Irked 💧

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Jennie was waiting for me at the school's entrance by the time the bell rang. My freshman year i took notice that i never had to seek out any girls, they gravitated towards me on their own, Jennie was no exception, she was an exquisite female. One with long jet black hair and highlights at the front, a tiny waist, short barely reaching my shoulders, her face small and doll like, a rare beauty if i do say so myself. Guys at school go crazy for even a single glance from Jennie, and yet i find myself wanting to just get quick sexual release from her and move onto the next. She doesn't combust any feelings within me that i can't get from a random pretty girl i just met.

I've always been this way, i recieve real interest from others yet i can't reciprocate any of it. I don't feel like i can genuinely love another person without them turning their back on me when i finally free my true self in front of them.

Not once did i ever wait for a girl to give me a chance, on the contrary, girls began throwing themselves at me as soon as i hit puberty. I lost my virginity at the ripe age of 14 and I've relentlessly taken any girl who offers her body to me. I know I've broken many hearts before, still i feel no remorse. I can see why Jimin doesn't understand all the love i receive by the handfuls from strangers.


We arrived at Jennies house, whatever we were going to do needed to be over quick. I had to meet my boxing trainer in an hour at the Gym.

"Come in", she sheepishly smiled, she had stopped talking and only glanced at me here and there ever since we turned the corner down her street.

I smiled gratefully and walked in. I was familiar with her house, I'd been here plenty of times. I was quiet and beginning to get excited for what was about to occur.

"Head up to my room I'll take some water up in a bit." She said without facing me.

I walked upstairs to her peach colored room, her bed was full of white pillows as always. I pushed away some of the pillows and sat at the edge of her bed, this was as much space as we needed anyway. I heard her footsteps on the stairs and i leaned back on her bed resting my elbows on her cream colored bed sheets. My cock had already begun hardening thinking about her small mouth on me.

"I brought water", she smiled.

I hummed in approval, smirking at her. She placed the water down on a desk near the bed and came close to me. The skirt she was wearing had gotten shorter after she went to get water. She placed herself between my legs and got on her knees, i sat up straight trying to get a good view of what was about to happen.

She undid my pants and slightly pulled down on my boxers, only enough for my excited cock to spring up and greet her, veiny and ready. She smiled up at me and placed her tiny mouth on my tip slowly opening for my dick to enter. She began bobbing her head up and down the sensation was incredible yet not enough. I wanted to be in her. She continued for a few minutes, her efforts were futile i knew i wasn't going to cum like this. I grabbed her chin and pulled her face up while i grinned, her face was reddened from her work. I pulled her from her arm up onto my lap, she straddled me and i couldn't stop smiling.

"Wait Kookie, i don't want to just be doing stuff like this with no strings attached. I want to be something more", she almost demanded.

I was too lost in the moment to really pay attention to anything she was saying, all i wanted was release, "hm? Sure whatever you want."

"Really?" She asked shocked at how quickly i had agreed to her terms for me to fuck her.

"Yeah." My smile was as unwavering as my hard cock, with a finger i pulled her panty to the side and thrusted myself into her. Her moans and yelps weren't enough, none of this was enough.

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