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Liam and Zayn Tried to say it's far away even possible from each other well more like Liam was trying to stay away from Zayn he was worried terrified of falling for Zayn and the denim jacket and skinny skin tight jeans Zayn had decided on wearing did not help

They sat opposite each other while Niall sat on Liam's left side and Louis on his right and Harry sat next to Zane on his left so he was across from Louis

Apparently Louis got a promotion at the job that Zayn is still unsure of so he decided on shouting everyone dinner which was surprising but he was very grateful as he didn't exactly have the money to splurge at the moment

Liam tries to avoid Zayn eyes the entire night which only gets harder once everyone leave them alone Niles gone to go pick up on the dancefloor while the boys are sure that Harry and Lu are making out in the bathrooms well maybe that's hopeful thinking because Liam probably knows they're doing more than that

"Maybe we should leave do you think everyone else to be okay to get their own ride home" Liam are spreading the awkward silence between them

"They should be fine besides niall's probably gonna go home with his date and Harry and Louie will probably be here all night" Zayn answers honestly

"Ughh Please don't remind me" Liam says already starting to feel sweaty palms he doesn't know if it's the thought of Louie and Harry in the bathrooms all the look on Seane's face as they leave the pub together

Once they get home Liam decides to have a shower to hopefully come down and definitely clean off all the sweat dripping off his body

after his shower he gets into bed thinking about the night thinking about Harry and Louiscoming home but mostly about Niall and if you picked up the thought almost makes his heart rate speed up again

Zayn on the other hand gets to work on On the next step on his plan for Liam to overcome his Philophobia tomorrow he's going to get Liam to tell him why happy with his decisions and gets back into bed and tries to fall asleep not even thinking about Harry, Louis or Niall

The next morning Zayn wakes up to a loud crash from the kitchen but she can only assume to be Louis or Harry as Niall would've made it back to his apartment and checking the time it's too early for Liam and his band in from the kitchen and Zane has a feeling that Liam stuck to that ban

Zayn drags his body out of bed and into the kitchen where he sees a very shirtless Harry and Louie who is over who is dressed in a very oversize T-shirt that could only be Harry's

Zane can't help but smile how cute they are but then realising why Louie what they did last night his smiles faded into a smirk

"Morning guys" Zayn says causing the two in the kitchen to jump apart and look at Zayn

"Morning Zayn" Louis says brushing my hair out of this face

"Didn't expect to see you up so early today" Harry says checking his phone only to realise it's 12 o'clock

"Well I didn't expect to see you either didn't think you'd actually make it home little loan be up cooking breakfast at midday" Zayn say and says honestly

"Yeah well Harry was hungry so we decided to get up beside needed a break" louis says still looking down at his feet

"Okay just because I'm not Liam and don't have a phobia of love doesn't mean I want to hear about your sex life thank you very much"Zayn says quite sternly speaking of Liam where is he?" Zayn says after noticing that Liam is not in the room

"Wouldn't you like to know" Louis says cheekily Harry playfully hits him on the chest

"he's probably still in bed don't worry about it" Harry says noticing Zayn's slightly worried look

Zayn just nodded & walked into his room not needing to watch Harry & Louis shove there tongues down each other's throats

It had been about 3 hours & Liam had woken up had breakfast & now was talking to Zayn about random things

when Zayn decides he wants to talk to Liam about why he has developed this odd phobia of falling in love & getting closer to another person

" Hey, Liam can ask you a question?" Zayn starts
"You just did" Liam states almost making it a joke

"Why do you have a phobia of love?" Zayn asks & even as he says it sounds so out of place so he adds "you don't have to tell me I was just wondering it might even help" Zayn says before he even realises what is coming out of his mouth

"Um I don't wanna talk about right now" Liam says getting up to leave to his room

Ughh fuck I should've kept quiet he thought running a hand through his hair & grabbing a cupcake from the box they had bought to replace Liam's fail of a cupcake before getting up himself to go to bed

But he can't sleep like usual so he just thinks for what feels like an Eternity but in reality is only a few hours before falling asleep

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