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Liam wakes up in Niall spare bed rolling over to check the time on his phone before realising he overslept again but at this point, he doesn't even care he just gets out of bed chucks the on the closet thing to him which he thanks god are his sweatpants and black t-shirt before walking into the kitchen to meet a very bubbly Niall he was always his happiest in the mornings Liam never understood it but accepted and harry sitting on a chair with coffee in hand discussing something in a hushed tone with nail

Liam cleared his throat to make his presence know as both of the boy's (men) turned there head toward him

"Morning Payno Harry and I were just talking about you" Niall chirped as Liam poured himself a cup of coffee

"hmm, so I heard" he answered

"you coming home or staying here," Harry said "you've got the day off today to do whatever the hell you want"

"I'll probably just stay here and help Niall stop him from eating a week's worth of food in a day" Liam chuckled earning a playful slap on the chest and hey from Niall and more like help him from harry but he just nodded and got up to leave most likely to go back to Louis Liam thought as he watched harry run into his house

"I'll go back tonight don't worry," Liam said looking at nails confused and worried face


Back at the house, Zayn was just leaving as he saw Harry open the door with the spare key Louis must have given to him

"He's fine, Just Niall said he pretty much showered and went to bed although he was feeling light-headed still apparently his all good now, I don't think I should be here tonight so I'll see you tomorrow Lou," Harry said quickly as if worried someone was going to stop him from finishing his sentence

"Yeah that's probably for the best" Louis sighed getting up to hug harry goodbye properly "I love you" He mumbled into harry's chest as they hugged
"I know baby, I love you too" Harry whispers back like it is secret

"Um, I have to go to school now," Zayn says awkwardly trying to get past the couple in the doorway
"Alright see you tonight," Louis says as zayn starts to close the door Louis adds "oh and no more girls certainly not in the living room mate" trying to make it sound casual and not like he is stressing about Liam phobia which he was desperately

"uh, Yeah sorry 'bout that" Zayn says remembering last night and how odd Liam was when he saw him and Gigi on the couch
"Nah it ok, just be careful next time don't want to walk in on you on your first week " Louis chuckles but he is seriously worried about Liam and his current situation

That afternoon Liam made Niall come over with him and now they've been playing videos games for about 2 hours when Louis and Zayn get back from grocery shopping

"Hey guys, wanna play?" Niall asks the pair Louis politely declines to start on dinner as it is starting to get late but Zayn accepts and grabs a controller and sits next to Liam there hands brushing together Liam felt tings go up to his arm and immediately his breath sped up and he started to feel quite nauseous

"Uh I'll be right back," Liam says in his panicked state as he practically runs to met Louis in the kitchen. Zayn also felt the tingles but he is quite confused and maybe even a tad upset at Liam's reaction

"Don't worry mate it's not you." Niall said noticing the sad look on Zayn face

"Uh. Yeah I don't think he likes me very much" Zayn replies with a sad smile he just wanted Liam to like him he just moved to the city and has no-one except for maybe Louis now but it seems as though Liam hates him and Zayn doesn't know why

"Louis, Help me you've got to help me," Liam said trying to catch he breathe as Louis puts a wet paper towel on his forward in an attempt to cool him

"What happened now Liam," Louis asks quietly but sternly Liam explains what happened it takes longer then you would've thought with Liam being so out of breathe and everything

"You need to tell him li, he probably thinks you don't like him," Louis says worriedly
"But it's embarrassing Louis what am I am supposed to say my parents got divorced and my fiancee turned out to be a gold-digger and left me for an older and richer guy now I have a phobia of falling in love and all my friends think I'm gay" Liam whisper yells back to Louis he hates having Philophobia but it's not like it was his decision

"that's preferable" Louis answers looking Liam dead in the eyes "maybe Zayn is what you need to get over this phobia you know like exposure therapy"
"No I'll tell him tomorrow, maybe and exposure therapy isn't a real" Liam said rolling his eyes at Louis

dinner was awkward Niall had to leave for 'work' but Liam knew that he was going on a date but didn't want to tell him Liam had apologized to Zayn but didn't tell him about his Philophobia so the three sat and at in almost silence until Louis got a call from who Liam assumes to be Harry and got up to answer

Zayn and Liam were now alone together at the table and Liam thought this would be the perfect time to tell him but still couldn't bring himself to do it just yet and then as they both continued to eat Liam imagined they were together and he remembered the tingles in his arm he tries to sit through his meal and as soon as he finished he collects all the dishes and gets up to do them smiling at zayn as he gets up trying not to think about Harry and Louis, Niall's date or the tingles from zayn

After while Louis was off the phone and him and zayn were playing some mind-numbing video game until zayn stops and turns to Liam who is walking past them telling his housemates that his going to bed once he is out of earshot Zayns turns to Louis and asks
"What's up with him does he not like me or something?"

"Well....." Louis trails off after seeing the worried and slightly angry expression on zayn's face he decides it now or never

Hope you guys are liking the story so far please vote & comment love y'a

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