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The bell rang and i essentially jumped up from my desk i wanted to get to Taehyung before my classmates began surrounding me. I heard my name being called as i left class, i remained focused on making my way to Tae. I walked towards his class despite telling him i'd wait outside mine.

I saw an angry Jimin walking towards me and i turned away from him, he was still waiting for answers.

"Guk don't you dare you fucking coward. Come over here and fix this rage i'm feeling", he ran after me catching up quickly. His short legs didn't give me any advantage over him, he's fast.

I felt my collar being pulled on stopping me in my tracks, "come on Jimin, let go. I have to go meet Taehyung." I smiled at his name.

"No, right now you have to talk to me."

Before i knew it Taehyung was standing in front of me grinning from ear to ear. "You ok?" He asked looking back at Jimin, who finally let go of my collar.

"What do you want with him?" Jimin demanded from Tae.

"Can you not do this here? People are watching Jimin." I panicked.

My friend quieted down, he knew i was scared of coming out. "Let's walk home together Guk."

"Can i come along?" Taehyung faced Jimin who only scowled.


The walk home had been full of Jimin scolding Taehyung who respectfully remained quiet. He apologized to Jimin and myself for being  a complete and utter asshole to me within the past month. My friend didn't stop until his heart felt Taehyung had understood the distress he had put me through. He was still weary of Tae though his bubbly personality kept coming out to say hello here and there.

He walked in between us and at some point linked arms with both Taehyung and I, "i can't believe you have a boyfriend Guk, especially after all the girls you dated. And it's not just anyone Guk it's the quiet yet handsome and mysterious Taehyung." He mocked

"Lucky huh?" Tae grinned as he eyed me.

Jimin laughed this interaction between us came so natural it was almost as if we'd been friends with Taehyung for a longer period of time. Tae seemed at ease with Jimin and i was momentarily jealous until my friend's phone rang and his face lit up.

"Hey Hobi", he spoke into his phone as he walked ahead of us to have a private conversation.

"He guards you like a dog", Tae smiled.

"We've just been friends for a long time. He's the only person asides from you that i've opened up to."

"I might get a little jealous", he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I loved feeling Tae's warmth.

Jimin was done with his phone call and his mood was even brighter than before. He suddenly scrunched his nose up, "oh right Guk, before i left class some kids were saying that you fucked someone in the restroom during lunch time." He laughed at his statement and i reddened.

"What? Who said that?"

"Well they mentioned Tzuyu's name so i'm no sure if they meant you fucked her in the restroom, or if she's the one spreading the rumor around."

I looked at Tae with flushed cheeks, he was smug and smirking. Jimin turned to look at him then at me.

"What the hell Guk? Who did you fuck in the restroom?"

I looked at floor embarassed as hell, Tae's arm tightened around me.

"Wait, are you the one that got fucked? Are you the bottom Guk?"

"My precious Kook, is what he is", Taehyung lifted my face with two fingers and brushed my cheek with his thumb.

"Ugh, yuck." Jimin made gagging noises and covered his mouth in disgust.

I laughed, "ok 'Mr. I get dick in my ass and mouth at the same damn time'."

Jimin's entire head flushed, he pointed at me, and punched me as he quacked. Taehyung laughed.


I was worried about the rumor going on in school, but right now there were more pressing matters.

Taehyung walked me to the gym, we both greeted Yoongi when we arrived, there was a slight trace of confusion in his face when he saw us together.

"You guys know each other?"

"Yeah, he's my baby", Taehyung smiled at Yoongi.

I laughed nervously, "quit messing around."

Taehyung's smile fell and i felt guilty. He watched me train and stayed around Yoongi, they were talking about something serious or at least it looked like it from the looks on their faces. I was afraid that Tae may be telling him about us.

I finished my session and went to take a quick shower in the locker room, Taehyung followed and sat on a bench near the showers. I could feel his piercing gaze swallow me whole.

"What?" I questioned as i rinsed shampoo out of my hair.

"You ready for tomorrow?" There was a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah, you don't think i am?"

"I know you are, but i'm obviously going to worry. What if your pretty face gets hurt?"

"Is that all you're worried about? My face?" I sneered.

He had come close without me realizing and he smacked my behind, "Of course not, i'm worried that the pounding that i gave this ass today is going to hold you back."

"I'm fine Tae really." I laughed. "Are you going to the fight tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure, wouldn't it be weird for me to go? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with what people might say", sadness coated his words.

"Try to go. I want you there."

"Alright then, i'll go watch you though i'll keep my distance. You can approach me if you want to."

I hummed, he let me finish my shower and then we began our walk back home.

"What did you and Yoongi talk about?"

"Oh not much just about much better you are as a boxer than when you started. Or at least that's what my cousin kept rambling on about."

"Did he ask about us?" I was curious.

"Yeah, but i brushed him off. You made it clear you didn't want him to know either when we got there." He brushed his hand against mine. I knew he wanted to hold it, intertwine our fingers, and walk like a proud couple home. But he holds back due to my fears, the guilt within me kept growing any time i saw Taehyung's glimmer dissipate due to my fears.

Tomorrow would be a different day and maybe, just maybe i'd develop the courage to show off what we have  to the world the same way he wants to.


Next chapter is Jungkook's big fight and the ending to this FF. ❤

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