Fuck It

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I could hear my heartbeat in my eardrums despite all the cheering around me. I could see the ring grow in size as i walked towards it. My gloves felt heavy on my hands, my sweat ran down my forehead, and my mouth piece felt incredibly invasive in my mouth. Yoongi was walking ahead of me with my arms on his shoulders, he was guiding me towards the most important boxing match in my life thus far.

A bright light hit my face and  wouldn't let me see into the crowd and yet i could still feel the presence of my classmates, my parents, and my beloved Taehyung.

I climbed a few steps to be able to set foot into the ring, my name was called by the announcer and i bowed to the crowd. My opponent was tall, well built, and mean looking. His trunks were blue and white with Channie stitched in the front.

My trunks were black and gold with Jeon stitched in the back, i wore matching boxing boots. I felt ready and yet the nerves pitted in my stomach were unwavering, it happens every fight.

Yoongi gave me a prep talk that i hardly paid any mind to, i was too busy focused on my opponent. The judges rang a bell and it was time for everyone asides from us the fighters to step off of the ring.

I stood in my corner ready for the first bout to begin, a bell rang again and it was time. The guy in front of me was a ferocious fighter, he began swinging on me as soon as we both got to the center on the ring. I felt like everything he was throwing at me was hitting me dead in the face.

Amateur fights are only 4 bouts so i was nervous as soon as the first round ended. I walked back to my corner and heard Yoongi trying to give me pointers on the guy, but all i could feel was myself shrinking as i stared at my opponent. He felt stronger and the confidence he exerted made me feel small. The bell rang again and i walked to the center on the ring again disregarding everything my coach had told me.

The second round began and some time within that time he jabbed me hard on the nose, i felt blood trickling down to my chin. He's way stronger than i anticipated.

When the bell rang yet again i walked towards my corner, i ignored everything Yoongi was saying and i scanned the crowd. I saw my parents a look of worry spread across their faces my mom's eyes were watery. I searched some more until my eyes stopped on my handsome lover standing next to Jimin and Hoseok. Taehyung smiled as soon as our gazes met, i weakily smiled back. He lifted his fist in the air and even if i couldn't hear him amidst all the other loud voices surrounding him i could perfectly make out the three words that left his lips. I love you.

My heart burst with happiness, he was my strength and because of him i was happy, because of him i'd pull through this next round and give it my all until the very end.

Once the third round began i went in more determined than ever, i was sure this round was mine when my opponent's mouth was bleeding and he slightly folded to an upper cut on the body. The round ended rather quickly as i felt i suddenly had the upper hand.

Yoongi commended me on my sudden change in attitude and boxing style. He repeated over and over again to keep it up and i'd at least get a draw. I didn't want a draw, i wanted to take home the victory.

The fourth and final round began, my opponent came out just as he did before, but i already knew how to evade his boxing patterns. I focused on hurting his body because of how much taller he was than me. He swung a hard right and hit me on my chin, i tumbled back and took a second to regain my composure when i suddenly saw him quickly approaching me hoping to end this now, I swiftly moved to my left instead of my right and with all my strength i punched him right under his ribs.

He completely folded before me, getting on his knees on the ring floor. The crowd around us roared and i stood in disbelief, he wasn't standing up and just holding his stomach instead. I lifted my arms in victory and looked around for Taehyung. He was jumping up and down in joy along with Jimin. Hoseok was just smiling at them, i wanted to share my happiness with Taehyung forever.

I bent down towards my opponent and helped him up, he congratulated me and showed incredible sportsmanship i placed his arm around my shoulder and walked him back to his corner and coach, who wore a boxing gown with Baekhyun stitched on the upper left corner, i thanked them for the opportunity to fight and walked back to my corner.

Yoongi was yelling and trying to pick me up though failing miserably, he was extremely proud of me and his gummy smile demonstrated it perfectly. I wanted to leave the ring immediately but both fighters were called to the middle of the ring to announce the clear winner.

My arm was lifted by the referee into the air and all the guests cheered for me. I practically ran out of the ring into the crowd and searched for Tae, i couldn't see him in the sea of people surrounding me. I was being grabbed and touched as people were trying to stop me to get a few words with me. I kept pulling myself away from everyone, i just wanted to see Taehyung. There was one grip that just wouldn't let go of my arm, i turned and saw Jennie smiling at me.

"Congrats Kookie!" She squealed.

I hummed and tried prying my arm away from her grip but she held on harder. "Can i talk to you in private?"

"No, look can you not do this right now?."

"Why?" She whined.

"I'm seeing someone else right now."

She released my arm and stared me down she seemed angry, but none of it mattered. I kept pushing my way through random people and a lot of my classmates in the direction i had seen Tae still i couldn't spot him, then there he was.

Hands in his pockets holding in all his love for me, holding in the same urge i felt to run towards him and have him embrace me, congratulate me with his arms wrapped around me.

"Fuck it", i whispered to myself, and i ran towards him full force and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I kissed him in front of everyone, "i love you too Kim Taehyung."

His smile and his watery eyes confirmed that all of this was the right choice, only we mattered. I heard gasps, Jimin squealing, and a couple of 'what the fucks'.

"Fuck everyone else", i smiled at Tae.

"Fuck everyone else", he repeated after me. "God you're so fucking beautiful", he said as he wiped a little bit of blood away from my nose.

I'd talk to my parents later, right now i wanted Tae to hold me and love me. I owed absolutely no one an explanation, as long as Tae was holding onto me i could conquer the world and ignore the hate filled whispers of those around me.

I could be free with him.



I'm really happy with this ending, it made me feel really warm as i wrote it. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i loved writing it.

Thank you for taking time out of your lives to read this and loving on my characters ❣

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