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Harry & Niall got back late last night and for once Liam is actually relieved to see Harry and Louis walk into louis bedroom

He's sighs Before going back into his room and stripping down  before getting into the shower The shower is still pretty hot but he said I was getting cooler mostly because Louis  complained about the amount of steam fills the entire house after and during his shower

He shall us about Half an hour before he steps out dries him self off and looks at his phone he plugs on his headphones and listen to some music trying to concentrate on anything but Zayn and hopefully fall asleep
Zayn on the other hand noticed Liam's change and decided he can't do any more  by him self so tomorrow he's gonna ask Liam to consider therapy

he knows it's gonna be hard to convince him so he's gonna try and convince Harry and Louie to help him convince Liam he knows it'll be the best thing for him and he's already been researching good places around

But for now he's over at Niall's and was listening to him rant on and on about his girlfriend amazing she is but Zayn is barely listening though

" hey Niall do you think you could help me out with something" Zayn says almost out of the blue stopping Niall mid sentence

" depends what it is mate but probably" Niall says with a bit of a chuckle kind of worried as he notices sense Zayn's serious expression

"I want Liam  to say therapist" Zayn  says not looking Niall in the eye he doesn't want to see nialls reaction Nialls known Liam for  a lot longer than Zayn & he is pretty  sure that Niall  must've thought of therapy  at least once before so he expects Niall to laugh right in his face he doesn't instead he sits down he sits down across from him & says

"I've been thinking that for awhile too but Liam will never go for it he doesn't think he has a problem worth going to a therapist for but I just don't want to see him end up alone like you will if he doesn't get this sorted" Zayn is honestly surprised by Niall's answers he never thought about it that way Liam doesn't see his philophobia as a big deal definitely not worth going to see someone about it

"exactly that's why I think of four of us need to tell him we all need to convince him altogether no one wants to see him on and he's already heading down that road" Zayn says honestly before leaving Niall's house back & going back to his own to think about tomorrow

Tomorrow he is going to tell Louis & Harry & hope that they are going to help him & Niall into convincing Liam to go to a therapist
It's the next day it's around 4 o'clock & Liam is due home any minute now the four them are sat at the table waiting all four of them almost shaking about what they are about to do

When Liam opens the door he looks at the four on the table very confusingly

"Hey li, we wanted to talk to you about something" Louis starts in some sort of small voice

"I can see that" Liam said slowly feeling very nervous as he grabs the empty seat at the head of the table & sits down

"Liam we are going to get straight to the point" Harry surprisingly says looking anywhere but Liam's eyes

"Why want you to see a professional" Niall says

"A professional what?" Liam asks still super confused

"Therapist" Zayn says in a hushed tone

"No, I've said so many times to all of you I don't need a therapist I'm fine it's just a phobia" Liam says trying to stay as calm as possible

"But Liam it's not just a phobia this is eating you up it's controlling your life" Louis says genuinely

"& wouldn't you like to not have a reaction anytime someone shows any PDA or you look at someone attractive" Niall adds

& Liam thinks they've got good points but not good enough he can & will deal with this on his own he thinks

"Nope, I can & will do this on my own. You'll have to drag me to a therapist if you want me to go" Liam says angrily as he slams his hand on the table & gets up to go to his room & shower

Harry mouth turns into a small smirk as a plan brews in his head the four boys spend most of the night thinking about this plan
It had been a few days since they had asked Liam about the therapist Liam wasn't really angry with them just upset that they thought he couldn't do it himself

But he was definitely going to be angry with them after today you see they booked him a therapy session for today

& as Liam walks out of his room fully dressed Louis asks him if he wants to go to the shops with him & Niall he agrees obviously

But after getting in the car & driving for a few minutes realises they are going the other way to the supermarket

"Wait where are we" Liam asks as Louis stops the car & Niall grabs Liam's wrist practically dragging him into the building

"This?" Louis says waving his hands around "is a threapist office" he says

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