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It's a Monday morning and Liam wakes up to a huge crash from the kitchen he opens his eyes slowly adjusting to the morning light he checks the time on his phone and its already 7:30 and he has a meeting with new talent at 8 so he groaned but rolled out of bed still only in his boxers he walked towards the kitchen

"Was just about to wake you Lad " Louis says as Liam sits down and starts to fill his plate with all the food Harry had prepared for them all

"You have a lot on today sir" Harry his Personal Assistant says but he is also Louis's boyfriend so he is usually over now 

"Yeah, I know and I can't wait," Liam said sarcastically  "and thanks for breakfast harry and stop calling me sir Liam is fine," he said with a genuine smile 

"All good and Yes Liam," Harry said before turning back to Louis who was walking into the living room

After Liam finished his breakfast he did the dishes as Harry and apparently Louis had made breakfast he then walks back to his room to get dressed and ready to go

He was going to tell Harry that they would be living soon but he stopped as he heard a loud moan and a string of yes's from inside Louis's room he decides to leave them be and continue to get himself ready he decides  to put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a white T-shirt and a leather jacket to top it off he adds his white Converse hightops

As he enters the living room he sees harry and Louis still aggressively snogging

"Guy's really you've been at it all morning and Harry we are leaving now and Louis you need to find that new housemate," Liam says nonchalantly

Louis and Liam's house wasn't huge but it did have 3 bedrooms and there was only 2 of them and they thought it could help with the rent so they thought why not but Liam decided that Louis should be the one to find the new housemate as Liam is always busy and he trusts Louis to find someone they both get along with

"Sorry," they say in unison as they pull apart But stay on top of each other

"And yeah I have a meeting with a candidate today I think he might be the one and he from what I've seen he is pretty hot" Louis adds earning a playful slap across his chest

"Who knows he might help Liam out with his sex drought or even better become his boyfriend," Harry says after Louis shows him a photo of the candite

"That would be impossible because if you were unaware I happen to have a thing called philophobia," Liam says sternly just thinking about falling in love again makes his heart speed up and his palms start sweating  

"and we have to go now Harry we are already 10 minutes late" He adds as he watches harry sigh and kiss Louis on the cheek before getting his briefcase and put his shoes on to go to work

while Louis goes to the nearest cafe to interview the next candidate

"Hello, You must be Zain Malik then," He says with a bright smile and an extended hand


So this is the prologue I hope you like it don't know when I'll update or if anyone wants to read this but we'll see anyway if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please comment so I Know to change it

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