Do You Trust Me?

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I arrived home, walked into my room and began looking for Taehyung's belt. I couldn't find it until i searched under the bed and in the furthest corner there it sat. I picked it up and rolled it up so i could take it to Tae. I looked out my window and i was instantly aroused.

Taehyung was sitting on his bed stroking his hardened cock and staring at his phone with headphones on. I wanted to know what kind of porn he got off on, i wanted to go over there and touch him.

I wasted no time as i arrived at his door step and knocked on the door, there was no answer, i knocked again harder this time hoping it was hard enough to hear from one of the rooms. Once again a small girl opened the door, i hadn't realized it the last time i was here, but she looked exactly like Taehyung, they both carried a cold intimidating gaze.

"Yes?" She stood at the door arms crossed.

"Um, goodnight. Could i see Taehyung?"

"Yeah, let me just go get him."

"No, it's ok. Could i just go give him his belt? He lent it to me and i forgot to return it." I said desperately trying to find an excuse to head into his room.

"Give it to me, and i'll take it to him", she was stern. A mere 10 year old at most.

"Please? I need to ask him something too."

She stared at me judgingly, contemplating wether she should let me in or not. "Why? Why are you suddenly so interested in my brother?"

"We became friends recently", i smiled.

She laughed and reluctantly opened the door for me. I guess i sounded ridiculous.

Their house was silent, no t.v. on, or water from the kitchen running, no chattering, or any kind of sound heard in a regular home. I thought it was odd but i was too desperate to get to Taehyung to linger on those thoughts.

I arrived at his door and tried the door knob to see if it was open. Luckily for me it was, i opened the door as quietly as i could. His head was resting on the headboad and his arm moving feverently. His grunting and grumbling were so sinful i began hardening. I approached him and looked at his phone, i smirked at what i saw.

I pulled his headphones off, "you didn't lie when you said you back up all your media huh?"

He was visibly flustered, the sound on his headphones was on full blast allowing me hear traces of my moaning from the video he had taken in the alley and supposedly deleted.

"You could knock", he growled.

"And miss this? Nah."

I flung his belt on the floor, and forced my hand on his cheeks getting a firm grip of his face. "Can you show me what paradise feels like?"

He pulled me onto his lap and and crashed his lips on mine. Any time i was with Taehyung nothing else in the world mattered.

Taehyung turned a speaker on in his room and began playing classical music, something completely unexpected. Except the volume wasn't very loud, "turn it up what if someone hears?"

"Don't worry about it", he tried soothing me.

"No Tae your sister and your parents", i insisted.

"I don't have a dad, my mom is deaf and mute, and my sister has a hard time hearing but she's good at reading lips. So don't worry about it." He was desperately sucking on my neck and trying to pull my shirt off. All the information he had just shared with me came as a shock, i wanted to stop him and tell him i was sorry.

"Kook come on, i haven't came and you interrupted me." He groaned.

That was all it took for me to push my worries to the side momentarily, and focus only on his erection. His dick was still out from when i walked in on him. I let him finish taking my shirt off, he traced his hands from my hips to my nipples and played with them between his fingers. He swiftly moved his arms towards my back and filled one of his hands with my hair pulling my head back aggressively.

"When was the last time Jimin loosened you up?" He asked surveying my neck.


"When was the last time Jimin fucked you? Are you loosened or not?" He insisted i could tell he was getting angry.

For some reason i didn't want to lie to him anymore, i wanted to do things the right way. "He hasn't Tae." I confessed.

"What? Don't fuck with me Kook i don't want to hurt you the first time we fuck. I need to know if you're loosened or not."

"I'm not dating him Tae, Jimin's just clingy."

He let go of my hair, and i was afraid to look him in the eyes so i focused my eyes on the wall behind him.

"You're not lying are you?" He asked i sensed a tinge of happiness laced to his words.

"No man, why would I?" I looked down at him offended despite knowing that i have done nothing but lie to him before. His smile was so wide and beautiful i couldn't help but stroke his face. He began caressing my legs ever so gently, i removed his hands from myself and stood up, i undid my pants and let them fall to the ground. Taehyung followed my lead and hugged me as we stood naked. He pulled me back to the bed and rested me down.

This all seemed so unreal, almost like Taehyung would turn his switch again and say something rude or even offensive.

He kissed my lips first, my chest ,then my abdomen, and finally his lips rested on my swollen tip. Nothing in the world could compare to the sight set before me. Lips more sensual than any other opened up to let me inside, Taehyung started off slowly bobbing his head up and down while he fondled my balls with his hand, i began thrusting into his mouth. Tae held my hip with his other hand then moved it towards my ass. He pulled away from my cock and licked his finger.

"Do you trust me?" He looked up at me as he rubbed the slobbered finger around my rim.

In spite of everything, i trusted Taehyung. I believed in him and his intentions towards me, his radiant smile from earlier showed me a side of Tae i wanted to witness time and time again.

I nodded and braced myself.


Again sorry for stopping at a crucial time like this and making you guys wait for my next chapter 🥺

Don't forget to vote guys 💕

Happy Halloween Babies 🎃🕷🥀

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