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As usual Zayn gets up early though he starts to have a shower so by the time he is ready to eat breakfast Louis and Liam are already engaged in some conversation about what they saw on the news last night

"Hey guys how's everyone sleep" Zane ask grabbing a bowl from behind Louis And filling it with cereal
"good thanks" Louie said in his usual perky morning self

"I slept alright" Liam replied he wasn't exactly gonna tell Seane that he spent all night awake thinking staring at the ceiling and thinking about him

"That's cool hey Liam do you wanna go grocery shopping with me today we need a whole bunch more stuff" zayn asked trying to get some more alone time with Liam even if it meant in public

"Sure" Liam agreed after being knocked in the shoulder playfully by Louis

"cool will leave in about an hour I think" Zayn  said as he still need to do his hair and get properly dressed

"cool I'll meet you out here in about an hour then" Liam said as Zayn disappeared back to his room to get ready

Liam turns to  Louis  and said "I think I'm gonna tell him today I just hope he doesn't laugh in my face"

"Good for you mate" Louis says knowing full well that Seane already knows and then wouldn't after his face but still feeling a sense of accomplishment that Liam is finally gonna tell him by himself himself

"anyway I better go get ready" Liam says before  jogging  off to his bedroom

Louie just she smiles to himself Feeling proud of liam for finally opening up a little bit Zayn  as he finishes his cereal before grabbing his phone and
keys and walk out the door to Go to Harry's house
*in the shop*

after walking around the shop mostly aimlessly for about an hour liam and zayn finally pay for everything Liam decides that he's gonna tell zayn on the way home

"Hey Zayn can I talk to you about something" Liam asked looking over at Zayn in the drivers seat he takes a big breath in this is it he thinks

"Sure what's up"Zayn says back even though he knows exactly what Liam is about about to say

"Promise you won't laugh?" Liam are seriously this is the first person has told in a very long time everyone else is sort of just found out or guessed it before lame is a knew

"I promise" Zayn says honestly because he knows his not

"I sorta kinda maybe have phobia of love" Liam said so quietly Zayn almost missed it

"I sort of already know" Zayn mumbled
"What how?" Liam asked he was very confused
"Ummm just sort of noticed some things & did some research" Zayn answers quickly not wanting to rat Louis out
"Oh ok" Liam said getting a bit suspicious of Louis because surely Zayn couldn't have figured it out my him Zayn just smiles & starts the car
The drive home was kinda awkward no one really knew what to say

as they pulled up to the house they met Louis, Harry & Niall Harry & Louis drop there hands & go to help the others get the groceries out of the car

As soon as everything was unpacked liam went to his room and sat on his bed on his phone for a little bit trying to ignore the fact that knows about his Philophobia and that louis probably told him

Meanwhile in the kitchen Zayn cracks a huge smile before turning to louis and saying
"He told me" He try's to say nonchantly but he can't help but sound happy

"Told you what" Harry say's tucking his arm behind louis

"about his Philophobia, I didn't even ask it came out of no where" Zayn says happily

"that's great Zee" Louis Say's smiling about the fact liam actullay did it and how happy zayn is that he did

Liam only comes out of his room to announce his going to the gym and that he'll sort his own dinner out

Zayn doesn't know why things are so awkward between them because Zayn's opinion on liam hasn't changed at least he thought it hadn't he already knew anyway but maybe liam thinks that he has

Zayn Eats his dinner with Niall, harry and Louis who with liam being out are joined at the hip once again it scilent but not an awkward silence more of a knowing silence

After dinner it's Zayn's turn to do the dishes and Niall helps him to sped up the process after the dishes are done Zayn takes his second shower for the day before stripping down to his boxers only he can't sleep so he just stares at the ceiling thinking about the next step in his plan

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