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Zayn wakes up in an odd mood as he pulls himself out of bed he thinks about yesterday it still feels like he's dreaming I mean maybe he Liam didn't tell him as he stands up he is all too aware of the tent in his boxers and decides there is only one way to solve his problem he hops back onto his bed

(you can imagine it because I can't write smut!)
Meanwhile, Liam is in the living room trying to get Louis to spill on how Zayn just so happened to know about philophobia

"there's no way he could've guessed something like that" Liam said stressfully

"Well you did almost throw upon him and he probably noticed the way Harry and I are around you" Louis answers calmly knowing Liam would flip some shit if he knew that he did tell him

"ugh, fine but I know you told him," Liam said leaving the room

"you have no proof, " Louis said turning back to the stove to finish cooking the eggs he had on
By the time Zayn gets up properly it's about 2:30 in the afternoon he walks into the kitchen & makes some toast for some meal which he is not exactly sure which one but oh well

He is pretty sure Louis is at work which Zayn even after being here for almost 2 months he still doesn't know what Louis does for work but he ignores it & butters his toast

He picks up his plate & walks towards his room with his head in his phone he almost runs into Liam who is also looking down but at his feet

"Woah, their buddy keep you're head up there," Liam says sounding surprisingly happy

"Uh, yeah sorry," Zayn said trying not to sound as surprised as he was

"Also I'm sorry about yesterday I just had to think about something with work," Liam said noticing Zayn's reaction

Zayn just looks up & notices how close their faces are he can almost feel Liam's breath on his face he can also hear Liam's breath becoming uneven

"Um I better go finish this" Zayn said still not knowing what to call his meal & Liam is not helping him think

"Uh, yeah I'm going to go play some games maybe you could join after you finished that," Liam says trying to sound normal & not as out of breath as he feels

"Maybe" Zayn answers before continuing to his room & eating his now cold toast

After some time Liam has finally fished all his meeting and decides to make some cupcakes he hasn't seen Zayn since the hallway and he silently thanks god as he opens the fridge to take eggs and milk out of the fridge and putting it on the bench

But then Zayn comes in talking to Louis which makes Liam eye them as they walk past him

"what you making there payno?" Louis asked turning into the kitchen
"Cupcakes probably," He says back almost sternly
"Can we help?" Zayn asked feeding the tension but tries to ignore it
"Nah I'm about to leave now anyway but maybe you two could," Louis said as he grabbed his keys and shoved his phone into his poker before leaving

"you need any help," Zayn says turning back towards Liam who seemed to be training, not break out in a sweat "Nah, I'll be right I mean it's only cupcakes right" Liam said as if he was pointing out the obvious Zayn just rolled his eyes fonelly and walks over to the couch before taking out his phone to talk to his sisters and parents still in Bradford

It was only cupcakes liam thinks to himself as he pulls out his tray from the oven reveling a mess of burnt and yet undercooked cupcakes

"Shit,shit, shit" Liam mumbles placing the tray on the bench and somehow mageing to burn himself multiple times

"Um, sorry mum I'm going to have too go" Zayn says after hearing liam's shouts from the kitchen

"Liam I told you i should've helped you, you shouldn't be in the kitchen by yourself even just to make cupcakes" Zayn scoled liam as if he was his parent while bringing liams hand under the sink in running water completely forgetting about liam's pilophobia

"Sorry, it just looked so easy in the book" Liam say's honestly freaking out a little bit from zayn touching his wrist and being so close to him inn general and of course this is the moment Louis and harry decide to walk in on

"Well, well whats going on here then?" louis asks
"liam thought it'd be a good idea to make cupcakes although he can not make cupcakes & that's how we ended up with this" Zayn says pointing to the tray of 'cupcakes' on the table next to the them "& this" Zayn adds motions toward Liam's wrist which is still under the running water if the sink

"Yep Li always bites off more than he can chew and looking at these cupcakes we won't be able to chew them either but nice try mate" Louis says patting Liam's shoulder as he walks towards them are you

"I thought it would be easy in my defence she made it look real easy in the book" Liam says in his defence

"obviously it looks easy when she does it she's been doing it since she was about 10 years old and by the looks of it she could be around 100" Harry says a little bit cheekily

"Harry that's rude" louie scolds  playfully hitting Harry on the chest
The four boys decide to go get Niall and all go out for a nice meal as they haven't been out in awhile

Liam is terrified of a lot of things tonight mainly of saying Zayn in whatever he chooses to wear

but also Harry and Lou being all over the top of each other he kinda feels bad sometimes like his cock block which he is but he can't help it

He hates his Philophobia and for some reason he knows Zayn will be the one to help him overcome it

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