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The boys made sure to get there as close to there appointment as possible so they don't have to wait in the waiting room where Liam would surely run

They leave Liam in the room before leaving to wait in the waiting room & texting Harry & Zayn that they were successful in getting Liam

They know Liam is going be very angry when he comes out so they are quite nervous but they know or at least hope that he'll eventually realise that they were doing this for him

But for now they just have to wait
Liam came out an hour later thanking the therapist before looking towards Louis & Niall with an annoyed & almost sad but also somewhat happy but surprisingly not angry

The therapist congratulates Liam on his first session before saying he'll see him the same time & place next week to which he just nods

Turns towards to the two gesturing for them all to leave Niall & Louis hesitate before standing out & following Liam out

They get in the car Louis in the drivers seat again & leave both of the boys except a huge shouting match from Liam but they don't

The only thing that comes out of Liam's mouth is a small & quiet "thanks for the lift" & then once they were home a louder yet still quiet "same time, same place next week" before heading off to his bedroom

Louis & Niall just stare at each other louis hates the way Liam's reacted he almost would prefer him to yell & scream about how much he hates them & how was never going back like they excepted at least they would've been prepared but this was so unexpected & both the boys didn't know what to do

After a little while of just standing Niall mutters "I'm going to go now I'm assume you'll talk to Harry & Zayn?"

To which Louis just nods not knowing what else to do
A few hours later Harry & Zayn come home they wanted to wait a bit in hope of coming in to a quiet house which they did but there was still a weird tension flowing through out the whole house

They walk into the living room where the see a sleeping Louis curled up in a ball on the couch with his phone in his lap and they look at each other more confused then before

Harry decided to wake him but stepping closer he notices his boyfriends eyes are red and puffy like he had been crying Harry sits down on the couch while gently shaking louis shoulder louis starts to stir but doesn't wake up

Eventually he does wake up and seeing Harry in front of him he attaching himself to him like a koala and starts crying again burring his head into harrys hoodie wetting it with tears but harry couldn't care less as he put a soothing hand on louis back and starts petting his head while humming a string of shush's

Once louis calmed down enough Zayn wanted to know what happened

"Well..." he started "what happened" he ended

"Nothing happened" Louis said quietly making the boy's so much more confused but they let him finish "he didn't say anything there was no shouting or yelling no hatred just a annoyed look a small thankyou"

"Then why are you crying boo" Harry asked starting to feel angry for a reason he doesn't know

"Because I wanted him to yell and scream, but he didn't say anything harry not even one insult but he looked about ready to slaughter one of us it was so hard I don't know anything about what happened in the room only that he is going back next week" Louis said trying not to break into tears again just explaining it to them

Harry tighted his grip on louis rocking them both back and forward in an attemtept to make louis feel better

"But that's good innit" Zayn said still quite confused

"No i would've preferred him to yell and scream in mine and nialls face then this this sucks" Louis says now crying harder then before

Harry and Zayn's eyes winden as they remember Niall, he mustn't be feeling good ether and harry looks at Zayn as though silently asking him to go check on Niall so he just nods


he walks towards Nialls flat Knocking on the door before realizing that it is open and walking in

"Hey Mate, how are things after today? louis is pretty distraught" Zayn says as Niall pauses the football game he was watching and walking into the kitchen to get another beer and offers Zayn one that he politely declines

"I'm alright, I mean it hurt mate the look in eyes said I hate you for bringing me here but his little smile said thankyou for bringing me here" Niall said before opening his beer and then taking a sip which turned into like half of the bottle

"How is louis though" Niall says before Zaynn can even responde to his first statement

"umm, his okay i guess, he was crying into harry's lap when i left them" Zayn says honestly

"What about liam?" Niall asks "have you seen him since getting back" And Zayn rolls his eyes at himself mainly how could he not check up on liam he thinks to himself

" No, not yet i will after i leave here, but are you sure your ok" Zayn says a little worried about leaving Niall alone but he just nods so Zayn smiles and lives his friends flat

Entering his house he can't see louis and harry anymore so he assumes that they are in louis room so he walks down the hallway of bedrooms and hears a muffled moan from louis room conforming where they are before turning to liams bedroom door he stares at it for a minute before knocking

"who is it?" Liam asked sounding dry and exhausted

"Me, Zayn" he repondes so quietly he didn't even think Liam heard but he mist have because next thing Zayn knows the door is opened and he walks into the room but before he could get a good look at liam the most unsexpected thing happens

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