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*3 Days later*

Today Zayn is moving in and hopefully meeting Liam for the first time Louis was sure they would get along  but he was still nervous mainly about Zayn finding out about Liams Philophobia and think it's a joke like he did when he first found out but he later learned how serious the Phobia is 

Louis and Zayn had just come back from a shopping trip of sorts making him a key and buying some decorations for Zayn's room When they heard the door open revelling Liam Harry and Niall the next-door neighbour who they've become very close too

"What is going on in here," he said sounding out of breathing as if he just ran here from his last meeting

"Jesus, why are you so out of breath did you run here or" Louis trailed off knowing all to well why Liam so all out of breathing and sweaty he smirked to himself knowing he made the right decision with Zayn knowing he would be the one to break Liam out of his odd Phobia

"ah Louis can talk to you.... alone for a minute," Liam asked seriously

"Yep," Louis said kissing Harry on the cheek as he walked past him

Louis shut the door behind him as he turned around to face Liam

"Look at me," Liam said gesturing to his sweaty arms "He is way too good looking for his good I feel like I'm going to be sick, Louis you knew this would happen you Asshole I'm not going to be able live with him" he continued

"Well he's already signed Everything so you're going to have to deal with this phobia, maybe you just need to stop thinking about falling in love and just look at him as a friend as for you vomiting please don't do it in front of our new housemate," Louis said as he opened the door before turning to go inside but Liam grabbed his shoulder and said

"He doesn't know, Does he?"
"No he doesn't not my place but I suggest you do tell him before you throw up on him," Louis says before turning back into Zayns room

he tucks he is around harry's  waist and kisses him deeply and that's all it takes to make Liam run to the bathroom too through up Zayn looks confused as he hears Liam throwing  up in the next-door bathroom but ignores it he must just have a bug or something zayn thinks

As Liam re-enters the room Louis drops his arm from harry waist and goes to help zayn hang up his mandala wall art while harry goes into the kitchen to make dinner for everyone and Niall goes back to his house to feed his dog

During dinner, there is a weird atmosphere that Zayn Can't help but pick up on Harry and Louis are sitting as far apart as possible but he knows there playing footies under the table after being caught in the crossfire. but they won't even look at each in the eyes for the whole meal and Liam bearly looks up  until Louis tries to make conversation

"So do you like your room, Zayn?"

"Yep, it's cool thanks again for letting me move in on such short notice I'll probably be gone before you wake up tomorrow though so nothing to worry about"

"Nah it's all good man, you're kinda doing us a favour and about tomorrow harry and I usaly wake up first then liams wakes up like 5 minutes before he has to leave but by the sounds you might have to wake up first" Louis responds

"Yeah, the life of an English teacher I am right"

"Um I'm think going to go to bed now, you guys can do whatever you want" liam say's randomly as he gets up puts his plate in the sink and  leaves the room

"What's up with him?" Zayn say's out of genuine concern once he is certain liam is out of earshot

"uhh it's nothing probably just had a bad day at work that's all" Louis say's quietly knowing the real reason Liam is being the way he is

"Uh, harry you should probably go I Should have thought this through more he is probably going through hell at the moment" Louis say's almost forgetting the fact that Zayn is still at the table with them shifting in his seat uncomfortably. Harry just nods and kisses louis hard before giving him a list of liams jobs for tomorrow as he has to attend something important as harry say's his final goodbyes Zayn is more then confused at what was going on but it was his first night and he was extremely tired

*The next day*

Liam enters the house taking off his coat trying not think about anything particularly louis and harry being all loved up just the looking at them makes his heart rate increase and his breathing become uneven he hates it so much hates the fact that because of him and his stupid phobia he sighs and assumes no one is home as louis car is out

But as he walks into the living room he sees Zayn making out with a random blode on the couch tongue down each others throat like they were fishing for something at the end liam could feel his breathing pick up and his heart starts to race he decides to walk away before they notice him they don't know about his phobia and all the symptoms he is having seem very similar to something else to do with the current position

But nothing is ever that easy as they pull away a line of spit between them Zayn looks at liam right in the eyes and starts apoliging Liam knows he should tell him about his Philophobia but he is way to embarsed about it to say anything now or in the near future

"Um, Oh yeah" Zayn say's like he reminded something just as liam was about to walk off "This is Gigi she's a math teacher at thee same school met her at a pub once then I ended up working at the same school as her how crazy is that" Zayn grins he seems happy and liam tries to seem happy but knows he fails desprety as his hands arm and back start to get sweaty and he gags involuntary Zayn looks at him confused

"Ah, Yeah that's really cool Zizi" Liam smiled  "oh and i wasn't gaging at you think i have the bug or something" he Added  just so zayn new that it wasn't meant for him

"Ok, then didn't expect you home so early if i thought i would've-" Zayn started

"It's fine really, I'm just picking up something I left then I'll leave and you can get back to whatever it was you were doing" He says nochalanty trying not to think about the fact louis and harry are probaly in harry's attic cleaning, singing and kissing  "Oh and hi Gigi nice to meet you wish it was more of a decent scence though" he said before leaving to the only place he could go

"Hey, Can I come in Zayn's making out with someone on my couch and now I can't help but think about harry  and louis" Liam say's despretly as soon as Niall opened the door

"Of course you can your always welcome you know that, and i think you should tell Zayn about your phobia I mean your not the only in the world with it right he might be freaked out but whats it to you" Niall Say's as the pair walks into Nialls Flat

"He lives with us Niall and just looking at him triggers me I am so scared all the time now like this can't be happening there is No way I'll fall in love with him right I don't even like him as far as I know I'm straight" Liam say's as he starts to hyperventate and sweat he starts panting in an attempt to regain his breathe although it fails

"Maybe you are gay maybe that's why you have this phoiba, your scared to fall because deep down you always knew it'd be with a guy" Niall said with something similar to a smirk but it couldn't be true liam has Philophobia because of his parents  and His ex- fiancee

"No it's because there's no such thing as love, My parents claimed to love each other that ended in my mum crying for like a year straight and well I was going to marry Dani she said she loved me but now look" Liam quickly shot back

"So you have a phobia of something that you think doesn't exist?" Niall asked quirking his eyebrows slightly

"Something like that" Liam mumbled before announcing he was having a shower and going to bed in the spare bedroom

Niall knew he needed to try to help Liam he is surrounded by love and this stupid phoibia is controlling his life it isn't fair He is only 24 Niall thought he should be out gettinng drunk and hooking up with a random girls (or guys)  not cooped up inside because he can't stand the idea of love


Hope this was a good chapter it took me forever to write so please don't forget to vote and comment if you like it
Thanks love ya!

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