kind of weird Jimin, don't get too close to him.


Classes were over and my friend hadn't replied, i didn't want to come across Jennie so i waited for him near the front school exit. Jimin and Taehyung never came this way, they must've taken the back exit.

I rushed home hoping I'd see Jimin before he arrived to his street but i had no luck there either. I guess i waited too long near the school gate. There was no trace of Taehyung either, but that wasn't anything new.

I walked into my bedroom and sat on my bed, looking sideways here an there to see if Taehyung was home, but his curtains were almost cmpletely closed and i couldn't make out anything through the thin opening.

I messaged Jimin over and over again, but again received no reply. Was he really this upset? He usually answers right away or maybe he's busy with Taehyung. My stomach churned at the thought of them together at Jimin's home alone.

-i need to talk to you, I broke up with Jennie. What if people start talking shit about me?

An immediate reply followed.

-no way! Good for finally thinking about yourself first, but i'm still asshurt over you ditching me during lunch for her. We'll talk tomorrow during school i'm busy right now.


-Taehyung 🤤. He's totally not weird by the way he's so fucking hot and his hands are sooo big.

-what do you mean? Don't tell me you guys fucked, Jimin.

-i'll tell you everything tomorrow 😘

I felt my heart stop, had he fucked Jimin? Or were they about to fuck? I couldn't just sit here and wait for tomorrow to come so i could get my answers. I grabbed my sweater and headed for the door. I didnt care that i was supposed to train in two hours.

I got here pretty quickly, but standing outside of Jimin's house made me realize i couldn't just barge in there like a scorned lover, i hate Taehyung for fucks sake. I couldn't even come up with an excuse to tell Jimin as to why i had come after he specifically told me he would see me until tomorrow, all i could do was stare at his window and hope nothing had happened between them.

I was about to turn around when a shirtless Taehyung walked right past the open curtains of Jimin's bedroom window. All reason left my head as my stomach dropped, i walked right up to the door and knocked as loud as i could hoping and wishing that i was interrupting them before they did anything.

Jimin opened the door, "what the fuck? Why are you knocking so damn loud? And what are you doing here?"

"Can i come in?" Was all i could mutter.

"Sure, but Taehyung's here."


"You said he was weird, you don't like him right? It'll be akward for you."

"I'm fine, i just didn't want to be alone."

"Geez, did breaking up with Jennie hit you that hard?" He rolled his eyes while holding the door open for me to come inside.

Quiet One   *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now