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kenzie walked into the room where harvey lay, he looked terrible and was hooked up to loads of machines.

harvey gave kenzie a weak smile as she sat down beside him. "hey" his voice was deep and croaky, as if he had just woken up.


kenzie look up at the doctors.

"now harvey you have to explain to us how this happened" the doctor asked.

he looked at kenzie, as if for reassurance, she nodded for him to continue.

"well... my mom... adopted mom... she would... she would um..." it seem as if harvey couldn't talk.

"okay, we just want to know what might have caused a concussion" the doctor spoke.

harvey looked at kenzie as if he wanted kenzie to tell them, kenzie nodded. she understood what he wanted. "his adopted mom use to abuse him"

"oh... i see" the doctor stated "that can explain the head injury" he said, they both nodded.

harvey sat there looking at his legs, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"it's okay" kenzie whispered to him as she took his hand.

harvey smiled.

the doctor said a few more things and left, kenzie and harvey hadn't been paying that much attention to what they were saying.

"i knew this was going to be about my mom" he said, kenzie nodded, remembering the car she had seen out the back.

"why's there a car at the back of your house" kenzie asked, harvey looked away for a second.

"it was my grandads" harvey explained "your grandad" kenzie questioned.

"my adopted moms dad"

"he was like my savour, we were inseparable" he told me. "he was like my escape" harvey laughed slightly, tearing up.

"just before he died he gave me his car" harvey told kenzie "we used to fix it up together in hopes that one day we could both drive it"

"one day i was going to pack and bag and leave, and never go back"

"when did he die" kenzie asked harvey.

"when i was 9, i only knew him for two years but it felt like an entire lifetime"

"i guess the car probably wouldn't work anymore anyway" harvey told kenzie.

"i bet it would"

"no it hasn't been on for like 6 years" harvey said "well we can get it to work" kenzie smiled.

REPUTATION! HARVEY MILLSWhere stories live. Discover now