Accept Yourself 💦

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Taehyung remained silent as the music blared in my room, not giving away what he was thinking or even giving me a sign of being able to continue. I took it upon myself.

I kissed him letting my tounge play with his, i began stroking myself again my knuckles rubbing against his stomach, I moaned into Taehyung's mouth. He grunted as his hips involuntarily thrusted, he wanted to be touched just as much as i did. He was a man with needs just like mine. I broke our kiss and once again leaned back, i kept rubbing my member as i reached for Taehyung's pants. He didnt put up a fight this time, there was no pushing me away.

I slightly lifted myself from him to give him enough room to push his pants down. Once he was done i sat back down on him, except he didn't leave his boxers on as i thought he would. His cock was hard and warm against my ass. I had never been this excited i felt like a virgin all over again.

"The door's unlocked", i said worried my mom might come inside any second.

I looked at Tae and his face was full of doubt, what happened last time had a lasting impact on him. I reassured him that this was what i wanted by grinding on his bare length underneath me as i placed his hand on my member, completely ignoring the door. Tae went to work immediately, he guided my thrusts into his hand by holding onto my hip with his free hand whilst pushing and pulling on me. As far as i could feel Taehyung was big and that thought made me go crazy.

"More Tae." I practically begged.

Tae let go of my member and pushed me a little further down until his cock was on full display for me. His length was mesmerizing. "Impressive, Mr. Kim", i smiled.

I had never given dicks too much thought, they were something that came up in the porn that i watched but it wasn't something that turned me on. Taehyung's on the other hand was something i could admire for a whole day.

I placed my finger tip on his shaft, this was an entirely new world for me. One Taehyung walked me into. I let out a small breath as i wrapped my hand around his cock and began stroking. My own length twitched. Tae held onto my thighs and squeezed, he was enjoying this. His stomach kept tensing and relaxing, i had no idea i could be so fucking turned on for another man. His mouth was agape and his eyes were trained on what my hands were doing to him.

I went to rest my chest on him as i stroked him. I kissed him his low growls making my own cock needy.

"Touch me." I whispered into his ear.

I began pulling back and Taehyung followed me up he removed my hand from his cock for a second, then took both of our lengths and made me wrap my hands around them, his member was touching mine and i had never seen anything sexier. I began pumping and Tae's head fell back, he gripped my thighs forcefully his fingertips turning my skin white. 

"God you're so fucking sexy", he grunted loud enough for me to hear.

We were both panting, and i could feel my impending climax catching up to me. I sped up the pace.

"Kook i'll cum", his moan making the pooling pleasure in my stomach burst.

White began puring out of me and Tae followed as he looked on, his cock throbbing against mine only adding to the incredible feeling. I let my head fall onto his shoulder as we rode through our highs.

Tae placed his hand on my hair and kneaded. Everything felt right, with him was where i was supposed to be.

Of course our ego's couldn't allow that.

I stood from his lap, lowered the volume on the t.v., and grabbed tissues that were sitting on my night stand. I handed Tae a few, i remained silent what transcoursed with Taehyung made me feel shy. I couldn't even look him in the eyes, Tae took this the wrong way.

"What? Are you worried about Jimin finding out?" I knew he was asking because he felt a sense of superiority over Jimin. He believed my friend and I were dating and here i was jacking Taehyung off.

"Who wouldn't worry about that", i retorted, giving into his stupid provocations.

"But you were moaning my name so prettily just a minute ago, where'd that Kook go?" He mocked.

"I don't think Jennie's too of fond guys who masturbate with other guys."

"She was crazy for you wasn't she?" Tae sneered.

"Fuck you." This was who we were and the kind of relationship we were damned to have.

"Just give me a time and place and i'll gladly let you ride me." He laughed.

I turned to my closet to get a pair of clean boxers for myself and give Tae time to change back into his clothes, through the floor legnth mirror i saw his expression change. His triumphant grin had disappeared as he stared at the back of my head and a look of defeat was present on his face, similar to the one i saw a week ago, i worried for him.

I was about to break the akward silence in my room when his voice startled me.

"What the fuck are we doing Kook?" He didn't seem like he wanted to play, for some reason he was opening up again.

"I don't know man, friendly jack off?" I was trying to lighten the mood, i didn't want to go back to acting like strangers again.

Taehyung made sure i knew this wasn't the time to play around, "why the fuck do you do that? I'm trying to be serious and you're giving me stupid fucking replies."

I didn't know what to say, he saw right through me, the false personality i used on others would never work on him but it was such a normal reaction for uncomfortable questions directed at me.

"What the hell am i supposed to say? You disappear for a whole god damned week to fuck around with other guys, then suddenly show up with my ex clinging onto your arm."

"Don't assume shit you know nothing about. Besides you fucked your best friend, as soon as i was gone but here i am aren't I?" Tae snarled.

"How the fuck am i supposed to know anything about you if you won't tell me?" I raised my voice.

Tae looked angry, "you pushed me away a week ago, but now that your boyfriend loosened you up you can pounce on me right? I won't fucking take any of this shit or you seriously until you can fucking accept yourself."

I didn't even try correcting him, he could think whatever he wanted. We started this off on a sour note and it would never get better no matter how much i gave into him. His last sentence pissed me off.

"You should go", i glanced at the door.

"I wouldn't fucking stay for a mintue longer", he walked towards the door and left me alone in my room again.

I wanted to be able to hold hands publicly with Taehyung, smile at him with a tenderness only shared between lovers, but then i'd be judged. I knew this was what Taehyung meant, but i carried this fear if being rejected by the public and have fingers pointed at me.

My phone vibrated, i expected a message from Taehyung cursing at me, Jimin's name was no surprise either.

-please please please come get me ASAP. I'm eating with Hoseok and Yoongi and i don't know how to act.


This story has a happy ending i promise. 🥺

But how about a little Yoonminseok for the next chapter?

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