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It has been three hours since Liam had told Louis nothing much is changed I've been sitting on the couch playing video games for two of those hours they were  eating all the snacks out of the house

It was close to 4 o'clock by the time Zayn  came home he looked tired and neither Louis or Liam could blame him I mean neither of them could do the job 

Hey go to the boys and took out leftover fried rice from last night heat it up in the microwave and went straight to his room

Liam assumed she was going to bed and so did say but as usual Zayn couldn't fall asleep thinking about Liam

it seems to be all he's doing at the moment even during class when the students asking questions he has to take a minute to actually think he's never been like this not even over Perrie

it's confusing the hell out of him and scaring the hell he couldn't sleep and  it was only 5 o'clock He decided to call his mum maybe she could help him sort out his fascination with Liam

After a very long call with his mum who ended up having an hour chat with safaa And then yaser he came to the conclusion that he was just gonna have to try and sort Liam to the back to his mind

which is easier said than done particularly when you live with it him
The next day saying leave the house without even seeing Liam but still thinks is in this course he still lives the coffee pot hustle and the serial down on the bench

He thinks it's a bit pathetic all we can do is think about this boy and he won't even come out and say hello before he goes to work Zayns knows liam wakes up early he used to go for early runs but now he's never awake in the morning

But maybe it's A good thing he won't have a new conversation to think about and try and decode during class maybe she might go back to his usual self he hope so he's didn't have a test today and he really doesn't wanna let them down and really doesn't want to let Liam down

After putting his keys and wallet in his pocket and grabbing his briefcase he quickly write to a sticky note to Liam telling him that there's leftovers in the fridge for lunch and that he might be home late as he is planning to Mark test he doesn't know if Liam read the sticky note but lives anyway next to the bowl
Liam his and close the door behind him and groans of the opens his eyes properly for the first time in the morning he slowly gets out of bed and smiles on him self as this is the coffee pot knowing that Seane still thinks about him in the morning

He almost imagines what it would be like if they were living together just those two married Zayn would make Liam breakfast and leave it on the counter with a little love note but as soon as he thinks about getting married to anyone he almost freaks out his heart rate includes it and he is breathing becomes irrational but he decides to ignore it and make his breakfast

That's when he sees the sticky note next to his bowl realising Zayn might be out late Freaks him out A little he's not gonna be able to plan not being home when Zayn comes home but he's certain that he'll be able to keep himself together when he does or at least until he is alone in his bedroom

He decides not to think about it in case it causes another Philophobia thing he's still not sure what to call them people as his cereal gets the milk out and pours it on top before reaching down to the draw to get a spoon and walking into the living room to watch some trashy reality TV show

He calls Niall over to play some video games he hasn't seen a lot of Niall recently and Liam likes to think it's because of golf although he's pretty sure Niall has a girlfriend he's seen a girl go into his flat slot recently

And thinks that Niall doesn't want to Tell him thinking about it makes him kind of upset and thinking about it how is friends can't talk about that love life love interest can't talk about their dates like they usually would with any normal friendship group he really hates his phobia but he can't help it

Nialls obviously agrees and shows up 10 minutes later with a whole bunch of snacks but he drops on the bench as he walked inside and grab the controller to sit next to the couch with Liam

That's when Liam notices Niall's Hickey that decides not to mention anything out of fear is embarrassing now and out of fear of right now I'm admitting him if he did bring it up

They were playing for a few hours when Louis and Harry came home dropping their hands at the front door and then Louis jumping on to the couch and joining in with Liam well Harry sits with his head in Louis lap

After another hour or two when comes home looking absolutely stressed and tired no the other four could imagine being a teacher and to be honest I couldn't imagine Zayn being a teacher either Zayn joined in on the game while Harry left to go to the kitchen to make dinner

It takes about half an hour to make dinner and then after dinner they all go to bed quite content with a day they will just had

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