Chapter 1 Atem

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Time moved by slowly for the pharaoh Atem as he sat in the throne listening to his court talking over things that they had heard.

There was a flash that gained their attention and they all looked up to see a couple people arrive.

They were shocked to see Bakura, Akmonkomon, and Christine looking around confused and shocked.

Atem stood up quickly and hurried to his wife's side seeing that she was once again covered in blood.

"What happened?" He demanded as she collapsed into his arms with a groan. 

"maybe if you paid more attention to her you would know what happened" Bakura snarled in anger. However their spat was interrupted with the outraged and shocked cries of the court when they saw the late pharaoh Akmonkomon. 

"father!?" Atem asked in surprise once he had turned to see what the fuss was all about. 

"impossible!" Christine's eyes were wide. 

It was then their attention was turned to a man who had appeared before them. They all quickly bowed as they recognized the man. 

"Horus!" Christine gasped having dropped to her knees first and bowed low to the god. Horus was the only god that she would bow down to. 

"What do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Akmonkomon inquired. "are you the one who brought me here?" he questioned. 

"I am" Horus replied. "And with good reason" he added as he turned and looked at Christine. HIs eyes flashed in anger. "Grandfather should not have been so harsh on you. I am sorry." He says regretfully. 

Aknadin sneered, however, he did not say anything in fear of angering Horus. 

Christine seemed to brighten up at his words. She started to say something but stopped her self quickly.

Seeing her hesitance, Horus began speaking again. "actually. This brings me to why I am here. I have brought you all together to read something." he says. 

"read something?" Shimon questioned as he looked up at Horus with a puzzled look. 

"The future to be exact" Horus replied. 

Christine tilts her head and she and Atem shared a glance. 

"but first" Horus says as he points to Christine, "you need to be healed." he says. 

about a half hour later, Christine washed up and her wounds tended to, she came back into the throne room. Her torso was bandaged. Atem's fists clinched. He had known better than to question Christine in front of the others, however, as soon as they were alone... 

it was then...Horus handed over a book to Atem who then opened it up to the first page and began to read. 

There was a bunch of people standing anxiously on the Kiba corp blimp waiting anxiously to find out who was dueling who in the next duel of the tournament.

"what in the world?" Atem questioned as he looked at the picture that was in the book. He turned and showed them the pictures as he came across them. 

"This is several years into the future" Horus spoke up as he sat down on the floor beside Christine who automatically leans into him. 

Aknadin scowled having noticed this, however once again he staid quiet as Horus did not seem to mind. 

They looked over expecting to see Seto Kiba, the owner of Kiba corp, to walk in, however instead of Kiba walking in it was a young girl with long blond hair and piercing ice blue eyes. wearing an all black outfit.

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