Welcome Home

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

There was nothing I hated more than packing and my state of anxiousness just made it all the more worse. In just one day I would be heading off to Princeton University to start school and I was happy about that, yet I was far more concerned with my father and Ironhide. It had been over two weeks since I had seen them and I missed them more than anything in the world.

After the very tragic base battle two years ago, the Decepticons had dispersed across the globe and so for the past couple of years, the Autobots and my dad's NEST team had been doing their best job to seek them out; my father had even acquired the rank of Major after quite a few incidents and I was more than happy about his promotion.

The last time I spoke to my dad, he told me that they were headed to Shanghai to take care of a Decepticon issue of some sort. That was two days ago though, and since then, I'd been watching the news, only to be informed about a dangerous toxic spill in Shanghai. The government always had some interesting story to back up a Decepticon incursion, but this toxic spill had left the city in ruins. I didn't understand as to why or how someone could believe that; I knew for sure that I wouldn't.

My anxiety was growing worse by the minute though. They still weren't home even though they had promised me that they would be home in time to drop me off at school which was roughly on the other side of the country. I still had a day until I was scheduled to leave, but it wouldn't bother me to have some much needed time with my two favorite men.

I sighed in relief as I threw the last of my shirts into my suitcase. There was only one more suitcase left to pack and I would be ready to go. Had I not been such a procrastinator, I would have had all of my suitcases and belongings packed about three weeks ago.

A groan escaped my lips as I grabbed my final suitcase from my loaded closet. It landed with a thud as I dropped it to the floor. I pushed my hair out of my face and stared at the monstrosity that was my closet. Both of my dressers were empty and even so all of those clothes were spread amongst five suitcases and duffle bags alike. The clothes in my closet would take at least three so I was going to have to steal my mother's suitcases. I solely blamed Braelynn for my massive wardrobe expansion.

After opening up the suitcase, I got up and walked over to my closet. I yanked a bunch of clothes off of their hangers and placed them in my arms. Who knew that clothes could be so heavy?

I stepped backwards and wound up tripping over an article of clothing that was lying in the floor. The weight of the clothes in my hands didn't help me one bit; instead, they sent me flying backwards. I squealed as I hit the floor, all of my clothes piling on top of me. There was a faint knock on the door as I pushed the pieces of fabric off of my body.

"Come in," I called. The door clicked open and my mom walked in with an amused expression on her face. I just frowned and stood up.

"Is everything alright in here?" she asked as she scoped out my messy room.

I chuckled and knelt down in front of the suitcase. "Just a little incident. No big deal," I told her as I took a shirt and threw it into the case.

For me, folding my clothes never really worked. They always somehow managed to become disorganized, so I just left them alone.

"It is such a mess in here," my mom teased as she knelt down beside me.

I threw a few more shirts into the case and laughed. "Tomorrow that won't be my problem."

She sighed and began handing me my clothes. "I'm really going to miss you," she said sadly.

I turned to her and smiled. "I won't be away all the time though. I'll be back for the holidays," I assured her.

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