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The next morning Zayn wakes up earlier than usual with a smile on his face even though he has to go back to work surprisingly Louie is already awake probably going to go visit Harry before he has to leave for work

He just ignores in there and just have a shower to clean himself but also just to think about life so much is happened to him in the past six months he moved away from his parents July 1 time now he's an English teacher in the middle of London living with being with someone that is afraid of love well has Philophobia and Zayn for some reason I decided it was his job to help him overcome his fear and hopefully once he's not afraid to fall in love with zayn

That's what Zayn wants anyway But he doesn't even have seen Liam is gay he doesn't even know if he's gay and yet he is so fixated on making sure Liam falls in love with him

he gets out of the shower and put on the coffee like he does every morning make him self a bowl of cereal and leaving cereals out for Liam who is still yet to show like usual  he won't be out until mid morning  Zayn already checked the schedule and he's free for rest of the day so that's he'll be up any time soon

Liam on the other hand is awake he's just on his phone trying to think about ways to get over his feel phobia and trying to think of ways he can show say that he really does trust Zayn because for some reason he can tell that it's important to say that Liam trusts him

But he gives up after about half an hour is nothing hoping Zanes already left for work he gets out of bed to make his breakfast he has the coffee that Zayn  left in the pot and cereal that Zayn left out he smiles to myself then get a shock of fear realising what he's feeling feeling

He can smell Louis  smoke And can see him on the balcony smoking but  decides to ignore him and go to the gym to try and clear his head

he decides to walk which he regrets as the gym is three blocks away and he only gets two blocks away the price already puffed out he really hasn't been exercising very much at all really are you should really get back into it but isn't of the energy particularly with Zayn and now there's too many things to worry about

Zayn has a horrible day at school yet apparently all of the students did absolutely zero work while he was away yesterday and trying to catch the maths homework is exhausting but tickly when no one seems to be getting it when The bell to the end of the day finally rings GiGi knocks on his door he size before getting up to answer it

"Hey baby"she says in a flirtatious way Zayn pretty sure that GiGi thinks they're in a relationship and Zane doesn't have the heart to tell her that she doesn't like her any more so he just left to go

"Hey" Zayn  responds

"You doing anything at the moment" GiGi says trying to sound flirtatious but she also sounds little bit annoyed as Seane picks up his pencils and put it in his pen case before putting it in this brief case

"Yes actually" he says falling back onto his desk as Gigi walks forward trying to kiss him But Seane quickly dodges the kiss and runs walked out to his car thanks for that the day is over
Meanwhile Liam is walking around trying to keep his mind off Zane and his stupid Philophobia that is until he gets a call from his mum he ignores it  and starts to walk home

Once Liam gets home he see's Louis on the couch playing video games and appears to be on the phone to someone who Liam can only assume is Harry just the thought of them together makes Liam want to throw up but he doesn't because he needs to talk to Louis

"Hey Louis can we talk for a minute" Liam asks and Louie know it's before saying his goodbyes and then hanging up on Harry

"So what's up" Louis says hoping that Liam hasn't figured out that he told Zayn

"nothing important just need to catch up session" Liam says nonchalantly and Louis is more than confused because it's Liam's Philophobia he's never want to just start small talk but Louis  ignores it and joins in

After talking for about an hour the front door opens revealing a very flustered zayn Louis is in half mine to laugh again and half a mind to think that something bad happened

"Hey you're right mate you look A bit flustered over there" louie decides to ask as Zayn comes and sits next to them

" yeah all good just had  long day that's all miss one day and all the students do nothing it's ridiculous" zayn  says rolling his eyes my

"i'm sure you were the same during school a substitute  teacher a perfect opportunity to skip out on doing school work for a day" louis says almost seriously except for the little chapel at the end

"I probably was doesn't make it any better as a  teacher though I'm  pretty sure my kids are gonna fail and I'll probably be fired but yeah I know" Zayn says exhaustedly "I'm going to make some dinner you want any?" Zayn asked before getting up to the kitchen to make some dinner the other two not the head and Zayn into the kitchen deciding to make a simple pasta

After not not so awkward dinner Zayn and Liam went to bed leaving Louie to do the dishes for the first time in awhile he side it is great to do it

Although Liam didn't sleep he stayed up all night star any sleep ceiling wondering whether he did t trust Zayn or not  and what it means for his Philophobia he had only been here for three weeks and yet everything seems to have changed

Zayn also stood up at his ceiling thinking about what he's gonna do tomorrow tomorrow he thinks he's gonna try and get Liam to admit to him he has Philophobia but Zayn is still unsure whether Liam trusts him or not so he doesn't know how it's gonna go and it's having a hard time falling asleep

A/N hope you like this chapter please vote & comment if you did 💞

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