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I need to find out why the hell Taehyung is going over to Jimin's. I felt anxious when i saw Jimin and Taehyung walking in the same direction towards the cafeteria, my friend usually spends his lunches with me, but I'm with Jennie right now. My head was hot with envy, Jimin is my friend.

Jennie wouldn't shut up, she rambled on about how happy she was and what she was going to do after class, i just nodded along not giving a single fuck about what she was saying. In the distance i could see Taehyung and Jimin sitting under the tree the quiet guy is usually at, Jimin seemed akward at first but was quickly smiling at anything Taehyung would comment, who i must say didn't seemed too amused but rather forced to speak. The black haired boy suddenly began being a fucking sleeze, he would tap on Jimin's chin here and there the same way he had tapped mine in the alley. My fists balled up, Jimin is my fucking friend not Taehyung's.

I saw them exchange phones for what i could easily assume was attain each others numbers. They spoke for a little while longer and Jimin left as he received a phone call. Taehyung left shortly after and i could see neither of them anymore.

Jennie was eating some low calorie bullshit meal claiming she was taking care of her figure, i was sipping on banana milk hoping and wishing for time to pass me by faster.

-what were you and Taehyung talking about?

I had sent Jimin a message ten minutes ago and he still hadn't replied. I was getting impatient, i needed to know what they were talking about and why they were meeting after class alone at Jimin's. I set my phone down on my lap with a small sigh.

"When's your fight Kookie?" Jennie looked at me eyes wide with curiosity.

"At the end of the month", i replied grinning at her.

"You've said that, but what day exactly baby?"

"The 29th", i replied.

She started saying how she would make t-shirts for her and her friends to wear to my match i was yet again simply nodding along, the vibration of my phone made me completely lose focus of whatever Jennie was saying. I unlocked it and saw Taehyung's name on my notification bar.

-come see me in the east wing restroom.

My heart skipped a beat, "Jennie i have to go to the restroom, i don't feel too well."

"If you don't feel good then lets go to the nurses office Kookie."

"No Jennie it's fine i just need to go to the restroom." I insisted.

She looked at me suspiciously but ended up humming as if i needed her approval, "ok but come back here when you're done, if you don't feel any better we're going to the nurse. I'm calling my friends over so they can wait with me"

"Sure thing little one, i'll be back in a bit."

I darted out of my seat and towards the restroom, hardly anyone was around the east wing during lunch time, the cafeteria was way too far and people are lazy.

The closer i got the restroom the more nervous i became, was Taehyung going to tell me he was after Jimin? Or that they were going to fuck just so he could get back at me by hurting those i love.

I cautiously entered the restroom, the rusty hinges creaking loudly giving away I was entering the silent lavatory.

"Kook?" Taehyung's deep voice echoed in the bathroom.

I hummed to let him know it was me.

"I'm in the last stall, get over here."

"What? Fuck no. Just come out that's creepy man." I snapped.

"Get the fuck over here Kook, don't make me come get you."

I was weary, but i did was i told anyway, like a puppy following orders from his owner.

The stall was slightly larger than the rest and Taehyung was sitting on the toilet's lid with his legs sprawled and almost reaching out of the cubicle. He got on his feet and came close to my face, his breath was minty. He reached behind me and i braced myself for him to touch me, no hands landed on me and instead the click of the stall door closing was the only thing happening right now.

"Just tell me what you want man." I spoke into his ear.

He pulled his face away from my shoulder as he let go of the door lock but raised his arm so it rested behind my head on the door, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend, very beautiful by the way." His face was intimately close to mine and didn't give away what he was thinking.

"It's none of your business asshole."

"You smell good, like bananas. Oh so very sweet", he smiled as he stared at my lips. "You kiss that girl with the same lips that you kissed me with, is she what smells sweet on you? Maybe I'll take her from you just so i can have this smell all to myself", he sneered as he took my chin in his hand and lifted my face.

"You're gay, you won't be able to do anything with her."

"That's where you're wrong Kook, if you listened to what I say you'd know that i like what i like regardless of gender. Maybe i could have you both. I could fuck you from behind as you rammed yourself in her." He suggested looking directly into my eyes.

I could easily push him away from myself, i could force him against the wall behind him, i could fuck him myself as he claimed he'd do me, but when i win this little game Taehyung is playing I'll make sure i do it with an audience.

His eyes had moved to my lips again, he licked his own, and pressed his body against my own taking my waist with his free hand. "You're so fucking pretty", he quickly connected our lips not leaving any room for me to retort his comment. His hair brushed my face as he leaned more into me, the arm he was once resting on the stall was now on the back of my head gently cradling me. The arm around my waist was pulling me in closer pressing me hard against his body, he was warm.

I began kissing him back while i pulled on his shirt to try to close in the nonexistent distance between us. Our tounges intertwined and he was lightly grunting, he felt good. I wanted to hear more from him, i started grinding myself on him almost as if it were a natural reaction for me to do that with another man. My breathing became heavier, grinding on Taehyung was making me feel a type of pleasure i had never felt before. He grabbed my ass and pulled me in forcibly adding that much more feeling to the ecstasy coursing through my cock. I was completely hard by now i could feel Taehyung was too, and that turned me on entirely. I was making Taehyung's body react to my own.

He took a step back not letting the connection of our lips break pulling me back with him. He sat on the loilet lid and led me down with him, i was now straddling him. He pulled my shirt off and stared at my body eating me up with his eyes.

I let my gaze fall down on him, his black hair covered most of his face from up here, his hands were traveling all around my skin. I was yet again needy for another man, i wanted him to do something about the uncomfortable situation i had going on in my pants.

Almost as if he had read my mind he let his hands undo my pants, "take one leg out", he ordered and i obeyed. I was left practically naked sitting on top of this guy's lap while he still had all his colthes on.

"I'll make you feel good Kook."


I really like the characters in this story, they practically write themselves. 😎

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