chapter 5 Shimon

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"who is reading?" Isis questioned. 

"i will" Shimon spoke up as he picked up the book. 

~the pharaoh and several other people were in the throne room. it looked to be a celebration of some sort when the doors flew open and a dark man with white-ish silver hair came in wearing a red robe.

"And in comes me" Bakura says smirking. 

"Oh I missed this. Damn you still look great Bakura," Mel murmured snuggling against him.

Bella looked up at them and then to the book in Shimon's hand. "What are we doing?" She asked hoarsely as she sat down beside Karim.

"We are reading the future...and the future...well.. they are currently watching the past" Horus replied.

Bella nods as though she understood what he was saying.

"a party. and I wasn't invited how rude" the man said as the hood of his cap fell down revealing Bakura.

"Yes, that was very rude." Bakura says agreeing with himself. 

"we got it kura" Christine deadpanned. 

"Maleficent moment" Bella mumbled.

"Who?" Christine asked looking at her confused.

Bella looked up at her and looked shocked. "Ch-Christine!"

They were surprised to see the fear flash in her eyes.

"Its...a...a movie" Bella stammered out.

Christine's confusion grows, but does not question the girl any farther seeing as she was clearly frightened.

"who are you?! how did you get past the guards." priest Seto spoke up stepping forward while holding the millineum rod tightly in his hand.

"Isnt it obvious?" Christine says with a scowl.

"Not at the time no" seto replied. "We had no idea what Mana had done" he explained.

Christine grumbled angrily.

Bella tilts her head slightly confused.

"the welcoming committee wasn't much of a welcoming committee they all just stood there like statues," Bakura said laughing as he recalled how he walked right passed the guards.

Bellas eyes widened in realization. "Oh!" She gasped. "Its that day!"

Christine and Mahad look over at her attempting to hide their alarm. Did she know?

"oh no," the pharaoh muttered as he remembered the days earlier events when he had to stop Christine from murdering Mana.~

"And you wanted to just forget about it! noooo lets not worry about the dangers of an attack, she's still learning!" Christine spoke scathingly as though she was mimicking Atems words from before. 

"yes Christine. I was wrong" Atem says with a heavy sigh. 

Christine and Bakura blink and stared at him shocked. 


Atem sent the siblings a glare each. 

The Pharoah's eyes widened and inwardly groaned. "That girl from the last memory froze the guards!" He exclaimed.

*that just proved Christine's point though. When she yelled at her* yugi says shaking his head.

"And I just let it go" the pharaoh scowled.

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