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Step 4 in Zayn's plan was to test Liam's responses & his defences he was planning on seduce him which Zayn doesn't think will be two hard

Zayn knows his attractive I mean he still has Gigi knocking on his door everyday so he must be doing something right

He hasn't been in a relationship for years not since Perrie & that ended somewhat badly he never wants to see her face again let's just say

but she was the only person Zayn had ever actually loved or at least he thought he loved her but after thinking about he isn't sure anymore
"Harry, I just don't get it how can he trust Zayn so much to tell him that" Louis said as he was sitting on top of Harry on the couch

Zayn was in the hallway when he over heard them talking & suddenly felt bad he knew Liam trusted him & by the sound of Louis worried voice it was a lot  & he was probably going to break that trust tonight he thought listening in to Harry & Louis conversation

"Who knows why, who cares why or how" Harry says "it's a good thing right his making some sort of odd progress" Harry adds

Zayn smiles to himself knowing that he is the reason of this odd progress & happy that other people are nothing it

"Hey guys" Zayn starts before Louis can answer Harry "do you know where Liam is?"

"Why?" Louis asks while Harry just smirks to himself & kisses Louis on the top of the head before walking to the kitchen

"Was going to ask him cor help with something" Zayn says not really lying he was going to ask liam to help with something so that he goes into his room it was all he had so he hoped it worked

"Really" Louis said smirking a little bit "what's going on between you two exactly" Louis asks

"Nothing remember liam has a thing called Phil a phobia nothing can ever happen if even if I wanted to" Zayn says before he knows what he is saying

"So you do want something to happen then" Louis asks his smirk only getting bigger

"No it's was just a point I made, anyway do you know where he is" Zayn asked trying to steer the conversation back on track

"Have you checked his room?" Louis asks with a slight chuckle

"Yes, I checked his room" Zayn said starting to get annoyed with this conversation

"Then no I do not" Louis responded still chuckling as if he was telling a funny joke

"Well thanks for nothing" Zayn said rolling his eyes & walking back into his bed room

"All good mate" Louis shouts back knowing he annoyed Zayn but not caring as much as he probably should
It had been three hours & Zayn is now the only one home well that's what he thinks

So after a quick shower he wraps a towel around his waist probably a bit to low & walks into the kitchen

Only to find Liam in the there talking to someone on the phone Liam says his goodbyes to whoever he was talking to on the phone

Zayn smiled to himself thinking about how perfect the situation was

So he walked into the kitchen putting his hands on Liam's waist & he walked past which also grazed his cock against Liam's bum which Zayn had to take a minute he didn't want to get hard especially not this early

He opens the fridge looking at Liam over his shoulder & decided to get some strawberries out of the fridge & starts to eat them on the island

Liam can almost tell what Zayn was trying to do & it freaked him out he started to sweat & his breathing became short & shallow & short breaths at this point he didn't know if it was because of his pilophobia or just because of Zayn

Maybe a mix of both he thinks looking at Zayn who's still trying to sexily eat strawberries which Liam isn't sure if he wasn't to laugh or kiss him

Kiss him kept replaying in his head & his heart-rate increased & he could feel a shock of horror run throughout his entire body

His never wanted to kiss anyone since Danielle who was his first & last kiss for what Liam thought would be forever

Subconsciously Liam is leaning in & so is Zayn obviously Zayn looks up & can feel Liam's hot breath on his lips but he doesn't close the gap he wants Liam to do it

& just when Zayn thought he was going Liam pulls apart & runs to the bathroom feeling a wave of sickness & light headedness rush over him

Zayn sighs but stands up & go's to relieve the pressure from down under
Dîner could've easily be one of the most awkward things in a very long time a Louis was out with Harry at some fancy restaurants to celebrate something

Liam had invited Niall over to help with expected awkwardness but somehow he ended up making it more awkward with his little comments

& apparently Louis had been telling Niall & Harry things that happened while they weren't around & Liam made a mental note to tell off Louis for it even though Niall told him not to
But somehow the after dinner was more awkward maybe it was way Niall bought Icy poles over & Zayn couldn't stop look more like stare at the way Liam's lips wrapped around it as he sucked it

& obviously Liam noticed Zayn's staring & started to feel quite self conscious but also nervous & he started to break out in sweats

Louis had told Liam that Zayn might like him & he thought that was impossible but the more Liam observers Zayn the more he starts to believe Louis but it only freaks him out more

So he excuses himself before sitting on his bathroom floor hugging the toilet bowl & gagging until he gives up & decides to have a shower & go to bed so he strips down & hops in the water letting the very hot water leave red marks all over his body

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