Eyes Covered

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A week passed and i hadn't heard from Taehyung since his last message. He hadn't been going to school either, maybe he was attending another school now though i wouldn't know.

The first few days were terrible for me i could hardly get any sleep, i was training for hours on end after class to occupy my mind, and i was slacking on homework. My school personality remained unchanged and was the only thing steady in my life. My fake smile and usual kindness carried on despite feeling like i was falling apart.

Hardly anyone took notice of Taehyung's absence, nobody questioned where he was, or if he was alright. Jimin would lift my face up every now and then if i lost myself in thought for too long, he knew exactly what was wrong.


Just like every morning  for the past week, Jimin was already waiting for me outside my home gate. He hardly ever left me alone and traveled with me daily to the gym too not only for me, but to see Yoongi too. He knew how much i hated being alone to my thoughts.

We were talking and occasionally Jimin would reply to messages, he had mentioned he was deeply confused and wished he could be with both Yoongi and Hoseok. He really liked them both and didn't know who to pick, Yoongi had already shown romantic interest in Jimin and hadn't mentioned if he was a top or bottom so my friend assumed my coach would be the bottom. Hoseok was extremely bright and would court Jimin daily hoping to get a chance with my friend. I hadn't met him, but he sounded great.

I on the other hand had lost interest in women and men all together. I focused on myself and maintaining my image. It was friday already and this past week had been torture, but i could feel myself getting better day by day.

We had arrived to school and as always girls were already waiting for me at the entrance. Jimin hadn't given them a chance to approach me and walked with me towards my class.

"If i was a girl I'd hiss at them for being so damn desperate", he smiled at me.

I laughed at what he said and just as quickly his smile flattened and his eyebrows came together to show displeasure. He was looking behind me and i was scared. I didn't want to turn in fear of who I'd see.

"Let's go", Jimin ordered and i followed, but not before slightly turning and seeing Taehyung under the tree he was usually under just staring up at the sky, except he wasn't alone. Jennie was sitting next to him smiling. All that played in my head was Taehyung once telling me, "i like what i like."

The longing i felt for Taehyung and his warm touch broke me. I could feel my heart shattering and taking me back to the night he pulled away from my grip.

I reached for Jimin's hand and squeezed. My friend let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt weak and as if my legs would give out. All the fatigue from the past week caught up to me as Jimin took me to a bench as far away from them as possible and sat with me.

"You know he's not worth it right?"

"I know", i lied Taehyung was worth everything. He was rude and i was fake, and through each of our poor decisions, and shitty personalities there were tender kisses and gentle caresses. We were true to each other when we were alone letting our bodies do the talking.

Suddenly I, a boxing star considered man of men, began crying in school. It was all so much to take in. I didn't sob nor did i make a single sound but silent and tired tears fell from my eyes. Jimin once again offered me the safety of his shoulder to cry on and neck to hide my face in. I hid away from the world like a coward, i wouldn't let anyone see the real me, the broken me.

Once i regained composure i smiled at my friend and through that gesture i thanked him for everything, for being an incredible friend, and for never leaving me.

He hugged me tightly, "you'll be ok Guk."

I wasn't sure about that.


I went to class despite my current emotional state. I was able to pull through every single one of my classes and interact with others like a normal person.

School ended and Jimin was already waiting for me outside of class, smiling. He was always smiling this past week, he claimed that if he smiled long enough i'd be infected by his joy and smile back. I shrugged him off when he said it, but today as i smiled back at him i believed everything he said.

"Ready to go home?"

"Not really", i sighed

He pulled me by the hand and wrapped his arms around my waist once again, keeping unwanted girls at bay. He rested his head on my shoulder and muttered nonsense that made me laugh, i wondered how people get through their days without having a friend like mine by their side.

We headed for the back exit hoping we'd avoid running into Taehyung, but our efforts were futile once we saw Jennie and Tae ahead of us. Her arm was linked onto Taehyung's. Jimin's grip tightened around me and he pulled me with him walking ahead of the pair so i wouldn't have to look at them for long.

"Ugh it smells like trash, let's hurry and get out of here quick Guk." Jimin scrunched his nose and made sure to speak loud enough for Taehyung to turn towards us as we passed by them

I glanced at him and his eyes remained trained on Jimin's arms wrapped around me. He looked up into my eyes and quickly looked away. Jennie pulled her body closer to Taehyung and smiled at me, i simply turned away.

Jimin walked me to my doorstep and apologized for having to leave he was seeing Hoseok today. I asked him not to apologize for living his life outside of mine, and he smiled at me punching my arm mocking how i was suddenly mature and not a little brat.

Once in my room i began playing video games to keep myself busy until it was time for me to train. I placed my headphones on my ears and let myself detach from the world.

I was focused on winning and beating the level when two hands covered my eyes. "What is it Jimin?" I automatically assumed my friend had come back to comfort me. I was about to tell him to leave and go see Hoseok when the pair of hands lifted from my eyes. It wasn't until then that i noticed they were far too large to be Jimin's.

"I help you figure out your actual sexual orientation and you run into your gay best friend's arms? Tell me what's it like to be fucked by someone you love Kook?" Taehyung whispered into my ear as he pulled one of my headphones off.


Taekook time again 🥳

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