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For Zayn the rest of the night wasn't easy ether he knew Liam quite him staring & that's why caused him to start to freaking out

Him & Niall did the dishes with only soo men between the pair but not mmmm is was not awkward they were both just deep in thought about other things

Until Niall asked "Hey, mate you ok?"

"I'm Fine, I guess just stressed about school & Liam" Zayn answers not wanting it to sound like Liam was the only thing on his mind like he always was

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine besides you seem very doing him some good" Niall says trying to cheer up Zayn but Zayn just miss & gives Niall a shy smile before fins is hung the dishes & waving goodbye

After Niall leaves he spends another night thinking about everything his job the fact he hasn't seen his family in almost a year, Gigi who still thinks if she knocked on his door long enough that he'll ask her out

Zayn even thought about Perrie in some sense he thinks he sorta understands the way liam must've felt about his fianee Zayn was going to propose to Perrie the same night she dumped him for no reason other then she wanted to try something new

She even said she could be back Zayn still has the ring in his sock drawer & he promised Himself that he give someone else who he fell deeply madly in love with one day but the way things are looking the ring might not suit his next fiancé

But most of all he's thinking about Liam he was gonna kiss him that goes to his mind for hours thinking about maybe if you didn't have a feel a phobia he would've kissed him he thinks about what that would've felt like only to have to tell him self to stop he's getting a hard on just thinking about it

So he decides to nothing for one night and put his phone on charge and rolls over to sleep
It was early afternoon but the time Louis & Harry came home & Niall had come over to eat whatever the boy's had in the pantry & Liam was out for a walk & probably ended ended up in the gym some how knowing Liam

Louis was going on going on about something cool that happened at work which Zayn recently learned he worked as a farm hand (assistant type thing)

Zayn wasn't really listening though he was still thinking about Liam & there almost kiss so when Louis asks

"Zayn, are you ok your not even listening to me?"
Zayn just blurts out "I think I almost kissed Liam" putting his hands over his mouth once he realise what are you just spilt

Louis , Harry and Niall all turn around and look at him dead in the eyes Harry looks a bit worried as if he's day dreaming & making it up while Louis looks very confused and Niall's expression is unreadable

No one says anything until Mostly because no one knows what to say until now breakfast silence saying

"is this way it was so awkward last night"

To which Louis says "this happened yesterday and I'm only hearing about it today at 3 in the afternoon"

"Yeah but I could've just been daydreaming our faces which is very close together didn't mean anything and I guess I triggered Liam Philophobia and he freaked out and ran away haven't really talked to him since so didn't think it mattered" Zayn said trying to stay cool while he was freaking out inside about triggering Liam's Philophobia and what that means for the trust trust

" Liam's never been able to get close to people physically or mentally because of his Philophobia and you somehow manage to snake your way into both this is unbelievable" louis says sounding very frustrated but also slightly happy that his best friend is opening up at least

" I knew there was something going on between you too it's been awkward since the first time you met and locked eyes with you he went to the bathroom to throw up breaking into a sweat that never happens" Niall says trying to wrap his head around what happening

"he's terrified around you 24 seven and yet you're the only one that can break in" Louis says getting way too confused cussing him to over think

"this is so confusing" Harry says

" I know I've been overthinking this since it happened and I still can't think of any reason I really need some help" Zayn says also starting to get worried

But before anyone could answer Zayn the door opens and Liam walks in with sweat dripping off his body his gym bag over his shoulder as he walks to his room not even acknowledging the four in the kitchen

" maybe I should go check on him" Louis says after watching Liam walk off

" maybe but went to have a shower at least" Harry adds

"Yeah or maybe don't go check on him you know" Niall suggests "he seems to be more comfortable with him and nower days"

" no I'm probably the reason his feeling this way" Zayn says still quite worried for Liam

"it's just not like him to not even acknowledge us usually we get a hi or even the odd shake of the hand he's never done that before somethings up and I'm quite worried" Louis says tucking his hand behind Harry

" you're worried I'm pretty sure I'm the reason behind it and I'm freaking out maybe even more than Liam is you've known for ever and as you said he's never done this before it's all my fault I've ruined everything" Zayn says running a hand through his hair & leaning back onto the bench behind him

"No it's not your fault it's probably all about fault I mean sing Harry and I together probably wouldn't of helped The way he is feeling sometimes just looking at Harry makes his heart rate increase which is odd because usually that's a symptom of love but its whatever" Louis says trying to comfort Zayn who is starting to look more stressed then ever before

"and Besides there's probably more going on that we don't know about might not even be related to his Philophobia we can't just jump to conclusions" Harry adds trying to stay positive

Even though everyone's pretty sure it's because of his philophobia and Zayn is 100% sure that it's about him

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