Found It 💦

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There was a strange feeling as his finger began entering me, it was uncomfortable but not unbearable. Taehyung's eyes focused on my face, his mouth was slightly open and his other hand gripping my thigh.

Tae has long fingers and i could feel how lengthy they truly were when his index finger had completely vanished inside me. The sensation was different from anything i had imagined and my face showed it.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah it just feels weird", i replied not daring to look him in the eyes. I was completely exposed to him in a way i had never imagined.

"It'll get better."

I hummed, i doubted it would get better.

"I'm going to start moving my finger Kook alright?"

I nodded.

He began moving his finger and the feeling wasn't getting better, that was until Tae took my length in his mouth again. The sucking and motion of his head on my member making me completely forget about the finger up my ass.

Taehyung then introduced a second finger, making the uncomfortability grow. He focused his tounge on my head when i flinched as he introduced a third and final finger. It slightly burned but i was growing accustomed to the sensation.

I still felt akward as Taehyung felt around inside me and sucked on my cock. A sudden wave of pleasure rushed over my body as his middle finger hit a certain spot within me, i moaned loud and Taehyung grinned with my cock in his mouth.

He pulled his head back and i looked down at him wondering what he had done and hoping he'd do it again.

"Found it."

He kept touching the same spot over and over again forcing my body to jolt each and every time he thrusted his fingers in me. My moaning wasn't ceasing and Taehyung began stroking himself with his free hand.

He removed all three fingers from inside me and i complained at the sudden emptiness. I wanted him in me. He raised himself over me and placed his hips between my legs. His veiny cock paused at my entrance and his eyes met my gaze, he looked more aroused than ever as he licked his lips and rubbed his length on my hole.

"Can i?" He asked as a devilish grin spread on his face, i wanted this Tae in my life forever.

I nodded shyly and bit my lip, here i was wanting desperately to be entered by a another man and loving the whole situation.

Taehyung caressed my thigh as he held his cock at my hole and slightly lifted my hips. He let his saliva fall on his cock and he rubbed himself making sure he was wet enough. I gasped as his cock slowly started spreading everything inside me wide open. This was it, the connection i had been longing to form with him, having him as close to me as possible. It was so much different from his fingers and much more painful. It burned, his length was much bigger and thicker than his three fingers and i was struggling to keep my composure as his cock kept inching forward and tearing me open.

I guess Tae saw the pain in my face as he leaned in to kiss me, "i'm almost all the way in, if its too much i'll stop."

I shook my head i wanted to do this with him. I wanted all of him.

"Fuck", he growled. "You're so fucking tight."

I was panting wondering when it would start feeling good again.

"Can i move?" He kissed my neck.

I nodded afraid of making a sound.

He pulled back and thrusted forward forcing me to yelp as he hit my sweet spot again. He started off slow to not hurt me but i wanted more, i needed more.

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