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"Well....." Louis trails off after seeing the worried and slightly angry expression on zayn's face he decides it now or never "Liam has this Phobia," he says he knows its not his place but zayn's been here nearly a week and has nearly spoken to Liam

"A phobia of what?" Zayn encourages Louis as he can see how apprehensive he is
" Falling in love," Louis says almost breathlessly and Zayn tries to hold back a laugh as looks at Louis expression for any sign that what he just said is a joke but he doesn't find anything but a serious and almost sad expression

"I know what you are thinking but I'm deadly serious it's a real thing it's called Philophobia and he was diagnosed by an actual doctor and everything he gets all sweaty and has trouble breathing even at the thought of love" Louis explains to the best of his abilities because he doesn't know the full extent of Liam's Philophobia

"Oh" is all zayn can muster out thinking about everything that had happened in the last few days with him and Liam
"yeah, he went through some shit as a kid and then again with his last partner, That's why Harry and I act like we hardly know each other around him," Louis says slowly standing up and heading to his bedroom to leave Zayn in is own head
"oh and all his friends think he's gay, goodnight," Louis says with a smirk before leaving the room

Zayn decides to do some research on Philophobia hoping to find something to help him understand this odd phobia

without realising it Zayn spends all night researching finding next to nothing until he finds a website titled 5 ways to overcome Philophobia zayn clicks on it and reads through it with a smirk and a plan brewing in his head

The next morning Zayn first like usual and puts coffee In the pot for all 3 members of the house. you see Zayn has a tiny crush on Liam I mean who wouldn't Zayn thinks to himself as he watches a shirtless Liam pace back and forward like he was missing something

"have ya lost something?" Zayn asks as Liam enters the kitchen to pour himself a coffee
"Yep the list harry gave me everything I have to do today as he can't make it," Liam says almost angrily
"you mean this one?" Zayn asks pulling a slip of paper from Liam's dress pants
"Yeah that's it alright I feel so stupid now" Liam chuckles reading the list over before putting it back in his back pocket and leaving the room to put on the rest of his outfit for the day

Zayn leaves for work having a heated makeout session with Gigi in the staff car park before actually going into school but all Zayn can think about throughout the whole day is Liam it's like his name is in a big flashing billboard in his head he tries not to get hard thinking about him because that would be weird in class and he also practically has a girlfriend who might have to help with his problems at lunch

Zayn wants to be the one that gets Liam over his bizarre phobia and he wants Liam to be able to fall for him he is pretty sure he already has a crush on him with the way he freaks out just looking at Zayn so Zayn, makes finalised his plan in his head before he hears the lunch bell go and goes to find Gigi

Meanwhile, Liam just finishes his last meeting of the day and decides to go to see Andy and Connor in hope not to hear about their love lives or them trying to get him to overcome his phobia because to those two it was all one big joke but they were Liams best friends so they tried to be respectful about it

it Is only 3 pm when Liam meets up with them and they decide that they'll go to the local market then get some dinner and then maybe go to the club which Liam thinks he needs at the moment to forget about his stupid Philobobia

He texts the group chat saying his probably not going to be home tonight and not to worry he doesn't receive an answer from either of them which is kinda suspicious because they both usually always have their phone on even during work but Liam ignores and tucks his phone in his pocket before walking with his two friends


Liam has always found an escape in Alcohol even before he was of legal age he used to sneak into his is fathers old drinking cabinet and take one of the bottles that re yet to be smashed over him or his mother

Then he would have to seat at the table with his parents pretending that everything was ok when nothing ever was he still remembers when they were a happy family back when ruth and Nicole still lived at home but the love and warmth in the house and the family seems to had left with the two older girls

Liam watched his parent's marriage fall about and his dad turns abusive on both him and his mother he still remembers the first time he heard his mum scream out of fear he had thought she must have seen a mouse or something but later after looking at her bruises Liam realised what had happened

usually, Louis stops Liam going out or his social isolation did as Liam was terrified about getting close to anyone after his parents and his fiancee some say that what makes Liam so good at his job because he is not there to make friends just manage but others say it makes him seem heartless which he is definitely not. but tonight, tonight he was all by he's self after leaving andy and Connor to fend for themselves

So he starts to drown every feeling, every thought every memory

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