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Today Louis wanted Liam to open up to him he knows that Liam's been opening up to Zayn a little bit more recently

to be honest he's kinda feeling a bit jealous although he knows it's because he's always off with Harry

so today once again he's called in sick for work again to have a chat with his best friend
It's a weekend Liam wakes up earlier than usual to go for a run to try and clear his head after coming out to Louis a few weeks ago he's told pretty much everyone he knows which isn't a lot of people because of his philophobia

And now that he's gay not even less people he doesn't hate it though in fact he kind of enjoys it Harry and Niall went away for the weekend some golfing trip or something so it's just the three boys at home

He's not avoiding Zayn search he just happens to be very lucky with his timing mainly because he knows when Zayn wakes up and gets up to do his breakfast

When you open the front door he can smell eggs and bacon cooking turning into the kitchen he sees Zayn he awkwardly greets before going back to his bedroom
Liam's been laying on his bed in on his phone for almost 3 hours when he hears a knock on the door he asked who it is to make sure that it's not Zayn & once he knows it's not Louis he lets him

" hey mate" Louis says kind of nervous about the conversation he's gonna open up

" hey" Liam says sensing Louis nervousness I'm getting quite worried himself

" I want to talk to you about Zayn like properly" Louis says & Liam gets more confused & worried then before

" what do you mean properly there's nothing going on between me and Zayn because I am a philophobe" Liam says like he's lecturing someone which he thinks he is

he's been spending most of his night telling himself there is nothing going on between Zayn and himself there can't be. love doesn't last and when it ends everything goes downhill nothing rather be the same after he falls in love and he doesn't want to do that he won't do that Liam thinks

Love breaks people test and a half and throws into the side like an old plastic bag Liam thinks love changes people turns them into Cruel and unwonted souls Liam thinks

he's not going to fall in love not with Zayn or not with anyone and it's one of the only times he likes me philophobe

"Okay maybe there's nothing going on between you and Zayn but things are changing Liam" Louis starts " your symptoms are getting smaller I've noticed that is it because of Zayn because I've also known you two seem to have some heart to heart conversations" Louis says a small smirk tugging his lips as he watches Liam's face soften & Louis almost feels bad he just wants to run up & hug his best friend

"Okay maybe Seane has been helping my symptoms but doesn't mean I'm falling in love I mean look at me" he says motioning towards his arms are slightly covered in sweat and his heart rate that is slowly and slightly but surely increasing

" I never said you are fully in love you just look at him differently differently to me differently to Harry and even differently Niall who everyone thought you had a crush on" Louis said before thinking about what was coming out of his mouth

" wait you guys thought I like Niall?" Liam asked honestly super shocked

"Uh, yeah even had money on it we did" Louie admits shyly

" I don't like no I never looked at him differently I never look at him differently now and I don't like Zayn and I don't can you differently maybe you're just saying things wanting me to get out of this philophobic state but I'm gonna tell you something now I'm not going to snap out of it it's not just gonna wear off" Liam says getting annoyed with his best friend the one person who he thought understood his Philophobia

" I know but Philophobia means you have a phobia of falling in love it doesn't make you in capable of love especially liking someone just think about that" Louis says he turns around and leaves Liam room

Liam thinks about it for awhile and I hate to admit it but Louis right he has a phobia of falling in love but it doesn't mean he can't fall in love

but the feeling and the thought makes him Shiver and get all sweaty and suddenly he feels nauseous and he remembers it doesn't matter if you can fall in love because he won't he can't
It's been three hours since Louis & Liam spoke Zayn and Louis are now in the kitchen cooking dinner and coming along to the tune of a random song on the radio

Liam smiles into the living room seeing his friends happy and dancing around the kitchen made him feel happy

Liam did a lot of thinking within three hours mostly about Zayn he doesn't like saying he keeps telling himself over and over again but he knows the fact that he had to tell him self over and over and over again might mean he might just actually mean he actually likes Zayn

After dinner liam has to wash up as he was the only one that didn't help cooking Zayy th n offers to help & Liam can't say anything so he just nods his head

although Liam is still too Terrified to even be in the same room as in any more his heart rate increases and he starts to feel nauseous as he runs to the bathroom

Louis are just next to himself watching everything unfold in front of his eyes

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