Chapter 24

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A month later...

Lory's POV

"Lory, basta tawagan mo lang ako kapag may kailangan ka, okay? And please wag mo bigyan ng sakit sa ulo si Manang. Babalik ako as soon as matapos ko ang problema dun. Update me always okay?" Kuya reminded me for the nth time.

"Yes kuya, ilang beses mo na akong sinabihan niyan. You look like you're talking to a 5 years old kid who'll be left in her Nana's. I can handle myself. Have a safe trip kuya!" I said and gave him a hug.

"Sigurado ka bang ayaw mo akong ihatid sa airport?"

"I really can't, I'll hangout with my friends kasi eh. I'm sorry kuya, please don't make tampo. I'm not good at making suyo."

"Conyo ka talaga kahit kelan eh, oh siya, una na ako. Ingat kayo dito ha." He said as he went inside the car. I waved good bye as soon as he started the engine.

Kuya Gray has an emergency call from Sweden, sa company ata namin. I'm not really sure, I didn't bother to ask na since he's super busy and nagmamadali siya.

Update in my life, I'm now okay although I still feel sadness and loneliness but I talked to my doctor, she said I'm done with that fucking depression. Thanks to my friends, they really helped me.

As a thank you for them, ako ang taya ngayon. I don't know why pero pinagbawalan ako ng barkada mag-inom, didn't know all of them are doctors akala ko kasi si Paolo lang. Nakakasama daw sa atay, punyeta. So, since ayaw nila mag-inom. Magdi-dinner nalang kami dito sa bahay, I cooked most of their requests. I'm not that good in cooking kasi more on baking ako but trust me, I did my best.

I made Leche Flan, my specialty. Si Mama yung nagturo sa akin and gave me the secret ingridients. Oh, how I miss making Leche Flan with Mama. I also made Revel bar and Red Velvet cupcakes.

It's now 5:53pm. I went upstairs and took a bath since amoy sibuyas at bawang ako. I'm wearing a white polo and pants with slippers since andito lang naman ako sa bahay. I sat down in front of my mirror and wore Mama's favorite pair of earrings.

Ilang minuto pa ay nakarinig na ako ng doorbell. And who's the early bird? I ran down stairs and opened the door. I saw Rocco and Dani standing, holding a bottle of wine.

"Love birds na nga, early birds pa." I said ang gave them a hug.

"Eh kasi naman, I need to talk to you na tayong dalawa lang muna." Dani said as they entered the house.

"Why naman? Secret yan?" I asked as I sat down on the couch, they did the same.

"Oo, secret natin."

"Ooooh really? Spill the beans!" I said excitingly.

"Well, we thought that this is the perfect time to announce that we will be having our first baby." She said.

O to the M to the G!!!!

"Good Lord! You're pregnant?!" I said in shock. She nodded in response. I stood up and hug the both of them.


"Please shut your mouth muna, okay? I'll announce it to them later." She said

"Kelan niyo nalaman??"

"Last week, 3 weeks na si baby dito." She said while rubbing her belly.

"Oh, you really love me ’noh? Ako talaga yung first niyo sinabihan eh. Yieeee should I be kilig?" I jested.

"Oh god, you're allowed to be kilig kapag straight na yung tagalog mo." She said which made me laugh.

While we were chitchattings, I heard another ding on the doorbell. I opened the door and saw Ria, Aga and Miguel. I gave each one of them a hug and let them in.

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