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  Being a people pleaser will be my downfall.

My last class had already started and yet the fretting girls surrounding me still hadn't taken a seat. I smiled and laughed at any and all their comments regardless of being funny or not, as long as they still think of me as a stellar person, the act will be worth it.

Everyone had set high expectations for me at a young age; my grades had to be above average, i excelled in every sport, my personality had to be on par with my excellent grades. I had built a whole other persona to offer those around me, i couldn't whine to just anyone or turn people down when i was asked for a favor. I knew my classmates adored me, but i had grown tired of the attention a while back.

When i was introduced to boxing i immediately fell in love with it. I had found a way to let out all my frustrations without having to burden anyone with my nagging.

"Jungkook!" My professor called. "Pay attention. What is the answer to this problem?"

I had been lost in useless thoughts again, all it took was a glance towards the board for me to reply with the right answer. As expected of me.

Time flew after i answered the question and actually focused on the lecture, the bell rang and i was once again surrounded by people who i had no interest in speaking to. Yet here i sat smiling at them and kindly speaking back.

"Kook let's go home." A familiar voice called out to me as my arm was tugged on, Jimin was always my savior in these kind of situations.

He took on the job of being my personal fly swatter, one of the few people who knew how i really felt and the act i put up for the sake of keeping my obsessive people pleaser behavior at bay.

Jimin was beautiful, although a man his features were soft, his grey hair as smooth as silk, his eyes ever so enticing, and his physique was nothing short from perfect. Many girls from different classes tried hitting on him only for him to turn them down with nothing but his truth, 'I'm gay' would always be his reply, he was more graceful than any woman i had ever met thanks to his extensive history of contemporary dancing. If i were gay i probably would've hit on him a long time ago.

We began on our route home, we lived only a few streets away from each other. The quietness he offered me on our walk was a sigh of relief, i had already burned myself out at school. No one knew of my true introverted self except very few select people like Jimin who knew how hard i tried to not upset anyone with the real me.

Jimin didn't walk down his street once we reached it, i guess he's coming home with me. Jimin was the only friend that i ever let into my home, and his presence within my room always filled me with peace. It was almost as if he head some kind of soul healing power, and i needed plenty of that.

"Yum", our silent walk had finally come to an end as Jimin's eyes were eating up my black haired neighbor.

"He'll hear you", i laughed.

"Good, there's nothing more handsome than that man and i want him", Jimin giggled.

"What exactly do you see in him?" I asked genuinely curious.

"It's mostly the fact that no one can get through to him but he's also tall, his hands are incredibly well taken care of, his perfume is so so sexy, the grunge vibe he always has, he speaks roughly to everyone, and his voice is as deep as my desire for him."

"God man, how close do you get to him to be able to smell him",  I laughed.

"I sit behind him", he rolled his eyes at me and then trained them back on my neighbor. Right Jimin and Taehyung were both two years older than me and in the same class.

I hadn't tried speaking to Kim Taehyung in years despite being neighbors and attending the same school, with our age gap I hardly ever saw him at school though i always saw him when he got home. He was walking with his hands in his pockets looking at the ground per usual only taking one hand out long enough to open his home gate.

Jimin and I made it into my own home and headed for my room, we began playing video games and within these four walls i could be myself. I could let out the real Jungkook; the one who curses with every sentence, the one who makes crude remarks at anything he might find stupid, the one who slacks off until 10 p.m. to finally begin doing homework, the one i wish i could show others without disappointing them.

Jimin left after our six bouts of video games, he'd had enough of losing and listening to me triumphantly degrading his attempts at winning. He whined about going home while muttering  how he couldn't understand why so many people loved me if i was such an asshole. With my attitude and all Jimin never left me without tussling my hair and asking me to take care of myself. He was the true definition of a best friend.

I rested on my bed getting ready to fall asleep when my phone lit up next to me. Jennie has a knack of messaging when I'm most peaceful and just wrecking that for me.

- are you awake? (;

I read the message and just left my phone back in its original place, i was reminded of just how fake i am to those around me, she doesn't know how annoying i truly find her, and that the only reason i keep talking to her is because she gives good head. I faced my window searching for the moon or the stars, anything that would help me relax again. All i could see was the curtains pulled back from my neighbor's window.

His bed sat at the wall away from his window, i often forgot that Taehyung's room was right across my own. The curtains from his house were usually all pulled down, never letting anyone peek into the privacy of the Kim's home.

His long legs dangled from his bed as his back rested on the wall behind him, his eyes were looking down at the only thing lighting up his room. He was laughing at his whatever was on his phone screen.

I'd never seen him smile, let alone laugh. I couldn't help but chuckle, "what a fucking weird guy."


First chapter done 🥸

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