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They stay like that for a few hours & somehow Zayn manges to get Liam to spill his feelings to him & feel all his feelings

But as soon as Liam noticed he was up like a rocket walking back into his room & trying not to think about anything & not feel anything

Except he couldn't Zayn broke him he cracked him open & this time he can't glue himself back shut
It goes on for around a week of Liam breaking down in tears infringe of Zayn & then realising what his done & leaving to his room to deal with his philophobia

Louis is  hardly home anymore & it makes it harder & easier on Zayn & Liam

Liam tends to get out of bed once he hears Zayn leave work Zayn still leaves him coffee & cereal on the bench which Liam is tankful for

& in the afternoons Liam plans his workouts around when Zayn gets home so he'll be in his room by the time he gets home

& they barely eat together only when Louis is home & even then Liam tends to eat eat less to leave the table sooner

Just looking at Zayn makes his philophobia go crazy because he decided a few days ago that he is Gay he hasn't told anyone because it doesn't matter his philophobia will always be in the way

But now he is having trouble he knows he has a crush on Zayn he has since he first moved in but he can't he keeps telling himself that love only ends in pain & hardships & he can't go through that again he just can't
Zayn on the other hand has no idea about Liam revelations & is quite upset about there situation he hasn't had a good night sleep since that night he blamed on work & the kids but Louis sees straight through him

"Did you talk to Liam" Louis asks when Zayn & him are up getting ready for work while Liam is still in his bed room on his phone

"Yep, he cries I felt like crying & then he freaked out & now I think he hates me" is all Zayn say's as he tips his coffee down the sink & grabs his brief case & leaves to work
Louis knows there is more to the story so he waits until liam gets up & decides his going to have to talk to him to get to the bottom of what is going on between Liam & Zayn

It takes about half an hour before Liam wakes up and comes into the kitchen and Louis assumes it's because he's waiting for you to make sure that Zayn has actually left life

Which house was but he also just didn't want to leave his bed when he turned the corner into the kitchen and says Louie he's very confused so I text the time is phone Seeing and it's almost 9 10 an

" what are you doing here" Liam says before realising that sounds like

" how do you still live here you know" Louis says pretending to be hurt

" you know that's not what I meant you never home now and you should be working" Liam says back almost as defensively

"Probably should I slept over at Harry's last night and I came back to get some stuff for work then I saw Zayn this morning and I decided I'm not gonna go to work I need to talk to you" he answered leaving Liam confused

"About what?" Liam said as he grabbed the cereal down before pouring milk on top of it and then leading over to the drawers to get a spoon before sitting down on the island to listen to Louis's spill

" Zayn and you feel phobia obviously everything so confusing and I haven't had time to sit and talk with you in a long time so I called work & told them I can't make it in today and here I am and we are going to talk for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of this mess" Louis said sternly

" there's no mess Louis I've always been to the phobic and Zayn very attractive no one is gonna deny that beside you and Harry trigger me just as much as he does" Liam says trying not to sound worried about what this conversation is turning into

" yes sounds attractive but I don't feel like I'm gonna fall in love with him or think about love when I look at him" Louie says slowly knowing that even the word love could trigger Liam

" okay so maybe you have a point but I don't think about love just from looking at him I don't know what going one but I have been doing a lot of thinking recently and I think I figured something out Liam says trying to stir the conversation away from Zayn

" really? Louis says honestly not surprised Liam's been locked by himself in his bedroom for hours only coming out to eat and then only coming out for a minute to take his.

" i'm gay" is all Liam can say

he says it is if it's not a big deal, says it as if it wasn't a step to overcoming his Philophobia recognising he loves says says it is though it's just another topic of conversation he says it's so normal that Louis isn't sure if you said it all or if he's here and things

"Your Gay?" Louis asked needing confirmation

" I think so took me awhile to come to that conclusion particular with every second night thinking about falling in love I would feel like I'm dying but it is what it is" Liam said already sounding puffed

probably from all the conversations about love his heart was racing with both nerves of telling Louie and he's feel a phobia they didn't feel nauseous which he took as a sign a good sign

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