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The weekend passed by slowly, Jimin was still in terrible condition. His mom allowed him to stay home and rest for another day. I on the other hand had no choice but to get to school on time.

I was messaging Jimin the entire walk to school, making sure he knew i'd still be available for him right after classes ended.

I couldn't begin to fathom what he was going through. He gave himself up to two men at the same time, men he was infatuated with and who were more than willing to enter a threesome with him. Yet there he was at home waiting for a message that i doubted would come any time soon. I'd speak to my coach today, tell him to man the fuck up, and give my friend the closure he deserved.

I hadn't noticed the couple a few steps away from me until i bumped into the girl.

Jennie complained and turned to see who had collided with her, "Kookie watch out, i could've fallen."

The pitch in her voice annoyed the shit out of me as always.

She was again holding onto Taehyung, i felt a ping in my stomach.

"I'm sorry Jennie i was distracted on my phone, it won't happen again." I muttered.

"It's fine, what had you so distracted on your phone that you crashed into me? Maybe a new girlfriend?" Her big doe eyes widening, i would've found this cute before but right now i was vexed.

"Something like that", i looked at Tae who glared at me, "now if you'll excuse me i have to go." I half assed a bow and bolted towards school, seeing them together made me feel sick.


Once in school i had no way around the girls who gravitated towards me. There were two holding my arms playfully and for the first time in a while i wasn't utterly compelled to push them away. They talked about things i had no interest in and giggled at the stupidest shit, but i didn't care as long as i wasn't alone.

I went to sit on a bench two girls sat at my sides and one of the more bold females sat on my leg, Tzuyu i believe her name was. It made me extremely uncomfortable but i didn't know how to aske her to get off, i didn't want to seem rude.

"Could i speak to you?" Taehyung suddenly stood in front of me and the look in his eyes made me flinch, he was furious.

I was still bothered by the fact that Jennie's been clinging to him and i let it show, "sure go ahead."

"In private?"

"I'm with company could you just say whatever you need to right here, i don't want to leave these girls alone", i smiled at Tzuyu who bit her lip.

"I think you'd find that what i need to speak about isn't suitable for them to hear." Taehyung looked at Tzuyu with a wide hypocritical smile.

"Try me," he wouldn't dare.

"I left me belt at your house after we got done ja-"

I jumped up and basically hurled Tzuyu to the ground, how could he speak about shit like that in public as if it were no big deal. The girls were shocked and Taehyung silently smirked. I picked Tzuyu up and apologized profoundly, assuring that I'd make it up to her and as if nothing had happened she smiled at me, "don't forget what you just said."

I grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him away forcefully towards a more secluded part of the school.

"I like it when you get rough." His deep voice sent chills down my spine.

He intertwined our fingers forcing me to smile.

"I'll take your belt to you after school. How can you just spout shit like that in front of people?"

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