Deep Voice 💦

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"I'll make you feel good Kook", he grunted looking up at me through his black hair. I suddenly wanted to hear more from him and his manly voice.

He wrapped his large hand around my length, not leaving any of my girth untouched. He began pumping as his other hand caressed the small of my back, and there it was again my body tingling for Taehyung. I placed one of my hands at the back of his head and the other on his shoulder. I needed to feel him more, closer. I unwillingly pulled his head towards my body, he took advantage and wrapped his mouth around my nipple.

I had never been taken care of sexually before, all i ever did was fuck to cum, but Taehyung was doing so much more than just stroking me for my climax, he was brushing his hands all over my body and planting his lips wherever they pleased, giving me a sensory overload.

Everything i was feeling was new to me, it made me crave for more so i began thrusting into his hand as hard as i could. His grip tightened around me and yet i still wanted more of him.

"Fuck Tae", i moaned regretting making such a high pitched sound, a man was doing all of this to me, a man was making me lose myself in his grip, making me melt within his hands.

He pulled his lips away from my nipples long enough to smirk up at me, "yes Kook?"

His face made me wish i could have more of him. I couldn't stand not being connected to him in some type of way so i kissed him, i knew i was stupid for it but i needed to feel him closer to me.

Our tounges intertwined and i pulled him even closer to me, his warmth engulfed me and i wanted to cum for him, "faster Tae, please." The words women usually told me during sex were what i was offering to Taehyung this moment.

His pace picked up and my thrusts followed his lead. "Fuck, i'll cum Tae."

"Cum for me Kook." His smile unfaltering.

His deep voice sent me over the edge. My balls tightened and as soon as Taehyung felt my dick twitch he pointed it towards my abdomen, my white bursts of pleasure erupting and landing on myself. I rested my head on Tae's shoulder as he stroked me through my climax. I had never orgasmed this way before. No one had ever taken the time to explore my weak spots and abuse them.

I felt his dick twitch under his clothes, and i immediately felt bad. I came and Taehyung helped me get there while he only got to watch.

I tried prying his pants open, but his hand stopped me and he clicked his tounge three times, "no puppy, i dont let just anyone touch me."

"But you're hard." I tried reasoning not just for him but for my sake. What was i planning to do once i pulled his pants down? Grab his dick and jerk him off?

"And I'll take care of it later myself, now hop off the bell's about to ring." There he was again the Taehyung that humiliates me. He stood up not waiting for me to clean myself, "does your girlfriend know how good i make you feel? Has she ever heard you moan before?" He walked out of the stall, i heard the water running as he washed his hands and then just like that he vanished out the door.

I was left with the sticky mess i had created on my stomach with my pants around one my ankles and my shirt on the dirty bathroom floor. Was I a masochist for enjoying the few minutes Taehyung dedicated to me only for the sake of tormenting me?

I cleaned myself up and headed back to Jennie, she was still sitting though now a few other girls surrounded her. The bell rang and they stood, Jennie looked around probably searching for me and frowned once her eyes landed on my reddened face.

"Walk me to class Kookie?"

"Yeah, let's go, you don't want to get there late", i smiled at her, "thank you for waiting for me my stomach really hurt."

The comment seemed to ease her mind as her tense shoulders relaxed, "my poor Kookie", she went to rub my belly and i jumped back. She looked confused.

"Sorry, it's still a little sensitive", i explained.

She hummed and locked her arm onto mine. We were on our way to her class when Jimin and Taehyung caught my attention, they were together again.

Taehyung had one of his hands on Jimin's lower back and i became infuriated, he had just placed his hand on my body in the same place. Is Jimin what he meant when he said he'd take care of it later? My chest felt heavy. Jimin hadn't replied to my messages either, and my mind was running wild with assumptions.

"Kookie!" Jennie wouldn't shut up and her screech caught Taehyung and Jimin's attention. They turned to look at us, except Taehyung didn't show any emotions when he met my eyes this time around. He focused his attention at Jennie and smirked at her, she was a blushing mess again. I pulled my arm out of her grip, she was shocked and her eyes traveled up to my face since i had never acted rudely to anyone before, but i was jealous. Taehyung left Jennie's eyes and his smirk was now directed at me. He was doing it on purpose. Jimin rolled his eyes at me and proceeded into his classrom, was he mad at me?

"What was that?" Jennie asked trying to act cute like she hadn't just blushed for another man in front of me.

"Why did you blush?" I went straight to the point, this was my chance at an excuse to break up with her.

"I'm sorry Kookie he just caught me by surprise, i wasn't expecting him to smile at me", she smiled pissing me off even more, "wait is my Kookie jealous?"

"I was, but if you can blush for anyone who smiles at you then this isn't going to work out", i was such a fucking hypocrite, cumming in that same man's hand, but this was working in my favor.

"What do you mean?" She stepped back.

"You know exactly what i mean."

"You can't be serious, we only started dating yesterday."

"But i am, i'm not going to lose myself to the jealousy you want to provoke in me by giving other guys attention." I frowned.

"No Kookie, it was just that during that moment i was surprised", her eyes watered. I had used her so many times and here i was showing her just a tiny part of the real me, yet she couldn't handle even that much. This was for the best.

"I'm heading back to class." I turned.

She walked into her own classroom, with her eyes red and brimming with tears. I knew that i would be called jerk and an asshole, but i would cover my reputation by saying that she was giving different guys too much attention. Some would believe her and others would believe me, rumors would die down quick as we were considered two good people and that would be the end of that.

Right now all i cared about was finding out why Taehyung was going over to Jimin's.


I really hope this is turning out interesting for you guys. 😔

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