Damn the Moon

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I held one of Jimin's hands terrified of what was about to come, but his tightening grip gave me the strength to start speaking.

"I think i might be bisexual." It took all my courage to whisper that simple sentence.

"What? Don't play with me Guk. Thats not funny", Jimin seemed offended.

"No just please listen."

I told him everything, from the time i spoke to Taehyung in school, to the alley, the video, what happened in the restroom, why i really went to his house yesterday and everything that followed.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he was just staring at me.

"I'll fucking kill him." Jimin broke the silence, "that fucking son of a bitch, how dare he? He recorded you at your weakest and used that to touch you even further? I'll fucking murder him."

"That's why i came unexpectedly, I'm sorry he came to you to hurt me Jimin." I couldn't bare looking at him this moment, my eyes were trained on my hands.

"Guk, nothin happened between us. He came over to tutor me, he has the best grades in our class. I brought rice pudding for both of us to help me stay awake for the tutoring and i spilled it all over his clothes, so i let him borrow my pj's right before you got here. Besides i'm trying to get with someone right now."

I only hummed though felt a little lighter, Taehyung hadn't hurt Jimin.

"Did you punch him hard?"

"Well he bled", i clasped my hands together.

"Good, he deserves more than that."

I hadn't been to the gym for the past few days and i needed to let out my emotions on a bag. "Want to come with me to the gym?"

"Yeah. No thanks. A place full of sweaty men and testosterone levels up to the roof doesn't sound too appealing." Jimin huffed.

"Come on please? Walk with me. I don't want to go alone right now."


We began our journey to the gym and i noticed Jimin was an awful lot on his phone sending and recieving messages.

I got curious, "who're you talking to?"

"Oh just some guy, he's really handsome but he tops too so i'm still not sure about how this is going to end up."

"Whats his name?" I asked.

"Jung Hoseok", he grinned at me.

The name ringed a bell, but i couldn't put a face on it so i let it go. I only hummed. I still wanted Jimin to meet my coach, i had no clue if Yoongi was gay or not, but i still wanted both of them to get along and hopefully get Jimin to train with me.

When we arrived at the gym Jimin immediately took notice of Yoongi. "Who's that?"

"My coach, he's kind of quiet."

I called Yoongi over and introduced them, i went to change and came back to get my routine started. At some point i saw them exchange phones, and Jimin's face lit up. Whatever my friend was saying must've been funny because i caught a glimpse of my coach's rare gummy smile. Despite everything going on in my head, the sight if those two together brought me happiness.

I let out all my anger and sorrow on the bag that i was punching. I felt much better when i was done training, Jimin waited while i changed, he was laughing with Yoongi when i came out of the locker room. I went up to them and joined their conversation about my fight that was only three weeks away now. I couldn't lose focus now, this fight would determine if i was to be considered to fight for South Korea in the junior olympics.

I wouldn't let whatever had happened with Taehyung stray me from who i aspired to be. This fake personality of mine had gotten me far, and now with no video there was nothing in the way of my success.

Jimin and I parted from the gym and chatted as we walked home. His uplifting spirit was making me feel better, Jimin always had this way of giving me serotonin boosts when i needed them the most. He was talking excitedly about my fight and how far i'd go in the future.

I on the other hand was curious about something entirely different, "so did you get his number?"

"What?" He laughed, and just with that simple reaction i knew i was right. I had no idea my coach swung that way.

"Is that a yes or a no?" I insisted.

"Yeah we exchanged numbers, but he only accepted because i said i wanted to ask him stuff about boxing", he smiled.

"What about the other guy?"

"Well i'll talk to them both besides i'm not even sure if your coach felt attracted to me that way. I'll see how things go and decide from there, Hoseok seems really interested but like i said he's a top too so it'd be a difficult topic for us." Jimin said looking at the ground.

"No worries, i won't judge. Just don't hurt yourself in the process", i placed my arm around his shoulder.

He walked me all the way home, and my anxiety rose back up once Jimin left. I didn't even want to go into my room, i didn't want to look out my window towards Tae's and wonder if he was with Jihoon. I didn't want to think. I wanted to go back to before i forcibly introduced him into my life.

I showered and walked into my room ready to finally get some much needed rest, but i did exactly what i told myself i wouldn't. Why the hell did Taehyung affect me this much when i had only really gotten to know how truly despicable he was. Why did i remain wishing for his curtain to open and for him to smile at me, or his phone, or even the moon. I just wanted to see him smile.

Damn all this. Damn him. Damn the moon. And damn the broken look he gave me the last time i saw him.



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